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lol, that is fucking awesome!
2 hours later…
> You know it is scientifically valid because astronaut
@Ahmad geeks*
3 hours later…
@RaghavSood Idea of any coin for future to buy now?
No one knows
Buy Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, go to sleep for 10 years
I have looked for Ethereum purchase from India but didn't find Straight way like Bitcoin.
Any idea?
How do you buy them?
Not sure if the Indian exchanges support it
You can buy Bitcoin and use a regular exchange to convert it
Or something like Shapeshift.io
Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood Morning Everyone!!!!! :D
anyone changed fab:fab_title color
Hiya CF!!
hiya womp and chew
damn yesterday trek was so big i am tired af
Q: How to Change fab:fab_title color of FloatingActionButton in android

ChewCat Here is the simple FloatingActionButton to Display a Floatting button and set a title "fab:fab_title" i wants to change a color of this fab:fab_title. Any Help Appriciated. <com.getbase.floatingactionbutton.FloatingActionButton android:id="@+id/btn_floating_newest" ...

@ChewCat please do not quote your content in your question
1 hour later…
Hiya netpork, tim, warren aaaaaand Mark!!! :D
sup w0mp catalonian dawg
Everything's good!! :D
trying wifi adb. it works on android 7 but not on android 5
I have a 3k plumber bill, trying to get insurance to cover it
good morning all and hopefully a wonderful start into the week
and this piece of shit hp scan software can only do multiple scans if you restart it in between every scan
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o/ mark
ok warren
Warren Thanx for Amswer for my question thank you
sure thing
Good noon. I have query regarding, function of using smart phone as door entry instead of using NFC cards.. Do anyone know how mobile device can be used instead of NFC cards.
If the device has an NFC antenna, it can send NFC signals
Your reader just needs to be able to work with it
Hiya Mehdi, Raghav!!! :D
Hey Womper! :D
why you provide a cheat sheet for your software and make the pdf image based and unsearchable... you officially suck!
OK.. so do I need to set any short of information so that when reader detects signals, mobile device send some data?
my recent trek to rajmachi some nice pics i took^
I know how NFC tag works and i implemented in mobile as well. but i am confused at the point of replacing cards with mobile device..
so cool
looks like someone had a relaxing weekend :)
@ChintanRathod one less thing to bring in your pocket. Means all you have to remember to bring with you is your mobile.
@ColdFire I went to rohtang
its awesome place
been there too
3 years back
tho rohtang is not a trek
and i didnt took pictures there :(
@ColdFire yep
you have missed few beautiful pics
well next time
anyway i was gonna revisit it
this waterfall was beautiful tho it was far to get a good shot^
Yep I can imagine
i tried zoom option only to see the blurred view
ChewCat, you have never marked any answer to your questions as the solution. You should do that :)
Warren marked and up :3
not about my question, the other question about the bug in a library: you can also mark your own answer as the solution
it is a valid thing to do
It's shady not to do
yup i'll warren :)
cya guys
If only all SO answers were as complete as this one
Q: What is an optional value in Swift?

Tim VermeulenFrom Apple's documentation: You can use if and let together to work with values that might be missing. These values are represented as optionals. An optional value either contains a value or contains nil to indicate that the value is missing. Write a question mark (?) after the type of a valu...

same as pointers in C. Maybe it points to something, maybe it doesn't
yes, I understood that by reading it
this is literally how they explain it in Swift ofiicial docs
> You can use if and let together to work with values that might be missing. These values are represented as optionals. An optional value either contains a value or contains nil to indicate that a value is missing. Write a question mark (?) after the type of a value to mark the value as optional.
pointers in C shudders
they are always so pointy-headed
the memories nightmares
the horror
I started to like software development after understanding C pointers :D
it imposes a kind of adventure, knowing that pointing to the wrong address can be disastrous
Good first full time day at the startup
So much nicer to be back in a good work environment
Just put together a simple Chrome extension to automate some of our banking and a telegram bot today
Not too bad
Guess what?!
Lunch time~~ :D
not paella
enjoy paella
as usual
Hiya Ahmad!!!!
did anyone here set up a backend for acra reporting?
tech stack?
doesn't matter
file upload -> file storage
sounds poor
So you would have lot files sitting somewhere
store about 2400 files of 20kb each every day
costs like 0.00001 cents
Looking into one of these right now github.com/ACRA/acra/wiki/Backends
I added it to my existing Google appengine backend
You can send them anywhere, it's a regular text file upload. Nothing fancy
Never used appengine, is it complicated?
What do you use now?
It's email based
Oh so no backend in your system
No nothing for apps so far
Appengine can be easy or complex depending on what you need
I have been using it for a couple years and I like it
Allright I might try it out. Sounds straight forward with this
Back~~ :3
Yeah that's probably a ready to deploy project
How was paella?
Yeah, does not need to be a long term solution - just to bypass it for a while
not paella
user image
!/tell W0MP3R toass
lol bot dead
Goddamned Firefox
What did you have if it wasn't paella @W0MP3R? Think that's the first time I've seen you say didn't say paella for lunch
What about FF Raghav?
oh mark
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Their last update broke loading and execute arbitrary Javascript from http on https domains
Yes Tim? (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
this ^
That's a weird looking paella
Boked up veggies with sauce?
You should ask for a refund
That looks nasty
lmao raghav
that looks like veggies
@ColdFire I know, I was joking :D
carrots, peas, potatoes
looks like ensaladilla
with mayo
@W0MP3R potatoes? Well, that's something at least. Looks like sweetcorn though throws up
sweetcorn no
does everything ends with "lla" there?
naah its noway near sweet corn
why is there no meat?
because its veggies?
it had ham
and tuna
I don't see it bro
Bleh, seafood
Murderous stuff
tuna fish
yeah seafood bleh
but i forgot to add the "crab sticks"(?)
let me search how is it called
Fish fingers
i'm crying
that is delishhh
@W0MP3R crying with laughter you mean?
here is it on some rice. So yummy
looks yummy
sometimes we go out for sushi in an all you can eat restaurant
I will eat 100 of these
more like 3
but still delicious
I lost an important email because gmail went nuts when I wanted to send it -.-
maybe it's in the bin
draft i mean
it's not
it was busy sending it for like 3 hours, so I refreshed the page
rip :/
boom gone
it is nice when you open Android Studio and you get a message "IDE error occurred!"
normally gmail autosaves emails on drafts
what's worse is I don't know if the recipient received anything
it's not on the draft, nor sent folder?
it's nowhere
I've just added a new class extending RealmObject into my project without changing any existing RealmObject based class. Now, Realm is now throwing a RealmMigrationNeededException. Is there a simple way to tell Realm: it's OK, go on and only create whateverthefuck you need for this new model?
you need to run a migration
or you can add deleteRealmIfMigrationNeeded() to your realm config
but i would suggest only doing that for debugging
yes, I guess I need a migration, but I've just added ONE class, do I really need to go through the whole realm.getSchema().create("Foo").addField("bar", ...) migration process? Realm was able to create everything automatically for the various models on the first run, why can't it do the same with just the newly added classes?
> i would suggest only doing that for debugging
Well shit
because the database has already been created on first run
on the next run you want a new object, with new fields, so it needs a migration to do that, and keep all existing data in your db
if it didn't do that, it would delete your database every time, to create new objects
i ran deleteRealmIfMigrationNeeded() in production as well until recently, now it's screwing me over so I have to do migrations
first run, realm is like "oh I need to create the database. Oh there are the models: Foo and Bar, I should create their tables". Second run: "The database exists. Oh here is a new model totally unrelated to the old models. I can't create it because....." Because what ?
Maybe I'm completely stupid but I can't see any logical reason why this is not possible... :(
Maybe there are some technical reasons, and if so, it's ok, I'll do this stupid migration :)
\o adam
where's Tim when I need him?
Do you need the data which is stored in the db? If not, why not just do the migration?
Everything broke on our platform and I just opened up Outlook to 179 error emails. Fuck this.
But the data that was already there before I added the new model doesn't need to change! I just added a new model Isn't related to anything existing before. Why would I need to change/delete the existing data?
you don't. But you have to tell the database that it's schema has changed
migrations are the way to change the schema, preserving the existing data. If you don't care about data you can use the method RED named
you have to explicitly migrate a new class because it's possible that apps skip schema versions and they have to be able to migrate to the newest schema version regardless of where they came from
If I speak in terms of SQL: on the first launch, Realm was able to build automatically the "CREATE TABLE foo ...". On the second launch, is there a way to tell Real to use the same technique "CREATE TABLE bar ..." for the new model? If so, why not? It does seem too much to ask ^^
on the first run, realm is able to create a file with a .realm extension which is the file where the data lives. It is a custom format not to be confused with any other existing databases. On the second run, it has to alter the file, it is not creating a new file
but it has to know how to alter it
I understand all of that, Tim
I don't know sql, I don't know if I can explain differently
so yes, you can automatically update the schema, but you will lose the data because the .realm file is recreated
I just wanted to be able to tell Realm: "For this migration, you just add everything you need for this new 'standalone' model to work in your existing schema."
I think it's not possible yet
instead of me having to schema.create("Person").addField("id", Int.class), I wanted to be able to schema.create(Person.class)
that's all :)
does it seem like an unimaginable thing?
no, but I imagine they think it's not worth the resources right now, compared to the relatively low efficience boost it would provide
tim adding unimaginable things to Realms todo list tim just went with "low effience boost" answer
@OcuS if you're after a new table similar to SQL, you could just create a new Realm and save the new updated Object
oh shit, it's possible to have multiple realms at once? O_O
I'm stupid.
you can have multiple realms, but this is not a scenario where you want that
why is that?
@OcuS lol it is like sql
in my opinion creating additional realms to avoid having to migrate an existing one would be misuse of the feature
but possibly your use case is option C of the question mark showed. Then it is fine
ok ok ok. Thanks for all your aswers and help, guys. I'll do the "manual" migration. It seems to be the appropriate choice.
which I don't really need because the app has only ever been on my own phone, haha
ok. Can I help you with anything else, sir?
No, that'll be all for me, sir. Is there any online form where I can submit my review and rating of your prestation?
A paypal form is not enough, right?
they are sending me a box of swag btw. I wonder what is in it
please don't. It will be reversed and you will go in the books as a serial voter
oh c'mon, those are good answers!
I agree
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
but if you vote in rapid succession they will be reversed regardless of intent
"Hmm. Tim received two upvotes this year. Gotta be a sock puppet"

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