from numpy import *
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
x = linspace(-20, 20, 1000)
t1 = arctan(x)
t2 = arctan(x-2) #+ 0.2*random.rand(1000) - 0.1 # offset by two, with some statistical noise added
print(argmin([sum((t1[200 + offset:-200 + offset] - t2[200:-200])**2) for offset in range(-100, 100)]))
# break this down into several lines/tasks, or write it as a loop, as it's a bit unwieldy like this
# the window here is 600 points wide, starting from 100-700, then moving up to 300-900
best_offset = x[200 + argmin([sum((t1[200 + offset:-200 + offset] - t2[200:-200])**2) for offset in range(-1…