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00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

Any PreferenceFragment pros out here?
1 hour later…
did I fuck up by using the Update Project option of IntelliJ? Weird things are happening
the commits of the other Dev now appear as mine, and to be committed (already staged, somehow).. wth?
Probably. I always use cli so I better know what is happening
@Eric6 you don't yet meet the requirements for write access here. See the room rules for more info -> room-15.github.io
Please request again after meeting the requirements
shouldn't take you long
I don't know about that button but his commits should still belong to him. But they may have been merged into your branch
that's basically my goal, if someone wouldn't mind helping out :)
the UpdateProject problem was resolved copy-pasting one file so that it was exactly like his and committing it... very weird
1 hour later…
Tiger fail
How abnormal is it that most requests to our REST API takes over a second?
Oh, that has an answer. Unable to cv anymore
that's not true. The site allows CV's on closed questions
The bots will ignore it isnt
and I meant to say "the site allows CVs on questions with answers". I do it quite frequently.
I heard some where will ignored on that question already has an answer
Basically 5 cvs will closing the question, but if there already has an answer, question will not closing.
If there question still closed, maybe get closed manually by mod. (not by bot)
We use as a request for other users in this chat to cast a close vote. This is a privelege users get at 3000 rep. It takes 5 close votes to close the question manually. No bot is involved.
after 5 cvs, the question will be closed.
the answer doesn't matter if enough people vote on it.
user image
\o morn
1 hour later…
ma nerds
o/ Murat!
\o my boi
I hate rain
I'm analysing a #Samsung #android #application which is preloaded in their smartphones. Just look at the name of the "Analysers"...😡 More info soon
o/ the german nerd
I'm gonna automate my job search
cool.. recruiter calls are getting automated anyway.
exactly, plus I'm gonna poor into it some ML, so it's gonna be cooler than their automation
Mehdi you stopped flexing 😤
I completely forgot about it 😂
I'm gonna be back on it from today
or else we cant be friends anymore 😖
Damn Murat :/ what's the minimum rep threshold to stay friends ?
as long as its not too low
can't be seen with low reps :/
@ColdFire could you tell your govt to fuck off with their Aadhar system? they want to build one for morocco
my government wants to build one in morocco what?
well the article clearly states that your government wants it
not that we are enforcing it
ok then fuck our govt and fuck IITB
nothing GOI can do about this
i think there are other countries who wants aadhar system like India
authoritarian ones?
naah democratic ones too
actually its IIITB not IITB
ok, sorry, fuck IIITB
also yes IITB is very different from IIITB
> India’s latest export: 20 countries interested in Aadhaar, India Stack
sounds like a lot of countries
doesn't make it any better or noble
i dont really have a problem with aadhar but i can understand if somebody has a problem with it
I am not saying its better just pointing there are a lot of countries wanting it
India needs a system like Aadhar whether other countries needs it, is for them to decide
Well my main concern is when the head of the system stubbornly says nothing is wrong and challanges the world to breach his personal privacy and becomes more stubborn on pointing out weaknesses
its has more problems than its worth
well he did it when UIDAI was criticized constantly for privacy issues and he did won the challenge , UIDAI servers were not hacked
meh it solves more problem than it creates
also the most critique of aadhar the left parties forget that they were the one that brought the aadhar in the first place
the argument that aadhar is a massive surveillance system is laughable to say the least
> "Details of residents of Morocco will now be accessible from across the world."
come again?
if you have read the article it says your implementation will be different from India
Suraj and me are discussing about Indian Version
Once someone succeeds making a fake id or even a stolen id.. a central identification system used everywhere becomes open to abuse
that can happen with any ID not just aadhar
hardly a convincing argument i dont need to point how easy is to get a license id do i?
or about PAN card?
well I hope it succeeds... general ID can be reported and replaced.. An id tied to biometric. that I am not sure. Maybe lack of knowledge here
i am not saying its perfect at all but every system is the world is prone to abuse that doesn't mean we shouldn't make one
aadhar is required to streamline a lot of things in INDIA
20 mins ago, by Suraj Rao
Well my main concern is when the head of the system stubbornly says nothing is wrong and challanges the world to breach his personal privacy and becomes more stubborn on pointing out weaknesses
17 mins ago, by Cold Fire
well he did it when UIDAI was criticized constantly for privacy issues and he did won the challenge , UIDAI servers were not hacked
you also have to look why he did that
he was criticized day in and day out
there is only so much a person can take
i am aware of that news
also be careful with reading from the thewire.in its heavy left communist leaning might make you go sick
shrug alright. good talk. Hope it does work
haha yeah good to have a good debate :D
i think aadhar is working alright
if you want i can give you a list of successes of aadhar
let me google through some sources
a list of successes VS failures would be a more accurate representation
failures like?
^ the amount is exxagerated but you get the idea
there is so much potential for good use in India
regarding failures it will suffer from the same issue as any other Id
privacy, potential for abuse etc etc
sure.. But compared to a normal id, it is tied to biometrics which cant be changed.. It looks like a single point of failure to me. One bad thing and we are in a mess
Thanks for the respons, With this code it works the same as the code I currently have, but because i have 34 comparisons it rquires me to write it 34 times thats why I want to loop it. But thx for the effort. — J.Doe 2 mins ago
the fuck?
i think what he's looking for is a map
He has an array of "answers" and one input
@MuratK. dont think OP understood how contains works..
- Must be able to sit and use a computer keyboard for extended periods of time
@SurajRao well if you talking about potential for abuse obviously its going to be higher since biometrics for that aadhar needs to ensure aadhar data is safe
so rather than destroying aadhar we need a debate on how it can be improved :D
also aadhar is evolving continuously :D
1 hour later…
@ColdFire yooooooooooooo
sup cM
I was sleeping at 3:30 in the morning US time ;)
Now I'm trying to get my demos to work that we have in 2 hours. And of course neither of mine are working
did you try re-running it?
posted on August 30, 2018 by Dan Lew

I've been working on a new markdown handler for Trello Android. It uses commonmark-java to parse an abstract syntax tree, which is then converted into a single, complex Spannable. That Spannable is constructed piece-by-piece from the AST, so it involves a lot of appending text and setting spans. My first

whenever in doubt, restart Android studio
If the doubt persists, restart the computer
I wish it was Android
codemagic, what are you tweaking nowdays?
Let's pray it's not BLE
@codeMagic LOL
I bet he is into JS business
He's not that insane
. Net
bah, I hate it when the OP deletes a question as I'm in the middle of writing an answer.
@MuratK. Yes, but I have 34 edits (edit1, edit2 etc.) And I 'need' to check for one specific element as if the user mix up the order of answers it still would set it to true, as it checks all elements of the array list. — J.Doe 18 mins ago
abort mission
@Code-Apprentice Been there
done that
anyone know what is "Solver for ConstraintLayout" in support repository
Isn't that the component that makes AS render the CL on preview?
2 hours later…
@codeMagic If I start doing .Net I will definitely change my handle to .netpork
I'd change mine to .plz
So every single time something breaks, I could say "code.plz"
I keep wanting them to make an .exe domain extension
it would be the perfect spam site
or .msi
Get rich and buy it
how can I automatically go see my last post in this chat?
oh, there's a button at the top :D
aw @AdamMc331 say hi next time :D
only 8 things left on my TODO list for this Android app <3
Store dates as Strings
Deploy without crash logging
we were supposed to put only approximately 120 hours each on this project
I've easily passed the 180
but I'm a perfectionnist :(
sounds like you're learning a lot
certainly, and among other things thanks to you the process was much faster
the Date thing, I've noted it down for our final report, but the girl working on the DB won't have time to change that (she already has started her semester in New Orleans while our only starts next week)
I've been trying to get her to work on benchmarking the different request processing time, but I don't think she'll have time neither :(
one of our POST takes a lot of time to get a response (from 1 to over 30 seconds... and when it's actually passed 20 seconds, the app crashes)
not the end of the world
I know you guys have been worried so...I was able to do one of my demos.
Worked out since we didn't have time for the broken one
@codeMagic what'd you demolish this time?
all in all, I don't think I've enjoyed that much Android: it's very slow to test :(
Did you use emulator or a real device?
rela device
my laptop can't handle the emulator, haha
is emulator much faster?
Ah, I could see a laptop being slow
no, real device is fast
right now, I'm on my desktop, so emulator would be an option
but my builds, build and install in < 1 min
the first time of the day, it takes like 5 minutes
it's a nice dev machine
the first time maybe after that it's fast
and then subsequently it's in between 15 seconds and 1minute and a half
but that's still a lot of time to waste to test some things since a lot of tests are required..
I guess the depends on how good you are separation of concerns
if I think about when I'm working on our WebApp which uses NodeJS, I only need to press F5 and it takes 50ms to load...
'separation of concerns' ?
You don't need to test every single thing every time you run
usually you should only be looking for very specific behavior related to your most recent round of changes
Instant Run was fun to work with, but somehow at some point it just stopped working
it's not very reliable
does alright for UI, that's about it
@codeMagic Nice!
@DaveS a new feature to mass "undelete" devices in our system
that sounds.... dangerous
Nah, not really
one week ago my app was removed from google play because "promoted as spyware"
So, here we are
You were spamming hedgehogs on your app, weren't you?
@DimaRostopira that's what you get when you don't store Date/Time as Strings
you communist.
Yeah, I'm glad to see you here too
no way to appeal this removal? (assuming of course it wasn't a spyware :D)
@MehdiB. we tried, no response on second appeal at all
damn... how many users?
140k on android and 25k on ios
Also Firebase bill will come soon
alright that sucks, sorry to hear that
People can't pay us, we can't pay google
I will just keep going
did this guy become a meme or something?
I'm forcing myself as meme :D
you're a meme now!
who wants psd template? xD
give us the template!
the jpeg one is better :D
ok xD
Here new trend starts! xD
I need a beer
brb in 15 minutes
MHacks applications are now open. GO GO GO GO: mhacks.org
@AdamMc331 @RaghavSood @Ahmad
@Mauker and Eric, I can't ping Eric for some reason o.0
He blocked you
@DimaRostopira holy shit, that's lame :(
wait wat
I hate samsung
As an excuse - I don't have anything else to do, we are still in app store
jk I personally don't hate iOS, swift looks like a nice language :D
lol the dimameme
don't let your memes be dreams
I prefer my iPhone for silly/stupid reasons
@William в гулаг и расстрелять :D
@DimaRostopira no idea what that means
> in gulag and shoot
@William "join the Proletarian fight"
@payne check your constants twice next time
@DimaRostopira You got me :p
Good, I was a about to flag that, payne
so what did you write again? :D
haha, so many (removed), sorry everyone :D
Today I spent half of a hour to debug 50 lines node js script
> for (var i = 0; i++; i <7) {
2 days ago, I spent 2 hours to track down the fact that another dev had reversed "getLng" and "getLat"...
@DimaRostopira flagged
@DimaRostopira so you stared at the same monitor for 30minute?
@DimaRostopira that's a horrible mistake. You're fired.
with the same code basically
Nope, at 2 monitors
show off XD
I thought problem was on client side
at the same time that is impressive
As an excuse, I had a hangover
Wanna more terrible mistakes? :D
I'm noob in js
anybody used this in production apps ? github.com/bluelinelabs/Conductor
Current setting: https://i.snag.gy/NA5ray.jpg
Current look: https://i.snag.gy/Sc1nYZ.jpg
Expected: https://i.snag.gy/HGAkS0.jpg

Another Dev is trying to work with Layouts right now to implement this design. Any ideas how to improve it? (Layout type suggestions, mostly.. I helped him to the best of my knowledge to reach the current looking one, but he'd like it to be larger horizontally, and if possible the Description part should be a ScrollView)
@payne are those constraintlayout nested in linear layout nested in constraintlayout nested in linear layout?
Go step by step. First make the container layout properly and then worry about the content
But I don't know about all the layouts that are available. The container layout is the harder one to choose for me.
Shouldn't it be a ConstraintLayout? That's what I suggested to him, but apparently it doesn't work.
It probably should be. But you probably don't need those nested layouts
Just use constraints to align shit
wouldn't he need the "Vertical Linear Layout" for the left module and the "Vertical Linear Layout" for the right module, both into a "Horizontal Layout"?
And that Horizontal Layout would be inside the container ConstraintLayout which would allow to properly place the InfoBubble relative to the sides of the screen?
learn ConstraintLayout
So you think he should be able to use one single ConstraintLayout for the whole thing? :o
constraintlayouts are beautiful
constraint layout sounds like euphemism for mild bdsm
I guess there's something I don't understand about them :/
I'm happy to chat about constraintlayout anytime. I'm not on here as much but ping me and if I'm around I can help.
@payne probably not unless he learns how to do android
I will throw @Mauker under the bus because he's pretty good with constraints too if you ever need one of us. :)
and while you're all here helping the other dev with his problem, here's -my- current problem :)
Sounds mean. Not intended
constraint yourself mauker come on
comin' in here with the caps lock like that
WhAt AbOuT tHiS?
settle down kids
You can do about anything with CL
It's beautiful
@Mauker I've been doing it all wrong, then
But can you write a performant chat bot with ConstraintLayout? Asking for a friend.
I was avoiding them because they looked complicated to me :p
It's like a relative layout on steroids
It's not that all complicated once you learn the concepts
I suggest you create a sample XML file and start playing with it
They are certainly intimidating to start, you're not alone for feeling that way.
Guess I should write a blog post on constraintlayout then
Free yourself from the fear constrainsts
@Mauker oh, nice
@AdamMc331 Adam I heard you were looking for guest writters
Some shit I did with CL:
Feb 23 at 15:42, by Mauker
user image
lol nice
sup adam
Mauker, is that Portugese?
yup he is
@Mauker too many notifications son
Who need notifications anyway?
clear all
alright, the other Dev is joining the chat
flags payne
@Mauker incognito
@Mauker I speak Spanish, if that counts
es similar
pero no mucho
querìa viajar en Brazil tambien, pero me habrìa costado algo como 100 dolares :(
pero todavía es muy parecido
@payne Por el paso?
@Mauker si, un canadiense tiene que pagar tanto. Es el mismo para Columbia (80) y Argentina (100)
viaje por casi 2 anos en Latino America
But that's the price for the round trip?
it's Visa Query price, not the plane flight price
Oh, in that case. Ouch.
@payne Yo estaba en la argentina la semana pasada
My spanish is not all that good tho.
mucho mate? :p
I noticed when you used "pero" twice in a row, jaja
But I understand it enough to get by
Wish to study it again tho
it's much nicer than French, let me tell you that
Qué más usted habla?
@Mauker French, English, Spanish (in order). I know a (very) little bit of Arabic too.
For me it's Portuguese, English, Spanish, German (basic stuff), Italian (even more basic stuff)
I mean to study German and Italian again
I started it but couldn't keep going
He's getting there: https://i.snag.gy/HGaCyz.jpg
Result: https://i.snag.gy/ygaKrx.jpg
That can be done with a single top CL
@OlivierL.Applin he's working on it ;)
00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

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