@Smith, if u not got answer from anyone then try to understand ur code .... and read docs related to it ... definitelty u will get way of solving ur issue
@Smith, it is not possible if u read and understand ur algorithm and code ...then u can able to trace ur problem.... alongwith diff ideas to tackle on...
@CrazyCreator if it'll crash on your side, try to implement this code in your own project..////// bevause when i gave this code to jayendra it was also crashing at his side ...... but he implemented this code in his project and it worked
@sreecharan, sir i m talking about this statement "Nina is the name of the one of ships used my Columbus while he is finding America".....now i wonder if u don't know anything then y u wrote this line ???
@vnshetty Lately I've been spotting a lot of HTML tricks , with people creating all sorts of simple graphics (like hearts and brick houses) out of insanely complicated HTML and CSS. While my first reaction to these graphics is "Wow, neat!", my next reaction is "Ewwww."
@Rajesh, Hi, I have a view to which I have added two subViews at position, such that one is above the view and one is below the view, and I have made both the views transparent to show the view behind it, but the problem is when I click on the transparent view , its accessing the view behind it.?
@CrazyCreator actually you were right !!!! my app can not read the pixels and when i taps the screen it runs the loop but i think image is not updating kindly tell me how to update image
I want to implement vpn client applcation for iphone and ipad.
my requirement is to develope an application to enter vpn details and to show the network traffic and the connection.
can anyone please help me in this, how to implement vpn client on iOS.
I have to develop an iPhone application that connects to a server via VPN. And I believe there is no way to make VPN connection / check for VPN connection activity programatically. I know this is a pretty old question. And what I need to know is,
Is there any way to connect to a VPN sever via ...
in InfoPlist.strings (English) "signUp" = "Sign up!"; in InfoPlist.strings (Spanish) "signUp" = "¡Regístrate!"; in my viewController NSLog(@"%@",NSLocalizedString(@"signUp", nil));
I also tried erasing the app, cleaning project and rebuilding it without success
Thank you Rajesh :) From yesterday I am searching for it. I came to know about cisco any connect and juniper api. Couldn’t find a way to download it though!!
@CrazyCreator i have taken another IMAGEVIEW and on touchesEnded i have updated the image and it is giving me this error : <Error>: CGImageCreate: invalid image provider: NULL.
@Nina: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4435842/if-possible-start-vpn-connection-in-iphone-app http://hintsforums.macworld.com/showthread.php?t=74758 http://www.cisco.com/en/US/docs/security/vpn_client/cisco_vpn_client/iPhone/2.0/connectivity/guide/iphone.html http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=357566 http://www.ucl.ac.uk/aisc/services/remote-working/anyconnect-app Check this.... at least we ll try.... Lunch time Gotta go... catch u later..
My requirement is that I have one image as template and I want to match it with my query image and find the matchshapes area so that I can draw a rectangle on my query image to show the match.I cannot use matchTemplate because of scaling problem.
@sreecharan My requirement is that I have one image as template and I want to match it with my query image and find the matchshapes area so that I can draw a rectangle on my query image to show the match.I cannot use matchTemplate because of scaling problem.
@SergioCalvoGonzález The problem you have is that you've put your localizations in the wrong strings file. The InfoPlist.strings file is for localising your keys it the Info.plist file. The default strings table that your app uses is called Localizable.strings and that is what is used when you pass in nil for the table name, as you have. Put your strings in this file and your problem will go away.
In my iPhone app, I have put a UIBarBUtton of type UIBarButtonSystemItemTrash in my UIToolBar. When pressed, I'd like to replicate the animation of Mail.app: the bin opens, the UIView folds and flies into it.
Is there a way to access this animation ithrough the iPhone SDK?
Presently I am using...
I got some offtopic question: Using notebook for development. Want to buy some tablet, like iPad but I will not be able to develop applications on it. The only way is, to wait for Microsoft Surface, right?
I'm developer. And got tired of laptop. want to use something that not heavy, portable. There is no choice other then buying Windows tablets, i think. Is there any IDE like netbeans for iOS tablets? I mainly develop in C, C++,C# and PHP
@TuralTeyyuboglu Also - I'm not sure whether the Windows RT tablets will allow development. It's likely the larger Surfaces, that will come out a few months later, will be suitable.