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@VinitDivekar Hey, This should be there in auth service so that can be accessed from anywhere.
@ErwinOkken Nice idea you may also make it observable and then use filter operator
2 hours later…
@ShivTavker Basically I think rejecting the promise should've been done in the plugin itself, but since that is not being done, I will take care of it in the lowest level (StorageService) and then in the next layer (e.g. MyStorageService) I will map things. It's weird that it's not in the default implementation, but thanks for your help!
3 hours later…
hello guys
i am new in angular i have stupid error >> need some help
Q: Angular Property '$ref' is missing in type 'AngularFireList<{}>

Hesham Faragi got this error /Users/macmini/Desktop/newap/src/app/component/content/content.component.ts (18,5): Type 'AngularFireList<{}>' is not assignable to type 'FirebaseListObservable'. Property '$ref' is missing in type 'AngularFireList<{}>'. component.ts import { Component, OnInit } from '@ang...

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