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wat is this o.o
what is this video angle
is he singing the same stuff in all of his vids @tristan?
the fedora icon makes it
I'm kind of uncertain how it is I managed to place a pre-order for the Pixel XL now when it seems that you can't do it anymore
In other news, managed to get an internal config loading package I wrote at work up to 68% coverage.
The other 22% is mostly mundane stuff or file loading, which I'd have to replace with mocking facilities that I don't feel like doing.
Considering mocking tells me nothing useful
don't end up testing getter and setters just to up your coverage game
I've seen people do it lol
Basically me ^
@ColdFire R.java is generated from the XML resources. Errors in those will cause it to not be created. Errors in other Java files have effect on R, though.
I really need an XKCD feed
@Ahmad I've seen people do a lot of dumb things in the name of complete coverage
I only really aim to get coverage on stuff that I consider important.
Testing if a function interface works as intended is something the compiler does for me.
Does code coverage even count that? I thought it only looked at executable code.
3 hours later…
It would count executing a function.
Q: how to run monkey automation tool for x hours

WilliamsHi I want to run monkey automation tool for x hours, I am able to fire x events using below commands :- adb shell monkey -p packagename -v 10000 Client told me to perform monkey test for x hours, How can I configure this. Thanks in advance.

/facepalm someone added the build directory in a pull request
I think he is still figuring out how to use git.
@RujulGandhi sorry but you need at least 80 reputation to talk here
is somebody of you using the android plugin of fabric for android studio on android on a 4k screen?
I use fabric. Not fancy enough for 4k, though.
@Code-Apprentice i am aware of that
on a 4k screen everything is very very smal
almost unreadable
Ugh, I misspoke compiler errors in Java do not affect generating R.
Listen to: #2 Gregor - one.npr.org/i/495765344:495765346
This is pretty interesting
anyways morning all
\o fellas and fellarinas
How is it going, CF?
o/ Tim
good just woke up and had breakfast
Where do you live?
That makes sense. In the US, it is the middle of the night
@utkarshdubey sorry but you need at least 80 reputation to talk here
@pallavi you are a prime sample of a help vampire. You need prove? Check this: Your recent chat messages
hehe warren
yeah CA it does
Gooooooood Morning Everyone!!! :D
hi womps
how's everyone this beautiful morning?
hey womp
I've been listening to the same handful of songs all week
youtube, clicking replay every time
like a true noob
sup mark
netpork lol #4 Com Truise
com Truise lol
Tim you should use Spotify web player
ads drive me nuts
@SanjayMangaroliya welcome to the room. Please read the room rules before you participate: room-15.github.io
"Spotify is currently not available in your country."
@TimCastelijns web player doesn't have ads
I have to tell everyone this
they seem to have ads in the mobile apps and the desktop app but not web player
I've been using it for over a year and no ads
web player is life
warren the message i starred of yours yesterday now have 6 stars :)
seems i gave people quite a confidence
indeed :D
and it was not flagged too
hehe yeah
@Jayaraj You need at least 80 rep to talk gere, among other things: room-15.github.io
@Jayaraj sorry but you need at least 80 reputation to talk here
keep browsing there is nothing to see here! Keep browsing!
hush hush
I thought I'd lose for sure cause I accidentally locked my computer while mousing over to his name
And my password is like 59 characters long
you are such a brat and show off! :D
59 chars? You sure have to compensate something :D
Hehe 59 that is a lie
i once got a super long password
it was a tonguebreaker in catalan with some letters replaced as numbers
It's the singple point of safety
Everything else stays logged in
Including the database that contains all my other passwords, bank details, ccs, etc.
maybe it is a statement then
Raghav is a boss or cool or something like that
Lol. That would be insecure. It's nothing related to me in any way
these days nothing on the net is safe. Millions of debit card details hacked in india
wow then its hard to remember
Our security is bad
Of course, but if someone hacks ATMs and POS systems across a country, then that's fair game
If someone reads it off my laptop because my password was too easy, that's dumb on my part
Like half my cards got blocked because of that, and I haven't event used them in India in over a year
and here i am, using simpsons episodes as password hints and ideas.
not actually simpsons episodes. but maybe a tv-show.
Hah, already saw it
Have fun guessing! :D
My password is invalid. So they always tell me: "Your password is invalid!"
@PallavSingh sorry, 80 rep is required to talk here
fast enough
So gutted I'm not at DroidCon UK :(
lol warren
@RaghavSood nope
that would be too obvious
@praneel You need at least 80 rep to talk here, among other things: room-15.github.io
2-1 :D
I just came back from the coffee break... Lucky one
@user5001783 Rejected for default username
3-1 :D
@praneel still low reputation. Do not request again
wait, he didn't?!
Nope. New guy
why the hell did the overlay showed him again?!
At least on my end
hehe 3-1 raghav
Glitch in the Matrix
Indian internet...
@user5001783 still default username. Do not request again until you have changed it
Well, to be fair, they changed it
Chat takes a while to update
cruel warren
On the other hand, @user5001783 Rejected for 52:8 q:a ration. We require significantly better than that: room-15.github.io
I guess I am still numbed by my cold
I usually double check that when a default username requests again
Since chat has a lag when updating names and pictures
yeah sometime an hour lag
now he is your problem, Mr 3-1 :)
@user5001783 Come on. At least read the messages. DO NOT request again until you have fixed the mentioned issues
maybe he/she is not getting pinged as name is changed?
Nope, ping works on the name shown
he should still be able to read and follow the chat, right?!
yeah that is true warren
Hello, Android!
if half the company would be as fast as the guys are who clean up after people leaving the company...
co workers account was deleted 2 weeks too early
they just archived my emails
Time to go home!!!! :D
cya people!! :3
@Mark presentation from yesterday.. 20 seconds in and already want to stop
20 seconds?
It looked good!
From the topic they were talking about
no offense meant, but sometimes it can be hard to focus on a presentation by a non native english speaker
Where are you, @Tim?
@WarrenFaith Why does it cut out like a split second before completion? :/
"cut out"?!
ah, you mean after moving to the next minute on display
no clue
probably just cropped by a cruel dumb designer
I mean are you at a conference or just streaming presentations?
Think he's talking about Realm presentations
Jan 10 '12 at 16:14, by WarrenFaith
I just recommend: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AE4zF36dPxE
5 years old... just watched it again. Still fucking great
@jeet.chanchawat Welcome. Please read the room rules room-15.github.io
@WarrenFaith Did you ever watch The League?
not that I could remember
The guy from that video is in it. Ducking hilarious
It is about a group of friends playing fantasy football.
The very first episode is the draft, of course...
At the b-day party of one of the guy's daughter.
The wife isn't happy about that
And Jon Lajoie is this guy's brother and pulls out his guitar to play for the birthday girl. The lyrics are full of innuendo and completely inappropriate
Lol... why did my first message get censored?
I have read and understood the rules.
_ A N _ _ A N
backform lunch
i'm gonna die
can I have your stuff
arent we all
it's for my GF and her hamster.
I have a feeling that Trump will be a very sore loser.
Winning won't make him less of a loser either
you're all losing the point
what's your point?
citiziens will loose either way
so if trump wins we better make our own nato.
a big panathlantic alliance forged in the dawn of cold war to protect the borders of civilization
i see
nowadays , an excuse to go to war / make traning operations during peace time with buddy countries
not a fan of it, but i don't want trump leading it.
I have this feeling that should trump get elected as president, and get to carry out his plans, he will not survive his 4 years. disclaimer for NSA: I am not a terrorist nor do I intend to kill presidents
question: do netherlanders prefer to be called dutch?
netherlander sounds weird af.
netherlander is not a word I think
netherlands is
that doesnt make netherlander a word
are you a spainer?
i just don't know, we call you "holandesos" in catalan, but in english/ french that sounds like a sauce
eric, ﴾͡๏̯͡๏﴿ O'RLY?
We are the dutch, I am a dutchman
Tim for you :⌐╦╦═─
well, in english i'm from catalonia, so i can either be called catalan or catalonian
CF I see you bookmarked my unicode emote site
(ó ì_í)=óò=(ì_í ò) ROFL
nope when did you shared that?
@TimCastelijns resistance is futile. prepare to enjoy quality frites and seafood.
and being techincally under the sea 90% of time.
i am using the site someone gave me
you can also call us spongebobs
we (soon will) live in houses under the sea
i dont know when you shared link
┬─┬ ︵ /(.□. )
neither do I, but I have that site as well lol
as long as climate change keeps rolling that way, you'll have to make those sea walls bigger
or make a big sea pump that fills switzerland
tim, where can you legally smoke weed there? in those so called coffeshops or something?
lol Tim
worst case scenario southern france and italy start flooding through the alps
best case scenario you recover 100% of the alps glaciers.
@netpork Not sure what the law says, but they don't really care. Weed is not really seen as a drug here
it's just something you smoke when you want to relax or so I guess
@TimCastelijns 0_o
as I heard that is 100% legal to have it but you should not smoke it and watch a cop in the eyes
in catalonia as long as it's for personal use, you're free to smoke it.
You are allowed to have X amount of cannabis plants at your home, not sure about smoking them
canada 2017
gonna be lit
althought you can't smoke it 100m around a school
here it's up to 5 plants
┬─┬ノ( º _ ºノ)
and as long as you don't make a solar circuit ot increasy production
anyway yeah you can legally buy it at coffee shops, and smoke it at home or something
you'd really have to ask someone with experience though
you have cannabis clubs here that sell it for personal use it too
never took it as habit tho :I
wow that is illegal here
asthma and smoke don't really go well.
Weed may be illegal, but I've never seen anyone in India get into trouble for it
sure Jail if you are in india
on the other hand, smoking weed will help against the stress you get from being asthmatic ??? :D
well nobody follow rules here
my friend that have asthma smoke only weed without tabacco and he told it helps
and corruption FTW
@TimCastelijns it's a endless loophole.
it may come one day the spanish government will notice we've been doing tons of laws for these small things that never reach news
but today it's not day day
they're busy cancelling bans on bullfighting and pursuing demonstrators
its nice ahmad
yeah that is why i didnt watch it complete
lol apple
what is the advantage createTempFile over createNewFile

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