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00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

One more hour...
@BaummitAugen tick tock
the suspense is killing me...
@Frits you can make it - not long now :p
good luck
I wish I didn't have that tiny bit of hope :D
I have to admit, I'm kind of nervous right now. XD
Yeah, me too
Good luck all, tons of deserving candidates, I'm sad I only had 3 votes.
someone set loose butterflies in my stomach.
Because moderators cannot nominate if they've been suspended in the last year, I wonder how the system would handle somebody in the election being suspended right now.
Looking for volunteers to test whether that particular edge-case is covered :p
Don't you get any funny ideas! =D
wanna try that out? :P (not with me though)
hmm.. if we break the election do we get a badge?
@meagar fully agree. There are 6 that I would be stoked to see as mods, I must have changed my votes 4-5 times...
@meagar IIRC that's still a soft enforcement.
meaning "enforced by Shog"
@meagar Apparently - you can nominate if you've been suspended in the past year... but you get a warning saying that your nomination may be withdrawn without warning or something... and you have to confirm you really want to
20 minutes. Arrrgh
@JonClements Good to know
@JonClements Needs to be that way. IIRC I've technically been suspended in the last two years, maybe the last year
CM testing template stuff
Last I checked you're a dog, not a guinea pig
Sometimes a puppy growing up can get a bit confused - don't bring back the memories!
pictures puppy on a running wheel
@gunr2171 you mean like this?
yes : )
Yeah... that poor one didn't get help in time :(
Kinda feels like waiting until midnight on New Year's eve... except it's at the same time for everyone...
@Undo ping. :D
I'm here :)
Great timing
@Undo Hahaha I totally did not sit with that line, pre-typed, waiting for 19:50....
@Mithrandir that's the one thanks :)
@Mithrandir Huh, cool. Didn't know that got implemented at the system level
Final predictions?
Andy and Baum mit Augen.
@Undo in the greatest underdog move of the century, Jon Skeet gains both seats
I voted @Andy and @BaummitAugen
With Cody Gray and Yvette Colomb being called up after ;P
@gunr2171 lol
I don't know if I'd call Jon Skeet an "underdog" :p
@KyleWilliamson Thank you, much appreciated!
Good luck to everyone. It'll be exciting to see who wins
@Mithrandir Please! XD
@Mithrandir Interesting you're calling for @Baum to move from 4th to at least 2nd. Why?
@meagar well he's tied for lowest score in the nomination (assuming null is a value)
@Undo *shrugs* Didn't look at the primary results, honestly
Although maybe it's better not to.
Don't take away the trust!
Here we go
Good luck :)
40 secs
Every year I forgot that it spends 1 minute with "1 minute left", and then hits 59 seconds :|
If all goes as planned, I should be the first to know. We'll see
20 seconds
ohhh boy
@meagar yeah, it's all optimized for backwards-counting
Unofficial results: Winners are Andy and Cody Gray.
OpenSTV version 1.7 (OpenSTV.org)

Suggested donation for using OpenSTV for an election is $50.  Please go to
OpenSTV.org/donate to donate via PayPal, Google Checkout, or
Amazon Payments.

Certified election reports are also available.  Please go to
openstv.org/certified-reports for more information.

Loading ballots from file votes.blt.
Ballot file contains 10 candidates and 30582 ballots.
No candidates have withdrawn.
Ballot file contains 30582 non-empty ballots.
No results yet?
Nice bot.
Congratulations @Andy !
@JeremyBanks It's nice from this end. From the other end it involves some amount of enter-key-timing
Cody Gray was my 3rd pick
Congrats @Andy. I'd ping Cody the same but we all know he won't see it :D
Thanks everyone!
@Andy @CodyGray Congrats!
@Undo good work :D
@Andy @CodeGray Congrats. I voted for both of you and think you will do an excellent job.
Thanks @NathanOliver.
@Nathan for your first attempt - you did well... :)
About time @Andy!
Congratz @Andy
@JonClements Thanks. I'll be running again for sure. I'm happy to place 5th in my first election
Prepare to see flags in your dreams and nightmares
3rd diamond time for @Andy
I think I voted for him in the last 2 elections?
@Andy Whilst the diamonds are doled out, some reading material
@meagar in dreams? Does that actually happen.... I know the later does...
Good thing I never remember my dreams then, right?
@Undo >.< Why isn't that on chat.SE?
My dreams are only of no flags, a beautiful shining empty flag queue
@Mithrandir shrug
Chat trifurcation is hard
oh, yeah, I was going to ask on Meta Stack Overflow if I can be blue here too
Congratulations, @Andy and @CodyGray!
Real runners up, from STV: 3) Yvette, 4) Alex, 5) Baum
where is result
afk, walking to another building
Q: 2017 Community Moderator Election RESULTS

Shog9Well, it's been a crazy month but July has finally come to a close and with it Stack Overflow's 9th moderator election has also concluded. They said it was impossible, but 30 thousand or so voters were able to pick the best two moderators from among many worthy candidates, namely: They'll be...

Congratulations to the winners and big thanks to everyone who participated!
Shog9 thanked me not-so-directly-but-in-general. Faints
Runners-up are Yvette Colomb and Alexander O'Mara
@Andy while you’re updating your profile, check the flair image link’s protocol.
Also, congrats!
Heh, Cody isn't online yet to see the results. :P
@HariomSingh The results are in the Meta post Shog linked: meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/354232/…
@JeremyBanks Strange to think that someone wouldn't be at their keyboard constantly refreshing the page :)
@JeremyBanks ...he has a diamond; doesn't that mean he's accepted the moderator agreement?
The diamond is granted separately
You have time to accept it, I think
yeah... hasn't accepted yet... come on Cody :)
@Shog9 I'm totally shocked - good shocked
@Andy - can't ping Cody (the anti chatter) - Congratulations to you both!!! You'll both make awesome mods!! and we all know it :D
@BoltClock what happened to your avatar?
Thanks @YvetteColomb
@JF he decided to change it?
@JF Bolt rotates between images once in a while.
ah, OK.
I like that it's now a boltclock.
(now or still. one of these time qualifiers).
is it my imagination or was that a fairly evenly distributed election among many of the candidates. I really need to go and look at some of the previous graphs
Congratulations, @Andy - Glad you made it through this round
00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

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