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A: React : Cannot update during an existing state transition error

Glitch100You can't call this.setState within a render cycle, just as the error has told you. Why not instead call the generateTimelineArray in the componentWillReceiveProps lifecycle function provided by React? Or perhaps during the componentWillMount function if you don't see the state of it changing. T...

There has to be arguments that are dynamic, in this case i have provided them hardcoded, but how should I send them to componentWillReceiveProps ?
If there are arguments that are dynamic, then you provide them to the props of this component in question: <Timeline timeLineProp={'prop1'} /> Changing timeLineProp it will trigger componentWillReceiveProps
Ok, this sounds reasonable, so I got rid of the error but the state was not updated.
Are you sure? Have you put a console.log there to see if the willReceiveProps is being hit when you change the props? Also you can access the next values via the nextProps argument, and can compare them to this.props
You han see live example here : It seems like setState is not getting triggered at all.
17:30 I have updated it. See how I have a parent component changing the props, and passing in a fresh value? That then hits the willReceiveProps...
Thans great but as i mentioned -"The generateTimelineArray is looping trough the specified arguments and creating an array. Which i later on want to map into another component". I have to somehow to initialize the creating arrow function and pass the array, still cannot see how to do that from your example :(
So this timelineArray. How often do the arguments change, what changes them, and where are the arguments that it takes going to be stored?
If you want to get it started and have it render once do it in the constructor
this is how it has to look like
the timeline
so my idea is to specify start end and step which is minute
then render it to another component
so i can of course send the values
it is not problem i have hardoded them in the function for now
and i genera the arr
which contains an array of objects of timeline => {object of date time formats}
i have to somehow get it inside the render function
to map into another component, I hope my explanation makes sense :D
Ok then what you want is a Timeline component which generates more Timeline elements , based on the array of objects that you have
Your prop will be timelineElements and you pass into that the array of objects.
and the array looks fine, but i have to access it via state into the render function somehow and then use map function at least how I have thought
Inside the render function simply do
const elements = => {
return <TimelineElement timeStamp={element.time} text={element.text} />;

return (
If you pass them in via props, you don't need to add it to state, unless you want that component to control it
That way, when new time format objects are ready, from whichever higher up component handles them, then it can pass them in, and your rerender will update the list appropriately
TBH I think this has drifted beyond the original question, and the problem you faced I did answer, would you be able to accept the answer?
Ok but where does let arr = []; comes to place
I will accept the answer yes
In that component if you want. Where does it get the array of times from?
Why not keep it simple for now.

Have what I said sit in the render method, and hardcore in a number of times to the this.state = {
And then add a button which pushes another object onto the state array and subsequently causes a renreder :)
You see the for loop i made it pushes values to "arr", how do i put that arr inside the render
Yea but that is bad react. You want that outside the component lifecycle. How about the constructor () { } ? Put it there. That will populate the state. this.setState({ arr: arr })
but will the function that generates the array run by itself
or it has to be called someplace?
a constructor is called on the component mount
so its auto called (run by itself as you put it)
Same as componentDidMount()
but if I put console log inside the function it does not appear
I am heading off now, I hope I have helped, it might help to do some react react uttorails like this:
so it looks like it does not autorun
in the constructor() { }
inside your component
it 100% will. That is a programming principle
See the console.
Good luck dude

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