I actually hate customer service. I needed to upload proof of something so i upload a scanned document. But no. Instead they want a picture of the document. I'm like, a scan is a picture. They are like no, it has to be a picture.
"I've got to be honest. It looks like you printed it and took a picture" "Thats exactly what i did because I figured if you are dumb enough to have a policy like that, you'd be dumb enough to fall for it"
Fragmented - Android Developer Podcast: 181: In Functional Programming how to do IO and database operations
posted on November 13, 2019 by shows
In today's episode, Kaush asks the question: in this brave new world where everyone is adopting more functional programming, do we just stop doing database operations? Listen to this episode to find out.
specially if you land in what was meant to be a UX class that ended up being "do exactly this on this exact software with this exact parameters which your material never explains how to set"
i loved the first year version of this class. the "advanced" one is just dumb.
on the first one it was like "you gotta think of X design. wireframe it. then draw the bounding blocks. then make a mockup. use whatever you want, deliver a pdf".
this one is "i want you to put exactly 250 words on a 900x600px JPG on AI with compression at 70%, only use 2 colors, and text must not pixelate. also, distribute the text according to a modular system internet barely finds information about".
if it was predictable I wouldn't have taken that car to work
at work I have an assignment as the marking end of the course in the framework. Of course I spent 2 houres looking at a problem that seemed a redudancy at the dictionary
I am still illegal at my internship, school has not approved the internship yet (might take up to 2 weeks for approval process)
ok so.. my brain sometimes does that thing where it refuses to simply undestand stuff and right now it's on that mood so... Could you explain me that sentence in simple terms so my dumb self coud make sense of it? pretty please?
The first, you pointed to Tim saying "need a kevlar vest or whatever makes me stab-proof". The statement, if you go purely algorithmical, is "A kevlar vest OR any stab-proof garment". So for a compiler, you can give one or the other. Me, I inferred that Tim supposed that kevlar vests were stab-proof (they aren't), so I provided an answer based on that assumption (which is possibly wrong)