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@Abizern are you there?
@Abizern iPhone 5 screen size by adding the 640x1136 is it oky ?
@Ranjit Okay. For a simple implementation without threaded Core Data, just send the new managed object context in the user info of the notification, and let the view controllers handle this as they need to.
@SR-71BlackBird eh?
@Abizern, trying
@NitinGohel there?
@Abizern, I did this pastebin.com/0hKMZS6F.
@Abizern hello
in FHSTwitter status_with_image is not showing status.
@Abizern, but when I add new data , its added but not shown on my table. and I want to know why did you asked me to do this?
I am using like this. pastebin.com/Dih3Tk2Z
hello guys can you help me?
@Abizern, are you there?
@Ranjit can you help me?
whats your question?
fhstwitter is working fine
but when i m adding status with image
image is coming but status is not coming
this is my code
you want your tweet with image right?
image is coming but status is not coming
@Nirav, check this pastebin.com/knUf2Sti, I use this code and it works for me
@Abizern, waiting for your reply
please respond.
@Abizern, I solved the issue, now in my function which receives notification, I am setting controller = nil and not doing perform fetch.
@Ranjit Or your could set the frc to the new managed object context and run the fetch again.
@Abizern can you please help me?
i am using shftwitter for posting to twitter
@Nirav Dunno.
image is posting in feed but status in not coming
@Abizern, ok, one morething, I am getting" NSFetchError for managedObject" when I add a folder, then go inside a folder and add few files then come back to folder and enter again into that folder and add file . Can you please tell me why this error happens?
@Abizern, whenever I add a file inside a folder, then also my FRC delegate functions get called. is that the excepted behaviour.
@Abizern, I think your are busy, ping me with your reply whenever you are free
I am leaving now, bye take care

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