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A: Continue after MouseEvent (Click) in C#

opewixIf you want some class (actually it's method) to wait for a click, you may want to use ManualResetEvent which will pause method execution until it gets click. But here, you have to care about blocking UI thread. Try call WaitForClick method as is. If your app completely freezes, you have to call ...

@RenéVogt but he explained it right, i want the method of SomeClass to wait until the mouse was clicked & the list is filled. Don't know whether this code works?!
@RenéVogt ooh ok. so i will try this
my _app.Application don't has a Click i only can use MouseUp as above. MouseUp does need the MouseEventOnShape -method as above. If i try it like @opewix solution my application thread gets blocked.
@RenéVogt thank you for grammar check, I've removed that note
@dnks23 can you fill your list inside MouseUp event handler instead of waiting for it in a method?
@opewix yes should work. do you have a example for that?
@dnks23 see my edit for example. Invoke is a method Control class. It will allow you to update your UI from separate thread
@opewix so i don't need the _waiter anymore?
@dnks23 yes you don't need it if you can fill your list in event handler
@opewix ok thanks! but i can't find the right using directive for invoke...
What do you mean
Do you have compilation errors?
ok nice thank you
visual studio says i need an object reference for Invoke
private static void MouseEventOnShape(int button, int keybuttonstate, double x, double y, ref bool canceldefault)
Control.Invoke(new Action(() =>
//fill my list


thats how it looks like
and i call it like this:
_app.Application.MouseUp += MouseEventOnShape;
I get the following compilation error:
The non-static field, method, or property "Control.Invoke (Delegate)" requires an object reference
one moment
var action = new Action(() =>
//fill my list


try this code
everything in my MouseEventOnShape?
error: InvokeIsRequired is not available
Invoke is not available in this Context
do i need any using directive or sth?
Are you executing this in visio addon?
do you have any controls on a form? for example a label
try to use it's name: label1.InvokeIsRequired and label1.Invoke
no forms, i just wan't the application to wait until the user clicks on a shape and then i want to fill the list in my MouseEventOnShape
is there no solution for my use-case?

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