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I am here
good morning all... :)
@HarikrishnanT hello
to all of you
Is thr any other way like, as soon as the view loads, the tableview should load the bottom most part of the cells?
Defaultly the tableview would show the first content of its cells right? I don't want that and it should show its bottom most part of its cells.
can you sow me any screenshot?
hi @DivineDesert @NitinGohel @IronManGill @BornSurvivor @MoorthyTheBoss gud mrng :)
Is there any way I can populate two different tables in the same viewcontroller but in seperate views?
yes you can
@Leena ji gm
@Leena hie
how are u ?
@DivineDesert oho
how can we feed separate data into two tables in same view controller, but are in different views??
tame GM GM medam
@NitinGohel hi
@Leena @DivineDesert GM Mam
@BornSurvivor Oh Sir GM vGM
@Leena vGM :))
@DivineDesert i m gud
@DivineDesert hi maam
@HarikrishnanT make two different outlets for tableview
and use tag?
and when reloading the table just check which tableview delegates are called
@DivineDesert Moja ma?
1 min ago, by Leena
@HarikrishnanT make two different outlets for tableview
Hi @All, GM
got it
@Leena Good, busy
@BornSurvivor hmm
@IronManGill hi
@DivineDesert huumm busy u too
? etle ?
kai nahi
mahan sir avya
hello Everyone Good Morning
aapdi mulakate
mr @Herçules
@NitinGohel Sir jQuery ke chhutti mile tab to mile apse
chote mote question ka answer to bade bade shehro me chalta rehta hai
today I have to make push notification plugin for phonegap
very good
kal grid layout pe saara din chala gaya
@NitinGohel @DivineDesert @Herçules @Leena @IronManGill @BornSurvivor GM friends
@Anjan hi vGM
Ok bye back to work and Good Morning @Anjan @DivineDesert
@Herçules vGM
@Anjan @Herçules gud mrng
@DivineDesert Hello
@DivineDesert you there?
@NikhilBansal hey hi
ban gata chat ?
@Anjan hello
Morning folks!
@DivineDesert facing some problems for multiple groups chat
@DivineDesert single group working excellent
what is issue with multiple group chat ?
Good MOrning
@R.j. Aooo ji
@DivineDesert Thanks
@DivineDesert Suppose I created one group and started the chat and its working fine, and i created another group, then i am not able to do chat with previous group
@DivineDesert because I am suing xmpp room object in appDelegate
@DivineDesert i am making only one object
@DivineDesert If I create xmpproom object for every group, then whenever I create object again, then my same messages are sending multiple times
@DivineDesert depend upon how many time I created the object
@NikhilBansal she is not deaf
or blind so please dnt ping again n again
one ping is enough
let me check @NikhilBansal
@Leena :)
@DivineDesert ok, thanks
I am checking
it worked for me
@DivineDesert means
Before when I tested it worked for me
@DivineDesert are you creating multiple groups?
I did created
@DivineDesert are you able to chat with multiple groups?
hey @DivineDesert @NitinGohel have a look on this video kickstarter.com/projects/artiphany/…
@NikhilBansal yes I am able to get
@DivineDesert can you please let me know how you are creating multiple groups and xmppRoom objects?
gm every body
which delegate u use ?
@DivineDesert I really need this
to receive msg s?
I am not using any delegate to receive xmpproom message, i am using NSFetchResultController to fetch the data from database
@DivineDesert when i send the invite to other user, then I created the object of xmppRoom and join that user
@DivineDesert didReceiveInvitation is calling when user get the invitation
@DivineDesert from that, i am getting RoomID and create new XmppRoom object with that roomID
@DivineDesert If you can show me the code for multiple groups, then It will really help me
sqlite3_column_int(statement, 0); this use of get int value but how to get string value from sqlite3?@NitinGohel
Google ?
@NikhilBansal do one thing
Hello All GM
how to change dpi of image in ios?
@DivineDesert Yes, tell me
@NikhilBansal I also did the same thing
I am using appdel
yet I am recieving
all msgs
Q: Loading images from parse to image views

MacheteI want to load images from parse as you can see in the screenshot. i am using this code to load the header image into my imageview. PFQuery *query = [PFQuery queryWithClassName:@"AppOfTheDay"]; [query getObjectInBackgroundWithId:@"WDJpxs4PzH" block:^(PFObject *retreive, NSError *err...

@NikhilBansal actually I am creating lib for theat
Could someone please help me with this?
@Machete hmm
@DivineDesert means
@NikhilBansal means see my flow is like this
@IronManGill Yesh
I create a shared instance for XMPPObject
XMPPStream @NikhilBansal
@DivineDesert yes
for this
- (void)xmppStream:(XMPPStream *)sender didReceiveMessage:(XMPPMessage *)message
- (void)xmppRoom:(XMPPRoom *)sender didReceiveMessage:(XMPPMessage *)message fromOccupant:(XMPPJID *)occupantJID
second one is for room
@DivineDesert yes
@DivineDesert please let me know only how you are creating multile Xmpp Rooms and their objects?
@NikhilBansal I am creating and I dont face any such issues
@Stack Chetan ?
@iCodeAtApple I dont code at APPLE
welcome u have write access
@NitinGohel, @DivineDesert, @Herçules, @Leena, : Good Noon Friends :)
Good noon sir
@DivineDesert @IronManGill @NikhilBansal @NitinGohel
A: Loading images from parse to image views

user1829414implement lazy loading images. for example-NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:urlString]; NSURLRequest *urlRequest = [NSURLRequest requestWithURL:url]; if ( queue == nil ) { queue = [[NSOperationQueue alloc] init]; } [NSURLConnection sendAsynchronousRequest:urlRequest queue:queue completionH...

Hey everyone
i have a simple yet pathetic question
@NitinGohel @NikhilBansal Hi!!
up to lend a helping hand
how can i add a button to the current cell of tableview?
current cell? means wanna add on each cell na?
@DivineDesert @NitinGohel hello
@iShwar yes..
not on each cell..
i have a string with date in the form of 07/13/2013 which is coming by XML Parsing. What i want is we separate the date in the form of 13 JUNE 2013 and have them separately i.e. i have 3 labels i can place 13on first label, JUNE on 2nd and 2013 on 3rd Label respectively
any help is appreciated
@json have you added any labels on tableviewcell
Thank You
@iShwar i have a tableview and a button..
when i press the button that should be added to the current cell.
i am putting them in cell.contentview
when you tab the button then that should be added on each cell of table view?
hi nitin..
please see my my issue.
@iShwar not to the each cell..added to the particular cell only..
you can add button as same as we are adding other control in to table Cell
[cell.contatinView addSubview:btn];
thats the way @json
but it adding to all cell..
i want to add to some of the cells only.
create btn programeticuly in to cellForrowAtindex methid
and put the condition before adding the buttons in the same methode
you can check if(inexPath.row==youwnataddCellIndex){add code herer}
@json Put the condition before adding the button to cell.
as @NitinGohel saying
if(inexPath.row==youwnataddCellIndex){add code herer}
but i don't know youwnataddCellIndex ..
how to get value of this..
then how to knw which some of cell that you want to add button sir?
user may want to add the button on 4th cell may be on 6th..
so the button has to be added to the current cell..
if(inexPath.row==3 || inexPath.row==5){add code herer}
@NitinGohel i got you..
but tell me how to add to the current cell.
current cell may be 3,4,5..
that may be number of cell inex is a youwnataddCellIndex
my question is how to get that?
i don't know in which cell user want to add button..
i put a condition..
if(inexPath.row==youwnataddCellIndex){add code herer}
but how to get youwnataddCellIndex?
youwnataddCellIndex is current cell in my case..
its a logical that you
want for example if your json data arrieve with key like myStatus right
then in cellforRowindexpath you have to check like that
if([arrar objectiAtinex:indexpaht.row]Valueforkey@"myStatus"] isequestoTostring:@"yes"]){code for adding button}
@NitinGohel thanks a lot..
@json how will the user decide to which cell the button to add, have you made any provision for that.
@"yes" this is a identifire of user want
@json not you got it?
i think so. :(
@NitinGohel yeah i got it..
wow congo
ha ha..
@iShwar yes there is a provision..
minto fresh Dimag ki batti jalade
ha ha..
@json how will user select the cells to which add buttons to.
by didselect
user can close and open the cell..
juzz asking for idea, you could tell me latter too, Now finish your task first :D
once the cell is close..user can't add button..
and if it is open ..he can..so always the current cell ail be open..
@NitinGohel yes..expandable.
@json ok., nice :)
What all audio and video formats will be supported in an Xcode project?
@NitinGohel @iShwar thanks a lot..
do the google bro you will get relevant and enough idea @iOSDoc,
error :- (Assertion failure in) during copy sqlite from resource pastie.org/8189191
@json wel come Sir. :)
thsi is pro while you copy database
open database
first time to copy to karna to padega ne?@NitinGohel
agar copy ho gaya to open vala code execute hoga ne @NitinGohel bhai?
i can like this way
[self copyDatabaseIfNeeded];
didFinishLaunchingWithOptions in this method
(Error in creating database )esa msg ata hai @NitinGohel
to kya database resource me copy nahi huva?@NitinGohel
ak bar database referance remove kardo
again add karo
databse file in to resource folder
clean porject
remove direve Data
clean simulator remove app from remulator
and then till not working then copy the error past in Google search bar
you got solution
what did you wrong
ok @NitinGohel
@NitinGohel its adding button but only for one cell..not for the others..
may be because of this..
    UIButton *checkBox4 = [[UIButton alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(220,25, 20, 20)];
sir @json i was told you this is logical prob
pastie your cellfor row index
totaly unLogical
if (Value == YES) {
in this method you puting Value = NO;
then how to adding other ?
how this if condition becam true?
in button click method i am doing value = YES;
and [Tableview ReloadData];
is it right?
then how to write it ?
do one demo
create array with @"a",@"b",@"b"@"a",@"a",@"b",@"a",nil
then number or row count it
in cell for row indexpath
if i have 10 cell and only 2 cell have button in that case ?
check condition for it ...
@Anjan kyar no aj sumjavu chu
@NitinGohel thanks..
and at the use want to add then add onemore item in to array addObject:@"a"
@json if ur cell content match at that add code for button adding and in else dont add it just show infor
ab na hove to muje goli mar dena
but ab esshe age mere pass solution nahi he
ha ha..
deva deva deva
apne aap ko goli mar loonga..
utha le re baba baba
viks ki goli
yar hajmila ki
royal infil
ha ha..
Hey frnds..
I have make one app.And the size of app is 22 MB.And its working fine in iphone 5..But some time in Iphone 3 and 4,it crash due to memory.Is there any way to solve it?And also i thing that app is in ARC.
@Hrushikesh sorry no idea boss
@NitinGohel hi
@NitinGohel it was setting header using xib... but failed
please tell
error is ; this class is not key value coding-compliant for the key view
Hello All, how we will fetch distinct data from core data base using NSFetchResultController?
Q: this class is not key value coding-compliant for the key view

hugobossi´m very new to xcode... a made an app (simple calculator) work´s pretty good (on simulator and device). When i set the main interface in the summary options from Target, i get the following error when starting the simulator: 2012-04-14 12:17:27.123 CalcTest[27550:f803] * Terminating app due...

@NikhilBansal What's is distinct data?
Hai friends,How to avoid delay in webservice(ASIHttp)response in iPhone?
My problem is web service response is very delay(depends upon internet speed)
@SumitSharma,any idea??
@user1980105 i'll suggest you to use AFNetorking
because it is updated for iOS 6.0
ASIFormDataRequest *request = [ASIFormDataRequest requestWithURL:url];

[request setPostValue:@"1" forKey:@"id"];

[request setTag:100];

[request setDelegate:self];

[request startAsynchronous];
and ASIHttpRequest usse NSQueueOperation, so 1-2 sec delay will be there
@json @iT means I want to fetch the data from database with NSFetchResultController, data will be distinct, means will not be same, there is one column in database "MessageID" which may be contains duplicate same data
@SumitSharma, how to call service in background thread??
like in sql, there is group by clause, I want to fetch distinct data from core database
No bro....
but it will be making demo of that very soon
@NikhilBansal do you know how to set tableViewHeader using Xib
i'm following this link
Q: Implementing a custom table section header via Storyboard and new Xib

orbvHere is what I have done: I created a custom xib file that has a small UIView used for a custom table section header. I classed the custom xib file. I want to add this to a tableView as the header. I have looked at a few resources, but they seem to be either outdated or missing information. Lo...

but not succeed
@user1980105 if you want a single thread to work in background it iis easy
more than one thread is difficult to manage
@SumitSharma,how to use??
i will give you link
@user1980105 xprogress.com/…
Are yaar koi hai saare lunch karne chale gaye kya
@SumitSharma,thank you..
@user1980105 wlcm
didSelectRowAtIndexPath is not working, any idea why??
If we have set a breakpoint in the didSelectRowAtIndexPath, the breakpoint must be hit when we run the program and click on a table row ryt?
it is not being hit
@SumitSharma, @NitinGohel, @Leena, @NikhilBansal
@HarikrishnanT delegate is not set
@HarikrishnanT,adopt UITableViewDelegate m
set the tableview delegate
Delegate is set correctly
I have populated the table correctly
than wat is happening
wen u reload tablview
i vl come at CellForRowAtIndex
CellForRowAtIndexPath is populating the table correctly
but when I click on a row, it is not calling didselectrow
any idea why this is happening?
cell.selectionType= uiselectionType
you hv added this
in cellforrowatindexpath
cell.selectionStyle = UITableViewCellSelectionStyleNone;
yes i have done this
change this
i will work
but this is just selection type ryt?
it will work
cell.selectionStyle = UITableViewCellSelectionStyleBlue
I don't want the table row to be highlighted to blue when clicked
jst change and run
it will go i think so
@HarikrishnanT change selected Background of Cell

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