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A: Why does my waveform not match my data?

Phillip WilliamsA Frequency of 28,160Hz is to high for a sample rate of 48000. And a sample rate of 3,000Hz , the maximum frequency would be less than 1.5KHz This is related to the Nyquist sample rate. In short the maximum frequency you can sample at a given sample rate is 1/2 the Sample rate. In reality it...

Even after changing the starting frequency to A7 (3,520 Hz) and the duration to seven seconds, I get the same effect when keeping the sample rate of 48,000 Hz. A "bounce" seems to always occur at around 1.44 s.
The "Bounce" you hear is called an ALIAS Effect. Iit is what happens when your sample rate is too slow for the given frequency. Under-Sampled.
How is a sample rate of 48,000 Hz insufficient for a tone of at most 3,520 Hz though? That's nearly fourteen samples per period. That's obviously not ideal, but it's enough to convey the tone (poorly albeit). If I change the get_sample function to emit a constant tone, everything works fine; the pitch is spot on. :/
I'm having a bit of an issue about how you limit your SWEEP to be between the start and end frequency?
I'm sure that you see that the frequency is a10 / 2.0 ** time. a10 is of course just a constant. So when time == 0.0, the frequency will be a10 / 2.0 ** 0.0 == a10 / 1.0 == a10. This matches exactly what I expect. Letting time = 1.0, the frequency ends up being a10 / 2.0 ** 1.0 == a10 / 2.0 == a9, as expected. Letting time = 2.0, the frequency becomes a10 / 2.0 ** 2.0 == a10 / 4.0 == a8, and so forth. I want the solution to my problem to be as simple as a flaw in my logic, but I'm failing to see it.
I'm working it out. It was not clear. All the parts are spread out. You don't limit it, except by hard coding the ranges based on the start freq and duration. so.. working it out in my head. step by step.
Questions... pi2 = 2 * pi should this be: pi2 = 2.0 * pi
I've walked the code in my head, and it looks right, so I think it might be something we are "Assuming" like "pi" being 3.1415926535897 or that it remains a float
In the middle of a storm right now and might loose connection. I don't see Glaring issue with the code other than the frequency. post new audio file wit hnew frequency and ranges
Well, there is very litte I can find wrong. MAYBE order of operstions.
frequency = a10 / 2.0 ** time
Force the order to be
frequency = a10 / (2.0 ** time)
Not 100% srue about python on FLOAT v.s. Integers.
You may need to make sure all values are converted to float where needed.
** **
Fore example:
frequency = float(a10) / 2.0 ** float(time)
# print('{:.15f} {:.15f} {:.15f}'.format(time, frequency, sin(pi2 * frequency * time)))
return sin(pi2 * frequency * float(time))
time = float(i) / float(SAMPLE_RATE)
and what ever else that really should be float during the calculations .
Those are the straws I think I find. but not sure what else it might be
2 hours later…
time and a10 are already floating point numbers. And ** has higher precedence than /, so that's functioning as expected. Like I said, the values returned by get_sample are 100% correct. I've no doubt in my mind. So something is happening after get_sample returns. And I've no idea what could cause this issue. Quite frustrating. I appreciate the help anyhow!
3 hours later…
what code you use for fixed frequency ?
I ran a slightly modified code at
as 16 bit data for 3250hz. the output looks good.
from math import pi, sin
from sys import byteorder
#import wave

def get_sample(time):
frequency = a10 / 2.0 ** time
# print('{:.15f} {:.15f} {:.15f}'.format(time, frequency, sin(pi2 * frequency * time)))
return sin(pi2 * frequency * time)

pi2 = 2 * pi
a10 = 3520.0

SAMPLE_RATE = 48000 # samples per second
SAMPLE_WIDTH = 2 # bytes
DURATION = 1 # seconds


samples = bytearray()

for i in range(SAMPLE_RATE * DURATION):
time = i / SAMPLE_RATE
2 things I changed.
Duration of 1 second
Sample Width of 16 bits (2 bytes)
Try changing your code:
DANG IT.. formatting not preserved with code past.
so here is a link to the code :
keep finding examples with struct.pack()
4 hours later…
So somebody came to the rescue . PHASE... I forgot all about that!!!!

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