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Q: clicking in a button do nothing in Reactjs

Tba3bi3I have a component which will return a button element, and the onClick handler will dispatch a redux action: This is the button component : const UxMenuButton = ({children, currentView, defaultTab = false, imgUrl = null, onClick, type = 'submit'}) => { return ( <button className={`ux-btn ...

Have you confirmed that the onClick isn't firing by putting a console.log in that function? Can you also share the onClick function?
yes this is the problem when I do fire onClick('stufff') outside the return it does the job and I see my state changes in redux dev tools, so the problems comes from the button not being clicked
Are you doing e.preventDefault(); in the function? Where e is the first parameter to represent the event. onClick={(e) => onClick(e, '300')})
i'm not using preventDefault anywhere.
Can we see the changeTopPosition function?
updated my question (it's complicated to share code from a redux app :/)
Have you declared propTypes for the UxMenuButton
hey :
UxMenuButton.propTypes = {
children: PropTypes.node,
currentView: PropTypes.object,
defaultTab: PropTypes.bool,
imgUrl: PropTypes.string,
onClick: PropTypes.func,
type: PropTypes.oneOf(['button', 'reset', 'submit'])
If you manually change the onClick function to be onClick={() => console.log('a') }
does it work?
if you wanna take a look
it's really simple
does't work ether even with console.log
That's fine, but have you done what I suggested?
Ok then and you can see it?
As in it is rendering?
yes its visible I can see it and its children too is visible
and no error in the console !
Surround it in another div, and make that div red
Just to be safe
there is nothing obviously wrong here so we have to do dumb stuff to check
Also console.log out the onClick function the line above the return statement for UxMenuButton
not sure if onClick is a reserved word in React or possible to overwrite, but I wouldn't use it as a custom prop, <MyComponent onChangeTop={...} /> would make it clear that you don't want to use the React prop onClick but you trigger a custom event
onClick is a reserved word for react, and you are using it in entirely the right context
the console log return this function changeTopPosition(top) {
return dispatch(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__core_menu__["a" /* menuActions */].changeTopPosition(top));
So the function is definitely there
it's your event not firing
it's used as custom prop in const UxMenuButton = ({children, currentView, defaultTab = false, imgUrl = null, onClick, type = 'button'}) => {
can you try renaming the button element to an input and give it the attribute type="button"
if you open the console and press the button, you will see console.log working
I can't access the link freeman
lets give it a try
damn I'm behind a proxy I cant see the link sory
ah sorry :/
It works, as expected - there must be something wrong on your end
iven with input I cant see console log !!!!!
this is miraculous ..
I am gonna look over your repo as it's something there that is dying
What view is the UxMenuButton used it?
used in*
Glitch100 I even updated my sandbox to pass the onClick function from the parent, a simple log again, and it still works
I have to leave now unfortunately, good luck on your hunt
hilarious ..
thank you
Can I see this working? Is there a way to run your app to emulate the issue??
u can npm install and just run npm start to see the problem
got ya
I'll pull it down
to reproduce the scenario choose the nurse profile, in the main page swipe up the button gray bar to find the problematic buttons. thank you for this effort :)
Have you pushed
I got a bug after running npm start and npm install
ahh yes you have to run this commend
node /server/websocket-mock/layout-websocket.js
I don't have that server installed :S
surely that should be inside your repo
no its just a node websocket
it's a mock
it's in the same gir repo
don't require any install
just start node layout-websocket.js
node server/websocker-mock/layout-websocket.js
I run the command however it just throws :/
> [email protected] server C:\Users\jon.evans\Documents\Personal\future-layout
> node ./server/websocket-mock/layout-websocket.js

throw err;
which version of node ?
im using 6.9

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