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1 hour later…
sup @FélixAdriyelGagnon-Grenier
yooooooo \o
sup sup?
nm dude! been going through a bit of a breakup but im doing fine :) how are you? whats up with you?
oh no :( not much either. some concerts upcoming soon, snow covering the ground, and also my first winter of driving so I'm kinda excited to play in the streets and do handbrake passes
ouuu which concerts?!
also have snow covering the ground here too finally! although not much on the roads yet - and amazing dude
find some calm streets and definitely practice that without any cars on the road
I recommend that for everyone because it really helps you when you don't mean to do it haha
I've accidentally lost control of my car in the snow a few times, and because I've intentionally done it so many times I easily regained control
oh hah, scary stuff :)
will practice indeed. for the concerts it's like, movie music for two of them (Titanic, Pirates of the Caribean, Lion King, cheesy stuff :P) and then more classical stuff, with Beethoven's 5th symfony and Mendelsohn's les Hébrides
oh thats so coool man!!
that should be a lot of fun :D
I've never been to a classical concert before - I'd love to do it though
I'm really upset that I missed the Zelda orchestra when it was here
Oh that sounds awesome! Game music is generally pretty exciting live :)
yeah! I agree :D
posted on November 17, 2022 by Android Developers

Posted by Leticia Lago, Developer Marketing From exploring the great outdoors to getting your first computer - a seemingly random moment in your life might one day be the very thing which inspires you to go out there and follow your dreams. That’s what happened to four game studio founders featured in our latest release of #WeArePlay stories. Find out what inspired them to create

2 hours later…
did anyone else get invited to the Python chat for some reason? lol
Luckily not me
yeah lucky you
hows life tim?
2 hours later…
I'm tired all day every day

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