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@TooCool he can be a dad without having a wife
@MwBakker I must assume AI generated this: "Have you ever really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?"...most likely from Room 15 transcripts.
2 hours later…
@asim yep. Anyway...
3 hours later…
@Code-Apprentice no it's a genuine question. It had been given fitting answers too
1 hour later…
@MwBakker tell us some
yours, for instance Tim
you seemed to have been as far as decided and gave me an insight on how the experience felt to you. You even countered it with a question which I had no appropiate answer to
another example is "to have been as far even as decided one should overpass it's visual aspect on matter. For this to achieve you need to be in a realm we are too unaware of to define in words"
how this has anything to do with Android however, is also an unanswered question so far
just had my 8 hour busride away from my GF now sipping my coffee lonely in a 4 hour(!) transfer in Dresden
then follows another 11hr travel by bus and train to my hometown
7 hours later…
I should be happy but I am not
@MwBakker that is an insanely long journey
Nearly as long as my journey from Bali to Belfast
yes and I just saw that the bus - train connection to my home has 5 min timeframe. After that the next train wont take me home but 20km away from it
1 hour later…

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