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1 hour laterā€¦
Hello @VeaceslavGaidarji
2 hours later…
2 hours later...
1 hour later…
@RaymondArteaga it took 15 mins for gradle to run and the app build. my office system has 8 gm ram and i can't run emulator on it.
my home system is much faster and builds in less than a 30 seconds
I'm running on a i5 6200U with 8GB ram
It's not the last tech out ther
But I don't think it should run so slow on that hardware
Maybe it's time for a clean windows installation
agree. and my home system has ubuntu os. could be the windows that slows down as my office system has windows os
May be... I'm saving money to sell my laptop and buy a second-hand Mac
My laptop wants to explode
Spend money on better, non-apple machines
Run linux
Source: My current laptop cost half as much as a replacement mac, has roughly 2x the performance
I can't build iOS apps on Linux -_-
Cost only $400 or so after I sold the mac
Meh, just skip it
Android is not special enough
The market is just saturated
You'll discover it's the same on iOS
market is not saturated
Hopefully, you'll discover that before spending everything on a mac
I bought a mac ages ago thinking I would do iOS
Thanks for the advice
Three macs later, I figured it was time to come to terms with the fact that I won't
switch to cloud or ai saturation is less
I guess I could buy a SSD and use a VM just to test
yeah that too
Is there some block chain implementation for mobile devices?
That's not a logical question
That's like asking if there is a database for mobiles
Or a feather for chickens
Let me try to explain myself better
Móviles are slower
Sleeps almost all the time
I don't feel like anything has been explained
That's not a really good suitable hardware for verification stuff on blockchain
I mean:
Verification is usually quite cheap, especially with SPV protocols
Verification and everything elese
Define everything else
You are the master on block chain
I only know the basics
i know nothing about block chain. i need to spent time on learning flutter, ar then bit of ai
In block chain security is determined by the crowd, isn't it?
if i have enough time then block chain basics
You wouldn't mine on a mobile, obviously
But you don't really mine on anything except specialized hardware now
But cellphones are a huge crowd
You can absolutely develop application layer stuff that works on mobiles tho
Can't that be used to empower block chain?
Some kind of really distributed network
Nobody needs to hold the entire block chain copy
Can that be achieved?
Yes, that's called a simplified payment verification protocol
Or am I thinking a bunch of stupidities?
It already exists, many wallets use it to access data without requiring a full download
I'll read about that
I refer to a block chain where there is no need to fully download anything
You should check out the electrumX documentation, it has a somewhat nice outline of how the electrum protocol works
A really distributed thing
Which is a type of spv
I need to study a bit about that
Thanks 4 the tips and the Mac advice
@RaymondArteaga bro if you want to spend money on SSD. I have bought a ssd for myself 2 days ago. It is just....šŸ˜˜
Android Studio with Ubuntu/Debian is also šŸ˜Ž
If you want, you can use Windows or mac.
I need to use Visual Studio and Photoshop as well
So, although I love Linux, it's not an option for my field.
I already experienced the Ruby period... But it didn't pay my beans.
I guess I should stop complaining and get some sleep
Mornight all!
@RaymondArteaga hey Raymond. how is it going? did you have anything particular or just wanted to say hi? :)
GOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo‌​oooood Morning Everyone!!!!!! :D
morning womper
Good afternoon everyone! Has anyone worked with opening a fragment on groupclick inside an expandable listview?
Good morning!
Hiya Eli, Partha, Bakker, Warren!!!!!!! :D
morning, nerds
Hiya Raghav, Murat, Tim!!!!!! :D
How're you guys doing?
p good
did an all nighter lmao rip
not dead yet
good morning
Don't you guys love solving prod bugs when 80% of the company is on holiday?
Especially bugs in code written in languages you don't know
Ruby, actually
@RaghavSood Ripost with the ā€œnot my jobā€ attack :D
Kinda is though, falls under my "team"
does everyone code in Ruby in the team?
Everyone except me
Team is a loose definition here
so they develop the backend and you do operations?
I develop the backend, they develop the middle layer and the front end
there is no I in team
there is
I forgot to signup to a Microsoft program that closed yesterday :| it was a 1y program in which you work with researchers and engineers so you can learn a field (ML in this case)
VPN to hawaii
its 23.52 last night there
you got 8 mins bro
but then you need a passport from there
I know a guy who can hook you up
I like this XD
Mehdi whats up bro
@MehdiB. try emailing them, such programs are usually pretty accommodating
dev_mg99 requested access. Rep: 372 - Questions: 7 - Answers: 19 (ratio 4:10.9)
@dev_mg99 welcome. Please start by reading the rules and confirm you have read them before saying anything else.
anyone here done rust before?
I have a rust answer with 40 upvotes
I know the game
The game. You have now lost it
@Ahmad A little bit
@TimCastelijns wat
how did you like it?
bro idk I just copy pasted some docs
A: What is the r#""# operator in Rust?

Tim Castelijns I can't find what it does It has to do with string literals and raw strings. I think it is explained pretty well in this part of the documentation, in the code block that is posted there you can see what it does: "foo"; r"foo"; // foo "\"foo\""; r#""foo""#; ...

nice reading-the-manual-doing mate
it took me a bit
I'm writing an electron app
The door is that way ->
and I just found out node js has rust bindings
;-; bruh I don't wanna write a native mac app
too much work
anyone who can't use a cli deserves nothing, just write a cli app
wise words
there's this framework that lets you write cli apps with node js and react
yes you read that right, react
There's also built in support for writing cli apps in pretty much every language on the planet, without needing to touch frameworks like react
Yes you read that right, things can be done simply
but how do i use redux with bash
I've grown to quite like writing cli stuff in go
go easy on the intern, he couldn't have known
Very self contained, very easy to manage various flags/flows/options
Rust is my next primary language
How can i provide 64bit and 32bit app
Just upload your 32 bit app three times
does it mean google have droped out .aap
They are talking specifically about native code
@RaghavSood XD sure
unless you are using the ndk, walk away
You don't need to care about that
unless you have .so files
Clear proof of how life requires less maintenance without an SO
Anyone got recommendations for good server hosting for java / dart apps?
Any VPS should be fine
Digital Ocean comes to mind
Yeah was debating Digital Ocean / AWS / Heroku
Just run on all three, high availability is always best
Heroku I might start off on just to test cause it's free and then once everything is sorted I might migrate to Digital Ocean
Very different stuff though, Heroku manages a lot more things for you
I can tell already this is going to be lots of fun lol
why not aws?
I use aws, and find it very intuitive
Digital Ocean > GCP > OpenShift > AWS
In terms of usability for small projects
How do they all handle scaling? Automatically charge you the next price band? I think that happened to @TimCastelijns with AWS
Unless you turn on auto scaling, your stuff will just crash/become slow until you scale up
I think for Tim the server ended up being outside the free tier rules
What's your budget, Mark?
I can't remember
Free until I'm ready to launch the apps
Which is why I thought Heroku would be good
Might work, but know that migrating from heroku to a proper VPS will not be super simple
migrating from one VPS to another is usually just redeploying the same way again
Deploying how? Docker?
Depends on your set up, could be as easy as ssh and then screen and running a command
Could be docker if you have legally changed your name to Ahmad
Could be a CI if you have too much time on your hands
But heroku is a managed service, so their deployment is very different from a regular server deployment
if it's anything like GCP, managed is synonym for restricted
How is GCP restrictive?
You get root access, what more do you want?
managed instances I mean
Heroku doesn't really give you an instance, it's more of a CI/CD pipeline with bells and whistles, functionally
You tell it what to run with what parametes
And it does the rest
GCP will give you just regular VMs, you do what you need to do
Same as AWS
Although I find GCP more cost efficient/simpler
yes but google has managed and unmanaged services
They have managed groups, but I don't think you can get managed single instances
managed also means they handle instance scaling
to some extent at least
Yes, that's if you do a managed instance group
But you don't need that for a hobby project
And if you do, you no longer have a hobby project
maybe we are talking about different things
Managed instance groups are what handle auto scaling on GCP
You can specify the base instance type and stuff, then stick it behind a load balancer, and it will auto scale up to a certain limit by adding more instances as needed
@Murat what do you guys use?
We have our inhouse server
Because of the costs?
@RaghavSood HEY
leave my dockers alone
they aint doin anybody anything
Yes, because they're such overkill for the task that the gained productivity is non-existent
It came in handy since one of the companies here is a ISP
so we use that
We also use docker (portainer)
Lots of buttons there to be clicked
no idea what I am doing there :D
thanks for backing me up mate
raghav will too one day see the light
I'm okay with docker when it has a tangible benefit
depends from where the pizza is
@MuratKaragƶz XD
That must be onehelluva pizza
I actually wanna do a side project with docker and Kubernetes and the cool kids Stack, just to know what this hype is about, right now it feels i'm missing a lot regarding how the new apps are managed
@WarrenFaith Hahahah
Docker, Kubernetes and Slack are common bullshitbingo words at my company.
I only now slack time!
eureka and zuul are two interesting things
this I what I was looking for murat stackoverflow.com/a/50689587/1843331
isn't that basically a static class
maybe. Haven't used VMs yet
"Use a shared ViewModel " I love this man
hmm why you would use navigation component tho?
isn't it not stable yet?
not to mention what benefit does it offer?
it's new so we use it
what more do you need for a reason
oh i know where that is going
if you need someone to talk to afterwards, I am here bro
@TimCastelijns "databinding sucks, do not use it"
thanks, I won't! :)
I made a grumpy comment on meta and got 102 upvotes šŸ¤™šŸ»
Please no. - goes for all of the options this question provided — Tim Castelijns Jan 23 at 16:12
wompah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
HIYA MAUKER!!!!!!! šŸ˜ƒ
How are you?
Hungry xD
but gooooood
I'm hungry too
have been for a few days
@TimCastelijns the more reason to not use it
womper and maukerrr no lunch yet?
lmao tim
It's early for lunch
But still, I'll probably stay hungry even then lol
I'm on a "liquids diet"
I can't eat solids for a while
because I can't chew
why cant you chew?
Biting off more than one can chew, it happens frequently
he had his wisdom teeth removed 2 days ago
all of them
so mauker is dumb now?
@MehdiB. in 2 days , most probably my startup is getting something of a concrete plan now
Nice! you secured a VC funding? or do you begin pitching for them?
well neither
but i got what i needed
i am not going for any funding
He's using the royal account for that
that's the best formula, CF
this way you keep the idea unrestrained
did you finish your MVP, yet?
He's the real MVP, Mehdi
yeah actually i dont need the funding , i can fund my idea by itself :D
MVP mine?
Time to go~~
Cya later people!!!!! :D
See ya!
@ColdFire I made a joke with another meaning of MVP
cya wompy
Bye womper
good aftermorneve!
Minimum Viable Product, the proof of concept of your product
Hello, CA!
@MehdiB. Most Valuable Player :D
To bind a list to a spinner along with the purpose of selected item etc. only a custum adapter will forfill?
bind šŸ¤¢
I ...
What do you mean by "purpose of selected item"?
@Code-Apprentice repost. :P did he have something interesting to say
@Code-Apprentice All included I mean
@TimCastelijns did it go through when I posted yesterday?
I never saw it finish uploading...
19 hours ago, by Code-Apprentice
user image
yup...look at that
mostly he talked about the failings of social media and how they have to hire lots of people to watch videos and monitor content. He argued that empowering the community to self-moderate can help prune "questionable content" (for some definition)
Who's that guy?
our overlord
Is that Sheldon Cooper?
lol, no it's Joel Spolsky
Let me Google him
Oh he's Russian
@RaymondArteaga is that the guy from bigbang theory
yes, one of them
the nerdy one
I knew the bottoms Kicking policies should come from somewhere
lol, Mauker...I was thinking of writing it that way
I thought it would be confusing
@MehdiB. not yet
@MwBakker Dunno, I meant the famous theoretical phycisist
But I don't know is he is related to the BBT

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