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"You can find the best alignment by doing a succession of samples of each curve, computing (f(x)-g(x))**2 at each value of x and summing the total. Then offset the x value for f(x) using (f(x+offset)-g(x))**2 and sum this new set of squared differences. Your goal is to find the value of offset that gives the minimum summed difference of squares."
Hi Julian
"Well the samples are just basically the x-y points of each graph. If you have the same number of points in each, and they are spaced the same, then the points you have are the samples.

In fact, to make some forward progress, fudge your data set to be nicely formed like this. Same number of points in each function, and at uniform x-intervals

Later on when you have less-friendly data, then you can work on normalizing back to a clean pair of points, and then you can run them through the same function you write using the initial forced-clean data"
(just trying to get everything into here)
Good idea
"Can you get two sets that meet the criteria I posted? (same number of points, equidistant X values)"
How many points are in these sequences?
"Ok then, start by writing a cost function that will compute, given two x-y sets and an offset, the sum of the squares of the differences in the Y-value between the two sequences, adding the offset to one of the sequence's X values.

Also add a parameter for a window width, since you want to compare some window/slice of each sequence (can't really compare the two entire sequences, since they will only overlap for offset=(min X of sequence 1) - (min X of sequence 2)"
(alright go ahead if you need to finish your thought)
I am trying to page in some statistical work I did a number of years ago, so I am winging it a bit here.
Does "minimizing the sum of the squares of the differences" make sense?
Probably the first step is to just write a function that takes two sets of Y values - just assume that they represent the same respective X value for each Y. Call them s1 and s2.
If it means to minimize the distance between the respective Y-values then yes.
The easiest way to get the matched items from 2 or more sequences is zip. We would write something like (blah blah blah for y1, y2 in zip(s1, s2)) where "blah blah" is some expression using y1 and y2
Also, the offset is being used to create a standard domain for both graphs correct? And are we going to give an offset or find the offset because you say "give" and "find" for the offset value.
Too soon!
Right now, let's assume we've picked out two sets of y-values to compare.
Ok got it. Forget what I said then
for the square of the difference in the y values, what would you write for "blah blah blah"?
perfect - if you substituate that back into the bit above, you'll have a generator expression that will yield that difference squared for each y-value pair.
Then to sum the squares of the differences...
... use Python's sum builtin
It occurs to me that we can work on a shared Python console using pythonanywhere - do you have an account there?
I know I was trying to devise something with sum((y1-y2)**2 for <something>) but I was in the middle.
No but I will make one now
Ok I got an account
jrachman is my username
Ok, this will be interesting, first time I've done this
well doesn't hurt to try
1 sec
I've split my screen so I can see the pythonanywhere on the left and this chat on the right
Ok I will do the same
have you gotten any kind of notification?
not yet
you typed jrachman right?
ok try it again
Do have to respond to an email to activate your account or something?
It might take like a min or 2
Or you may just have to open a browser window to pythonanywhere and log in
"Consoles can be shared with other users, have Internet access (filtered for free users, full access for paying customers) and do not lose state if you close your browser window"
What is the difference between "full access" and "filtered"?
Well, i don't know
If you log in view your dashboard
Consoles shared with you
No-one has shared any consoles with you :-(
Let me try to share with you
what is your username?
Python 3.6 is fine right?
3.6 is fine
Click the link to start a console
I sent a request to you
Then there should be a "share" button in the upper right
I'm in
I was doing a little work on this before, so I'm going to create 2 small sequences
zip now right?
go ahead
In Py2 days, this would give you a list, but now in Py3, zip, map, filter, and most other functions (but not sorted) return generators, not lists. Do that same line, but wrap it in list(...)
So now you see the pairs
This is nice because we can build up the expression, lets start with just making a list of the diffs y1-y2
oh so you don't have to be like
then try to do sum()
Now your turn - yes, you change it
stick with list for now
its just systematically better
I think you can up-arrow to get the last line
You want to square each diff like you did just now in your comment
not pow, we will use ** for exponents
oh right
@JulianRachman this one
replace "y1-y2" with that expression
Ok, good
and as you said, now instead of making a list, use sum to get the sum
I understand where I went wrong. dumb mistake trying to square an array
We are going slow, so don't sweat it
change list to sum to see our sequence diffing expression
I think that looks right
You will end up saving that off in a def or lambda so you can call it with differrence sequences of y-values
you mean the sequence we just went through correct?
Now the trick is to write python code that will pick different slices out of your actual data set, make repeated calls to this function, and find the pair of slices that give the minimum
and the input would be 2 lists of y-values for the 2 sets of data
Really, just that last line
oh right
wait so the lists are all of the values right now and not slices yet correct?
How big are your data sets?
from 20,000 to 100,000,000
I was hoping like 500
ya rip no
And these data sets are each in their own lists?
each data set has its own column of time and column of outputs that is it
Well this is going to run for a while, probably more like something you would use pandas for.
Because finding the matching window in raw Python with that many points will run for weeks
Ya pandas seems like a good choice
I have to break off in a couple of minutes, but leave this console open, and I'll try to add some more notes with some small sample sequences.
Ok got it. How long will you be gone? I will probably have to go out for a but for some coffee because I need it.
Actually it would be great if you posted 2 sets like I did s1 and s2, each with say 100-200 points similar to your data sets
ok I can do that
Going to watch a program with my wife before she goes to bed
An hour or 2
Ok sounds good
bye for now...
Just letting you know I finished
Here is the scenario I developed:
150 points
0.06 distance
first set d1 domain: x=4 to 13
second set d2 domain: x=-2.5 to 6.5
r1=0.5 * x**4 + x +2
r2=0.5 * x**4 + x + 2.005345345
sum of the square of the differences = 4434474140.3548546
I'm ready once you get back :)
@PaulMcG Welcome back
Ok, so I converted that expression to a function - easy to do with a lambda since it was just returning the value of a calculation
Not strictly PEP8 to do named lambdas lilke that, but they are easier in the console
If I pick a window size of 50, then there are 100 possible windows from each list, 100 X 100 is 10,000 cases to evaluate
window = sequence right?
To find the minimum overlapping window, we need the starting offset in each sequence
Window will be a 50-element slice of the raw sequence
ok got it
We want to iterate over all the pairs (0,0), (0,1), ... (99, 99) - each one representing the starting offsets in the two sequences of a 50-element slice
THe easiest way to generate those tuples is using itertools.product
We can do this all in a single line of Python, calling min on the list of offset tuples, compputing the sumdff2 on the 50-element slices represented by that tuple.
min will take a key function, which will take an item in the sequence we want the min from - in our case a pair of index offsets - and return some value. THe value we want for each pair will be the sumdiff2
Is the lambda notation okay for you?
See what I'm doing?
I'm trying to follow
In sumdiff2_for_offset, we are going to pass in an offset pair, and use that to create two slices from your original sequences, each slice will be window in width
We then pass those two slices to sumdiff2, which will give use the sum of the squared diffs between each sequence item pair
oh! I see it now
so what you did with like r1[2:2+window] was just an example
now you are turning it into a function with r1[offsets[0]:offsets[0]+window]
then you put it into the sumdiff2 function for which you call sumdiff2_for_offset
That is what sumdiff2_for_offset does
other way around
sumdiff2_for_offset calls sumdiff2
oh right right mb
for a window-sized slice
Ok, now the big finish, pass all this off to min
min takes a key argument, which is our cost function that we want to minimize across all the offset pairs from 0,0 to 99,99
which we get from calling product
This may take a minute...
So the first 50 items of r1 had the best fit with the 50 items of r2 starting at offset 99
Ok understood
Is that what you expected for this set?
Well the set was randomly generated as you saw above
If you want, can we graph and see it in action?
^ for pythonanywhere
awesome do it
Ok so I need to offset the data from r1 by 99 right?
No r2
so the domain has to be offset by 99
Well you don't really have x-values, r2 just contains the y's.
oh right
The x's are sort of virtual as the indexes into the list. You can simulate them with enumerate if you want
What are you going to try plotting - the whole of both lists with x's offset for r2? Or just the 50-element slices overlaid?
the 50 element
Ok, so you can just get the slices as r1[0:0+window] and r2[99:99+window]
Ah, I didn't see how you created d2
Ya I describe my random set of data above
so to plot this what would I do?
do I just get the domain
I am not a matplotlib guy, sorry
then plot pairs?
oh do you plot with something else or don't plot at all?
I am willing to bet you can do this in a single call to plt.some_plot_function
iPython has some nice builtin plotting, and it looks like pythonanywhere lets you share iPython consoles
But it is still matplotlib
which I don't know
When I need to plot, it is usually a painful transfer of copy/paste to excel
Ok well
so r1[0:0+window] and r2[99:99+window] are the y-values correct?
Yes, they are the values of the best matching slice
because they should closely match
I want to try just one little experiment
r1=0.5 * x**4 + x +2
r2=0.5 * x**4 + x + 2.005345345
go ahead
I want to move the last 10 elements of r1 to the front of r1, and see how that changes our results
Hopefully, it will just move our first offset from 0 to 9 or 10
Ok, I feel better now
I was a little suspicious of the first run
when we got 0 for one of the minimum offsets
Yes, that is the same window as we saw before, but now it is shifted by 10 places in r1
heh, not good, because -10+window is 40
But they again should be really close because of the equations I made
I'm just saying your list slicing is flawed
You mean the way I made the problem?
No, just that last line r1[-10:-10+window] - what were you trying to do?
Idk just trying
And obviously I know now why id doesn't work
I was using negative subscripts to easily reference the last 10 items, or the first items up to the 10th from the end
But I could have used the positive index 140 just as well
Julian I have to pack it in to be ready for work in the morning
Does this get you some forward progress that you can work with for a bit?
Ya I think so
This was a good experiment for me, I've not doing this kind of collaborative Python work
I think one thing I might have did wrong were the r1 and r2 equations
because what I am doing is just trying to match up pretty ,much the same equations at different intervals
Well you have sumdiff2 and sumdiff2_for_offset, you can craete different sequences for r1 and r2 and experiment
and x=4 to 13 is completely different than x=-2.5 to 6.5 for the same graph
well I was thinking maybe I could do
r1=0.5 * x**4 + x +2
r2=0.5 * (x+7.25)**4 + x + 2.005345345
Do an exact match and see what you get
r2=0.5*(x+.1)**4 + x + 2.1
forgot this is not win cmd line lol
wait why 0.1?
doesn't matter - make it 10 or 200
Just add it in both places x is used in the expression
wrap in []'s
rip ya lol
Now you should ba eble to recall that min statement and just run it again
that was it
Looks pretty close
I'm going to try graphing now
but thanks again
Ok, good night!
could you just show me how to isolate the domain
for the window
I'm sorry if you really need to go. If you do we can wait and I can continue

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