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Hello, Android!
4 hours later…
@stephingeorge You need a a:q ratio of 3:4 to talk here. Please see this link for more details.
well, at least the developers subdivide into 2 categories: each developer is either a doer or a don'ter.
and working with doers is better
good developers may be rare, but isn't John Carmack (for example) a good developer?
Q: Brief outage planned for Wed, May 3, 2017 at 8pm US/Eastern (00:00 UTC) (like a fire drill for computers)

Tom LimoncelliMicroVersion: Planned service degradation: All Stack Overflow/Stack Exchange sites read-only for 20 minutes on Wed, May 3, 2017 shortly after 8PM US/Eastern (midnight UTC). If you blink, you'll miss it. Short version: There will be a service degradation for up to 20 minutes shortly after 8PM US...

@Ahmad what about Tor with various "transports"? (obfs*, meek)
it should drill through any blocks unless you got a whitelist scenario
2 hours later…
@Ahmad my votes were reversed. Yours?
@TimCastelijns do you mean the down votes from yesterday?
I knew it was going to be reversed because it fit the criteria
but not sure about ahmad's since he only had 3 downvotes
goes looks at his rep
sees 60,000+
doesn't bother checking for downvotes because lol
adds to list of elitist comments by raghav cc @ColdFire we need more lists man
Every 100 mean comments can be redeemed for 1 travel advice
in Java and Android era , Apr 21 at 7:41, by Bhargav Rao
Moderator Note: There are a few incidents where a user has been asking for upvotes in this room which has been come to light. Please note that, such activity is considered to be an abuse of the chat privilege of that user. The offending accounts have been removed. If there are similar users, please report them to us. This is just a warning, so that the room owners can take care of the room. (Such activity if continued, might result in stricter actions)
Yes give me all the upboats and teh codez
@TimCastelijns yep!
@SargeBorsch ohh will try that next time, ty!
ayy what up
hows this
is it a benis?
where do you see this o.o
it's a bear
in the center…
oh shit
@TimCastelijns NoSuchListException
2 hours later…
yee I set up openvpn on my server :)
you actually managed to get OpenVPN working?
@TheWanderer yah!
was pretty easy with this docker image I found
I tried it without once
ugh god it was a nightmare
@Ahmad Why
There's only one reason you'd run your own VPN
Hello, Android!
Passed my Technician class ham radio license exam this morning. And after only 2 hours of sleep last night, too.
Attempted the General class exam since I already paid the exam fee. Only got 50% though. Not enough to pass.
Have to wait about a week for the paperwork to go through before I can transmit
@RaghavSood the european commission declared streaming illegal
it used to be that only uploading copyrighted material was illegal
not just watching it
so now you can get fined for it
Doesn't protect you much if you're the only one on the vpn
They can easily link traffic to you
yeah they can
but they won't sue me
the most they can do is tell my provider, who will just terminate my account
using my free amazon aws trier for this lel
I have a tiered systems
how is your system?
Personal VPN for managing servers/RaghavNet devices
Another VPN (PIA) for regular internet traffic
RaghavNet! lol
Running on two different virtual network adapters
So I can use them simultaneously for different subnets
how much do you pay for PIA?
Some $6/month for five devices
So I just put PIA on the routers, and everything on Wifi goes through it
you can do that? o.o
how do you do that
Get a router with VPN support, or a router on which you can flash DD-WRT
oh I didn't know there are routers out there with this capability
that's so awesome
I bought androidapprentice.com like 8 months ago and still have not dinner anything with it :-(
Ideally, you want to use just use one network adapter and a properly set up openvpn config on your server where you can split traffic by subnet
So all RaghavNet devices, say 10.x.x.x can go over my VPN
And all regular internet traffic can be routed to PIA/over the normal internet
That way, I can use both VPNs even on devices where I can't set up multiple networks, like phones
I never got that to work right though, so this will suffice for now
@Code-Apprentice Maybe you're aiming too high. Dinner is a long shot, try drinks and a movie first
I have been getting a bit into networking through setting up my docker network
Router hacking is pretty fun too, you should get into it for a bit at least
but I've still got a lot to learn
yah, I wish mine was a bit more than just a piece of junk
I bought a managed switch before I came to Singapore, still no time to play with it though :(
Eh, DD-WRT is awesome
my router is built by the company where warre n used to work
You can flash it on a ton of like $30 routers
And it gives you a lot of options you'd need to spend $$$ on for off the shelf ones
Really nice learning experience
haha awesome
I have the DD-WRT one hooked up to the ISP one here since I can't replace theirs
Best of both worlds, none of the cost
what router do you have?
DD-WRT? is that it?
DD-WRT is the firmware
It's kinda like CyanogenMod for routers
You can flash it to different ones
AAH okay
I have this one
If you can spare the cash, get a slightly higher spec one though
This one can't handle all DD-WRT has to offer cause it runs out of memory
I didn't know this when I bought it, so here I am
But with a bit of research, you can probably get a better deal
@RaghavSood smart ass :p
Okay, one lakeview room confirmed, one absurdly cheap 2 bedroom suite, and a bunch of motels and Airbnbs
New Zealand's shaping up nicely
sorry was afk
and a bunch of motels and Airbnbs?
why do you need so much?
Almost every night is in a different place
Landing in Auckland, driving down to Rotorua, then back to Auckland, flying to Christchurch, driving to Hokitika, driving to Franz Joseph Glacier, driving to Te Anau and Milford Sounds, then driving to Queenstown, then flying to Auckland
All in ~8 days
Then brother and I continue to Sydney
Parents go back to Singapore
how can you even do this much in just a week
you have to snap more
So far, for all four of us, we've spend about $1300
snap me all those places
That's $325 a person for flights and stay for an 8 day trip
that's insanely cheap.
like holy crap
I don't like Snapchat :(
but why
Not to mention it includes Business class return to Singapore :D
it's the best thing :)
And first class for my brother and I from Sydney to Bangkok, then biz to Singapore from there
sounds like an awesome time
First business class trip for everyone except my dad, super pumped
when are you going?
I dunno. I just really don't like being in photos much :P
I'll try to Instagram it
12-21 in NZ, 21-18 in AU
wait you've never been first class either?
I've been on domestic flights in the US, but that's more like premium economy
Never international
is this like the really fancy first class
with seats where you can sleep on
For me, it usually boils down to a choice between 1 first class trip for me, or business class for my parents to go somewhere
Lol that's all international biz and first
oh man one ticket in first class runs more than the entire trip
^Thai first class cabins
Oooo...RPi with software defined radio
@Code-Apprentice Welcome to my final year high school project :D
haha that's from TPG
Don't like TPG much, but their reviews are on point
Advice is usually pretty decent too
Yeah we talked about that
sometimes I have to disagree with them tho
like boarding first
If you want to play around with SDR and Pi, get a ADS-B antenna
No wonder it is on my mind now
You can listen in on all the plane signals
It's great
You can hook it up to FlightAware and crowdsource plane tracking data too
They're also pretty cheap, cost about $20 I think
@Ahmad Why? I love boarding first.
because I don't want to stand in line like an idiot
30 minutes before boarding starts
I see so many people standing in like for like an hour
I usually board last
I just sit, and board when they call my group
Usually amongst the first few
I travel light so I don't worry much about space in over head compartements
for some reason the boarding with a group never works in europe
everybody just stands up once they open boarding
Lol, you should try India. It's a horde
Yeah, that looks pretty decent C-A
It's also the same one I have :P
So I might be biased
These are really weak though, so if you want to even try for things outside your line of sight, be prepared to buy a weather balloon
How will the antenna do inside my apartment?
ecrater.com/p/26288449/… cheaper one... do not know how to compare models, though
I have mine set near a window. I can receive signals from the sea directly in front of the window, and even the area outside the window on the other side of the apartment, but nothing from the other sides where there's walls and neighbouring windows
What kind of house do you stay in?
Oh..tis the same
I am in an apartment building
If you have roof access, and you're among the tallest buildings nearby, put it on the roof
My apartment has small windows. Probably 3 feet tall
The ones far away from the antenna are the same
The one right next to it is a floor to ceiling window
Plus, there's nothing outside the window in terms of buildings until you reach Indonesia
So tons of open space
I am in the tallest building in the whole city...2nd floor of 5 though :-(
No roof access?
> until you reach Indonesia
I live on the Singapore coast :P
@RaghavSood I might be able to talk the manager into something. Then I'll have to run some cable.
@RaghavSood yeah, I got that
Or do you mean physically going to the roof with my electronics to transmit?
Nah, run a cable
I'll worry about that when I get that far
In the mean time, a friend loaned me a radio
Cannot transmit until the paperwork is filed, though
That's the good thing about living in India
No one's ever gonna catch you even if you do
Who needs laws when you have apathy?
interesting openvpn operates over udp (by default)
but you can make it run over tcp
Eventually I want to play with packet radio
One step at a time, though
Yeah, I want to try that eventually
Probably a few years away from that though
Considering the rate at which I play with hardware
Hopefully I can get to that in the next 6 months
1 hour later…
@user6155031 You need at least 80 rep, and a non-default username to talk here. Please see this link for more details.
changed my vps to tcp port 443
it's practically indistinguishable from ssl traffic now
great job ahmad
What's happening, Mr. Tim?
we have a friend over :) I was just called to join them for a game of catan
just came back from the sushi restaurant
see you later maybe
see ya tim!
Don't know what catan is but have fun!
See ya later
Literally translated, colonists of catan
Can't upload photos on mobile :/
You're fired
From? :D
Uploading pictures of games that I don't know about I guess?
Aw shit
I have a family
Goo luck explaining this to them and why they can't eat this week
Jobless rate after first 3 months: Trump vs. Obama vs. Bush vs. Clinton. https://t.co/EUTEseJyTj
fucking retarded
can't say more to this
Maybe but every administration does this stuff. Then one side says they are doing great and the other side says it was inherited and vice versa for negative stats
That's politics for you, though. You twist it to make your side look better instead of actually doing what's right for the people...no matter what side you are on
but the difference here is that fox is not state media
why are they doing this
twisting facts to cater to false facts
@ShaunbobRoutledge You need at least 80 rep, and a a:q ratio of 3:4 to talk here. Please see this link for more details.
omg 13 reasons why is insane
just started watching it
just read a post about it, about a guy who started considering suicide after watching it
is it that bad?
just watched the first episode
but I want to watch more now
We don't have a "state media" or aren't supposed to anyway. Every news source here does these things to cater to their audience
yeah that's the thing
the US doesn't
but fox is doing it
It's not right. Just like how our politics aren't right as my previous comment mentioned
the state media shouldn't exist, it's usually on dictatorial countries where it makes sense (for propaganda purposes)
fox doesn't criticise anything the gov is doing
Fox is doing what? I'm not trying to defend them. I'm just stating that you get different facts like this from Fox, MSNBC, CNN, etc...
that's not journalism
different facts is not a thing
there are facts and then lies disguised as facts
Not so much now because a republican is in office and holds all the cards. The others do it when dems are in office. It happens on both sides all the time is all I'm saying
I've seen plenty of obama-critic articles from liberal news sources
obama was awful for the world climate, but he had that smile going which made the people not question his middle east politics
There are plenty of right leaning critics of the Trump admin. Listen to crazy Glenn Beck, Rush, and others
Going to work on pitching with the kid. Be back later
The Perils of Australia

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