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12:58 AM
@WarrenFaith oh hey! congrats on the new job
just saw you're at the same company one of my former coworker went to
he's an incredibly smart & kind dude
4 hours later…
5:01 AM
5:45 AM
Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood Morning Everyone!!!! :D
Is Genymotion Emulator ok? Or should I use some other one?
6:35 AM
hello there
6:55 AM
@Pochmurnik why not use the normal emulator?
I had some problem with CPU, now AS emulator started to work.
ah, make sure to use the x64 versions, they are the fastest (at least for me)
I will stick to AS one, but is GenyMotion a thing?
it was for me back in 2011 or so when the normal emulators where slow as hell
2 hours later…
9:30 AM
Synced starred message data. Took 104807 ms.
10:28 AM
This was the most starred message last year on this day:
Hmm. Actually, nothing interesting was said on this day last year.
4 hours later…
1:59 PM
Goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood Afternoon Everyone!!!! :D
2:13 PM
hello there
General Kenobi
2:44 PM
hello hellooo
Hiya bB!!!! :D
heya womps :D how was your weekend?
it's too early idk why i'm awake
i managed to play some pathfinder
and cuddle my ball of fluff
2:49 PM
ohhh niceeee hehe I'm actually stuck in pathfinder and either have to go evil or lower the difficulty
not sure what to do yet xD
I'm at a boss fight where they just one-hit all of my characters
@Smarticles101 your body is craving adhd stimulants bro
oh noo
feed your body the meth
@ballBreaker lmao honestly probably will as soon as i get around to eating something
coding assignments/tests for interviews are annoying
why do they have to be like 2 hour ordeals
I've had 4 jobs send me them that's fucking 8 hours
good thing I have little work to do lol guess I might as well get paid to do them :\
stop applying for jobs then problem solved lol
2:53 PM
yeah basically lmao
I regret saying yes to every recruiter that has asked me for an interview rn
today is a bit of a sad day as well
instead of working, just vibe and when you need money just print it
2:54 PM
I have mostly gotten through all my crap from the past week but it comes in waves a little
ah well
whenever i'm sad i just go to the gym
it cures the sadness
lol lucky you
I just take my sadness with me to the gym
well i guess it cures it sometimes
i have to hype myself up
2:57 PM
whenever i'm sad, i shove it deep down and someday it just comes out and i go whoooo and spend the day crying
gym when sad actually sucks cause i'm not motivated to move the weights
I'll def be fine, just had some dreams that brought out the sads today about my situation I guess
I'll just have to spend the next like hour re-framing my thoughts
two days ago i dreamed that my dog was connected to one of those heart machines and after a while it flatlined TT^TT
3:00 PM
omg lmao
i had to get up and go hug him for a bit
my dreams are weird
yeah I've had ones like that before, so rattling
@Smarticles101 hahah yeah same here
I've found that running when sad isn't too bad
pretty good for clearing the mind
actually yeah i run every now and then if i'm anxious or just overthinking
it does wonders
Good morning
hello there
3:12 PM
@Smarticles101 yeah definitely, especially great when you're anxious
there was a week or two ago i couldn't sleep one night. went for a mile and a half run at like 2 am and was immediately able to sleep after lol
hahahah nice
can't say ive ever been that hardcore, I just tried getting back into running in the past 2 weeks
yeah i've never been much of a runner. last summer when i was home i started running with my dad and i was finally able to run a 5k without stopping. but i cant do that anymore lol. mainly i like lifting weights
cardio sucks sometimes
yeah I usually get bored from running and I don't overly love working out where strangers who aren't working out can see me lmao
and I feel like treadmill running is dumb af
treadmill running is super boring. i always have to pull up something to watch on my phone when i use a treadmill
3:19 PM
@Smarticles101 5km ? or 5 miles?
so like 3.1 miles
do americans run in metric
or did you convert for my ease
we use metric for some runs idk lol
the milestone runs are like 5km, 10km, half marathon, marathon
hahah whichever number is higher and makes you feel good?
i guess lol
3:21 PM
fair enough
it's like when I measure my height in milimeters
honestly idk why we don't just use metric in america
yeah I feel like its just going to be harder to convert as time goes on too
it's what i grew up using for physics and high school science courses anyways
I know when we switched in canada it was a multi-year thing
and took like a decade for people to commit to it lol
and that was in the 70s or 80s
and since the US is imperial we've gotten stuck between two measurement systems
and all of our packaged products have the quantities in both, etc
so basically
i'll hack the nsa
and make the us go metric
3:25 PM
oh no our missiles were programming in imperial and had a bad conversion and instead of them hitting palestine we hit israel instead, oh noooo
i'll use find and replace to replace all instances of inches with centimeters
hahah so much chaos would ensue
has anyone here done any of those online coding tests for jobs? do they somehow track your off-tab/browser movements? like how much can I look stuff up while I do this
Hell o
does it record your camera and or screen?
@ballBreaker use a second browser
@Smarticles101 No
3:29 PM
probably not, not sure, it seems to be an IDE on a website from what I can tell but I hvaen't used it before
this one is called "Woven"
okay apparently I can "research" but need to cite my sources and can't just blank rip off solutions, lol
I've had nothing but horrible experiences with such online coding tests
They're boring, unaligned with reality and generally a symbol of organizational lazyness
lol yeha that's how I feel
the opening line of this made my eyes roll out of my head
> <company> has partnered with Woven to provide an interview process that's focused on your real-world programming and professional skills instead of your ability to sell yourself on a resume.
what if I'm better at selling myself than coding tho
tbh tho I haven't even done one of these before, so should be good practice
beats writing out data structures on a white board while 3 nerds stare at you in awkward silence
@ballBreaker I guess their goal would be justified in your particular case 😆
Good interviews should be interactive and clues given progressively in order tho evaluate reasoning capabilities
this one doesn't seem too bad
1 question is a coding one, 1 question is a database one, and 1 question is an architecture one
but yeah it's a bit weird doing interviews rn since they're all 100% remote
one dude was asking me to reverse a string over the phone and I'm like uhhhh okay
3:58 PM
nobody chatting for 6 hours, look away for 10 mins -> 120 messages
4:12 PM
come back -> everyone left
4:32 PM
@Tim gotta be here when the cool western world kids arrive
4:43 PM
we are west of you, so you mean us?
I mean.. I guess we're all west of eachother if you go far enough
whoever came up with 'east' just didn't think it through
5:27 PM
that's true
I'll finally buy my own land!
It's a 4x4 square, yuhu!
Just for a kidney's worth
ooo lolol
sounds nice
6:04 PM
the trick is to not pay with your own kidney
pay with bb's kidney
he doesn't need both anyways
Time to go~~
Cya tomorrow everyone!!! :D
Cya weird timezone guy!
my kidney will get you 1/3rd of the price as a kidney that wasn't abused through massive alcohol consumption
6:08 PM
time is meaningless to me
"cya" xDDDD
6:09 PM
except on tuesdays and thursdays
wow look at you, transcending time
😒 bye irregular timezone unspecified gender comrade
anyone have any energetic/fun/happy song recommendations for me?
alternatively, angry works too
I know you hate LP but this is one of their best works
this is pretty jokes
I loved early LP but not later LP, but this is great
@RaymondArteaga lmao wtf is this
A great song
I'm surprised a man of culture as you didn't know that piece of art
6:19 PM
very profound song
In deed
this chorus would be fun to sing
@ballBreaker not a surprise, most eastern people are not really into LP
6:23 PM
It's hammah time!
you'll make me an app for 11 cents?
uhhhh hello @stacUer91356 I'm talking to you
wow rude
I say burn him n'throw him to the river
7:01 PM
@stacUer91356 can you make me an app
me first
@twiz hahahah that makes sense, without any context I definitely get that
@JBis Their time will come
Hi all
7:17 PM
hey dude
Sup broBreaker
@WarrenFaith They considering remote ?
bahahah not much man, just working outside trying to soak up some of the last rays of summer and trying to reframe shit in my mind so I'm not sad
I just had a doctors apt to see how changing my meds can do the same thing!
Just about to head into an hour and a half of meetings, then get to go play the new Tales game
oh nice man! Hopefully the med change works out positively for you :)
hahaha nice sounds like a decent end to the day and a fun evening
I'm also trying to kill the next 10 mins before an EOD meeting
I mean right now it's take some of them down and see what that does while waiting for the Pscyhiatrist appointment :D
Go find me a contractor to drywall my appartment?
7:21 PM
moved out of your house?
@Graeme Oh lmao that sounds like a bad move probably
especially if you're on any kind of SNRI right now the withdrawal might be baaaad
But hopefully it goes well
@ballBreaker Why ?
oh sorry when you said 'take some of them down' I interpretted that as you just taking new meds willy nilly lmao
I'm now realizing you probably mean to reduce the dosage of your current ones?
7:39 PM
@Smarticles101 yes, call me on my e-mail please
gotcha :)
7:56 PM
Adam, I talk to you more on Facebook than here, it's weird
You need to have less of a life and be online more
Also make me a Nexus Wall art thing
8:24 PM
I am extremely online this is just not where I'm usually at. Twitter is where to stalk me these days.
imagine thinking twitter idiots were better than r15 idiots, wow
im hurt
where is @Tim I need his emotional support rn I'm shook
Hello all o/
hey tim, hold me
I need a hug
8:50 PM
do you people know docker?
i have a really dumb issue
 docker run -v $HOME:$HOME --workdir ~/CLion/eecs280/Statistics/ mooreryan/valgrind --leak-check=full ./main.exe < main_test.in
is docker in jaba 5
the problem is < main_test.in is being interpreted by my host and so i am getting "file not found" instead of it being passed to the container
it's making me really sad :(
9:19 PM
that's why docker sucks
1 hour later…
10:44 PM
@JBis thats not how you pass a file to a container
what are you trying to do exactly?
@IvanMilisavljevic im not trying to pass a file to container i am trying to tell valgrind to pipe the file main_test.in (located on the container) to ./main.exe as input
11:12 PM
Right, try wraping the command in quotes
tried that, then valgrind receives no args
Is there a specific arg for valgrind to specify input?
not that i know of
ah sorry I'm a bit tired
i see what youre trying to do
np, i can just attach to the the container for now
thanks for the help
11:17 PM
well i didnt do anything ;)

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