I am working on small application and i am new to osx programming, i have searched all over but I didnt find how to show custom about window.
In my application i have 3 controllers one for log in and then i switch to other but thired one is About but I dont know how to change when someone click...
I have a problem in sidebar implementation i am using github.com/John-Lluch/SWRevealViewController (I have two buttons in my sidebarview and i need to go to viewcontroller through those buttons) can any one please tell me how to do that ?? I have tried rightcliking on sibarview button in storyboard and connected action but not works ?
Default UICollectionViewCell has only a blank view (no title, no delete button, no imageView)
subclass UICollectionViewCell and add delete button on it.
setHidden = NO when you want to display it (Ex. swipe down)
Use custom delegate to remove data and reload collectionView
Sample use swipe ri...
I've read that imageNamed: is bad when trying to initialize images. But then what is the best way? I am using imageWithContentsOfFile: and passing the path of an image in my resources folder
[UIImage imageWithContentsOfFile:[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:imageName ofType:@"jpg"]
This c...