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1:16 PM
tim u gonna be in NL may 22-25 area?
I hope so
1:38 PM
cool cool cool
maybe we can make a meetup work
to make it easier for u i could try to get to your area
i know ive asked this like 5 times, but whereabouts are you again?
i can ask on disc or smth if u dont wanna say here
I'm in 's-Hertogenbosch area
I don't mind saying here, at least I can be sure that only you and grrig will read it
bahahah true
nice thats not too far from amsterdam and passes through utrecht.. could def make it there
lemme give u a confirmation on which date exactly and if ill get there for ssure in a few days once i firm up my NL plan
it still looks like this, right?
if you squint your eyes you won't see the difference
I have to warn you in the middle of the week especially there are good odds I won't be able to be there
ok makes sense
I'm thinking most likely is that im there thursday
maybe i could do friday if it makes it more of a sure-thing
but it cuts it a bit tight for me getting back to amsterdam and flyingout the next morn
1:56 PM
if you could come to Rotterdam on thursday xD that's my office day
we can grab a kapsalon
@Tim false
i read it too
now i will come to your city and haunt you
2:09 PM
you can join, I bet you love a good kapsalon
2:48 PM
ouuu okay lemme take a look
I could make rotterdam work
3 hours later…
5:21 PM
I stalk tim on strava i know his place
i could reinstall and see :eyes:
2 hours later…
6:58 PM
@grrigore lmao doxxed by my best friend
7:27 PM
@ballBreaker remember that 10 hour "lunch walk" we planned?
3 hours later…
9:59 PM
@Tim dox me back so we re cool
Btw do You like the new album?

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