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A: how to continue playing second song after first song is finished playing in AVPlayer

DShahPlease refer to the Apple's Link for help : This link explain about Playing Multiple Items. You can use AVQueuePlayer which is subclass of AVPlayer for queuing the multiple songs....

NSArray *items = <#An array of player items#>;
AVQueuePlayer *queuePlayer = [[AVQueuePlayer alloc] initWithItems:items];

AVPlayerItem *anItem = <#Get a player item#>;
if ([queuePlayer canInsertItem:anItem afterItem:nil]) {
[queuePlayer insertItem:anItem afterItem:nil];

Since i am fetching songs from ipod library and putting it on custom tableview how it will know that song is finished and the next song has to continue
Since you have registered the notification for AVPlayerItemDidPlayToEndTimeNotification, whenever song will get finished your selector method will get fired...
yeah i dont know how to fetch the next song and start playing after current song finishes playing
Same way as you started the first song, but the only difference is now you will write the logic inside the selector method. Handle the Selector method whenever the first song finish.
Refer to section Responding to a Change in Status in link, a KVO is registered. It is similar to Notification (remember but not same as notification).
can u help me with the logic inside the selector method
Please see my edit section Link which is exactly you want.
its working in background i just want to the player to continue playing the next song as soon as the song which is playing finishes
Can you include some code how you are doing? so that i can help you with your logic. Please include your selector method code.
DShah i can mail you the project so that u can understand clearly
Can you just upload your project to dropbox or other such place or you could include whole code here only so that others can also help you...
yeah i can upload it to dropbox .. i dont want to post the whole code since it's too long ..
hi orgami
hi DShah
here the link for dropbox
please share your dropbox link..
let me know if u were able to download it
basically what i want is to second song to continue after first song is finished playing , i havent added uislider to implement scrubbing so that when i scrub it the song will finish and second song will continue and the slider goes back to starting point .. .. u will have to help me out ..cause i my xcode is having problem i cant test it :( if u can help i would appreciate it
actually i am at my home n have win 7...
once i will go to office i will able to run that...
but till that i will try to figure out the code...
i have downloaded your project....
ok .. are u going to use that AVPlayerItemDidPlayToEndTimeNotification
can i call the same selector method in remotecontrolledevents to gain access next song ?
next song in the sense skip to next song
cause i want to skip to next and previous song by using remoteControlledEvents . will the continuation to next song even in when the app is in background or do we have to do little extra
see m not much familiar with behavior of audio frameworks in background.... as i used to use audio in my beginning of career... But i will try to help you ...
background isnt the problem now continuation of song is
and one more thing when i add songs from ipod library it will get displayed in myPlayListTable and the first song will start playing the problem is ..when i try to add few more songs they will get added but the song which was playing gets stopped and the song which was selected second time around starts playing .
if u can help me out in this .. it would be great ... once u r done updating the proj how will u send it to me ?
ok... Is selector method getting fired when 1st song finishes??
which selector method ..
Have you used AVPlayerItemDidPlayToEndTimeNotification setting Notification callbacks?
i cannot see this in your code....
as i said my xcode crashed and not been able to work on it
ok... so there is much to edit your code.... but i dont have setup here...
setup ?
u mean mac ?
i dont have mac right now...
m on windows....
its ok u can do it when u r on mac
how r u going to send the updated proj to me
i will try as soon as possible ... but truely... dont depend on me.... as i have other stuffs to do... pls dont mind..
Have you enabled Background audio in Info.plist...
Have you tried that??
i have enabled it .. background playing isnt my main concern now
the app is working fine in background so there is no problem in that
once u run it , u will get clear idea how the app is working
my main concern is when there is multiple song as soon as current song gets played out the next song will start playing ... 2 .) once u add few songs it will get displayed in tableview by clicking showPlaylist button .. if i add few more songs they will be displayed in tableview but the song which is currently playing will get interrupted and the song which was added second time will start playing . 3) adding uislider so that i can implement scrubbing ..
and skip to next r previous song implement
once u r done just drop a comment in my question blog . i will try to contact u
why have you commented this line?? //[[UIApplication sharedApplication] beginReceivingRemoteControlEvents];
i think by mistake i have commented it
pls go through below 2 links which has similar discussions
that mistake may be the culprit..
culprit for which problem
i have to go .. thanks for helping me .i'll ttyl ..

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