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Q: How to I get X, Y coordinates of text from the textview text in android?

Tamilan ManikandanI have a text in android textview, and i need to know a particular text co-ordinate position. E.g I _ _ _ _ xxxx, and I am _ _ _ _ _ I want to know where the _ string placed in that textview

see android.text.Layout
I cant get you...
what you cant get? did you read android.text.Layout documentation? if so, whats unclear?
I can't understand what you want to convey..
Kindly understand my question, I need co-ordinate of char in textview text
getLineForOffset(int offset) / getLineBottom(int line) / getLineTop(int line) / getLineBounds(int line, Rect bounds) / getPrimaryHorizontal(int offset) did you read those methods documentation?
if you did read those javadocs, then whats unclear?
or you just want the working custom TextView code showing how to use it?
i want place some word in the _ _ _ _ by drag and drop. Like fill in the blank
so you need to know what character is under some x,y TextView position and vice versa (given some offset in the string return x,y position on the TextView), right?
yes you are correct ... :-)
so just use android.text.Layout class, it has all the methods you need
I used, but it's not giving correct x, y position
so what have you done?
TextView text1 = (TextView) findViewById(; Layout textlayout = text1.getLayout(); float txtposition = textlayout.getPrimaryHorizontal((int)text1.getText().toStrin‌​g().indexOf("_")); textview has String "Drop here _ _ _ _ _"
and whats in float txtposition ?
is show 208

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