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o/ room
LOL magic
\o tristan
@Tristan btw, coming back to project fi
don't you think $30 is insane for just 1GB of data?
Ahmad want to call?
sorry mate it's just way too late here lol
It's not really that bad. I mean, it depends on how much you use.
I use about 6GB per month
Then it may not be ideal for you. How much do you pay now?
I may be spoiled tho, since I pay 10€/month for unlimited text + call (landline + o2 free) + 10GB data
Can't get that in the US
Who's your provider?
or since o2 got bought by vodafone
vodafone now
Will you be able to use them in the US?
OHHHh that's why you're asking
this is nota normal german contract tho. I got it because my father is friends with someone who sells business contracts for stuff like that.
yeah, I won't be able to use that in the US
It's fucking cheap
Hold up
and I love it
What kind of device do you have?
one plus one
but I want to buy a new one once I get my first pay cheque
because mine is dying right now :(
it got really slow
I'm trying to check how much it is with Verizon but I can't without your IMEI lol
why do you need my IMEI for check that? :0
It's going to be over $60 for 6GB, because they charge like $30 for each device.
oh damn
So it'll probably be $90
But I think they charge if you go over.
the US way too expensive
a friend of mine pays 10€ for 5GB of data here
and that one is actually a normal contract
but that's only data, no calls and no texts
I know. It sucks.
So Fi, it's nice. You automatically connect to Wifi if Google deems it secure. So in NYC you'll get it a lot (probably)
can't imagine spending that much on a phone bill per month :|
yeah I can imagine
hmm but then again I can afford it while I am in the US
I mean, T-Mobile is pretty cheap.
Let me check
They're best for cities
T-Mobile is $65 for 6 GB
that's better than $90 at least
around ~60€
thanks for checking tho :)
I think I'll just go with that then
how much data do you use per month?
is there like a google fi app?
with statistics and such?
I use less than 2GB
Yeah, the Fi app is fucking amazing.
The support is the best too.
Less than a minute wait time for calling, they're so nice. Google support rules.
have you ever tried amazon support?
they are pretty cool as well
okay seems like I'm going with t mobile then
Or Fi, it uses T-Mobile lol
only problem being, I'm pretty sure they don't offer month-per-month contracts
google fi does tho right?
You could also just do a $30 plan once and see if it works. If not then try someone else.
yeah true
that's awesome then
okay Fi it is after all then!
thanks mate
No problem. Just start with one GB and see how you like it. If you use a lot of data no worries.
You'll need to get a Nexus 6, 5x, or 6p
@McAdam has a Nexus 6 and I have a Nexus 5x.
I think I'll get a 6p
I was looking into that anyway
Ah awesome!
I can wait to hang out with you haha
I really like the front
but the back of the 6p...
that's the only thing that I really hate about the device
uber ugly
I'll get a case to cover this
we had it as a dev device
actually two of them
The 5X is super nice btw
and the screen is just beautiful
I head it's slow tho :/
We should totally call anyway because I'm hella bored
I was about to hit the bed lol
almost 2:30 am here ;_;
I was trying to figure out this uni work until now
but I'll just do it tomorrow
oh well, good night man!
Good night!
fuck my nexus 6 I hate it
I don't know why but it just hates me now.
Get a 5x
Call me
Also I'd get a 6p
but I don't want to spend $500
Get a 5x with Fi and it's only $200
but I don't wanna switch to Fi
1 hour later…
4 hours later…
Yaaaaay inebriation
^ I haven't laughed this hard in months. It's perfect.
1 hour later…
@Glitch XD XD
I'm pretty sure it's the best joke ever written
LOL glitch
I don't know what I was expecting
1 hour later…
anybody here know if this is the best way to communicate between parent and child process?
A: Fork parent child communication

cmc(I'll just assume we're talking linux here) As you probably found out, fork() itself will just duplicate the calling process, it does not handle IPC. From fork manual: fork() creates a new process by duplicating the calling process. The new process, referred to as the child, is ...

2 hours later…
Today on shitty scams Tristan gets emailed...
Glitch, that was spectacular
The first comment pretty much summed up my thoughts at the end
> Like what the hell was his plan the whole time?!?!?!
1 hour later…
@tristan how the hell do you get so much spam
Yeah I have no idea
Apparently that link goes to an actual friend request, I have no idea anymore.
\o Everyone~~
I just solved my concurrency problem
oh man this operating systems class is dope
Fuck, you reminded me of something I wanted to do before I left for a trip.
this and my systems architecture class, both my favourite
3 hours later…
o/ cygery
o/ how you doing?
I am good. :)
Just wanted to tell you about your SkipAd app
It sometimes doesn't mute the sound of the Ad on full screen playing mode
do you use a normal phone or tablet?
What's up y'all?
failed pretty hard at google codejam, how about you? :D
Oh was it hard? Just reading effective java..
And realizing how bad of a programmer I am lol
yeah, was round 2, pretty too hard for me
I wish I could participate too but I was unlucky with the date :/
@cygery a normal phone, Moto G 1st Gen :)
I'm away now
if you find any pattern or other info please ping me :)
so far I haven't encountered this issue
me neither, I faced this issue yesterday
and for once only
I just had the best nap ever
on a bus
from all places
really weird
When using static factory methods for object initialization, should you forbid the default object creation of the class? (e.g. Object obj = new Object()) by making the default constructor private?
That way you force the user of the API to initialize a object only by the static factory method
Which sounds logic
yes. only makes sense to do it that way.
// Suppresses default constructor, ensuring non-instantiability.
private Collections() {
you are right, java.util.Collections has the same behaviour
stupid.af ← Hey guys! I bought a new domain name for comedy purposes!
Star Pin that
love that domain nil
@nil it's not php.net in an iframe right? how are you embedding it?
An A record pointing at their server.
Their web server isn't checking the host header, so just pointing at the IP works.
It will probably break after not too long, depending on how often they shuffle servers around.
Plus I'm going to remove it in a week. It's funny but I don't want to make it a permanent thing.
I'm amazed you got the domain in the first place
I'm amazed nobody else thought to buy it.
@DaveS have a great wedding! My best to you and your bride!
@daveS is getting married?
ugh this database class is just boring

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