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Q: Is using the isInstance method on a static field shared between threads safe?

dadus33I'm working on a program where due to various reasons I only know the name of the class I need at runtime, so I have to use reflection to access it. In one particular place in my program I have to check whether an object is an instance of that class, and as I'm using reflection I can't use instan...

You don't use isInstance on a static field; you read the value of the static field, and then call isInstance on that. The read of the field is "thread safe", but by the time you invoke isInstance on that value, some other thread might have changed the value under your feet.
@AndyTurner I don't really understand what you mean. How can the value of the field change if it is marked as final?
@dadus33 is the MY_CLASS variable static and final too?
@AndyTurner Yes, I stated that in my post. Also, it wouldn't make sense not to be. MY_CLASS is of type Class and I only initialize it with the class name I get at runtime using Class.forName()
Oh, in that case there's no problem.
@AndyTurner Thank you. I'd like to understand though in what case it wouldn't be safe to run methods on final static fields?
If the object isn't thread safe: for example, static final List<String> LIST = new ArrayList<>();.
@AndyTurner that really shed some light over my misunderstandings. So basically when I use methods that might change some values in that field, right? For instance, when using set() on an ArrayList, just like in your example, some value in the underlying array changes, and threads that might access that same value simultaneously might get the value that was previously there or throw a ConcurrentModificationException if they also want to set() something. Is that right?
Thats true.
Which means you need to make the Objecf in question itself ThreadSafe.
What does that mean?
@n247s How would I make it ThreadSafe?
Though as far as field accessing goes; because its a final field, there wouldnt be a problem with multiple threads accessing it.
@n247s Yes, I understand that, but what if that field's value is an object on which a lot of things can be set? That would no longer be thread safe even if the field itself was marked as final, right?
In the example of the List<String>. You could use a concurrent colection. Like the CopyOnWriteList. Thread safty is usually accomplished by synchronizing the acces using 'synchronized blocks/methods' and 'volatile' fields, or by using Locks.
True, field acces doesnt say anything about instance/object thread safty even if the field accessing itself is Threadsafe (by either being 'final' or 'volatile')
Oh well, I think I should learn more about concurrency from the oracle website. While I do understand some concepts I feel like I'm building on an unstable base. For instance, I don't know what the volatile modifier does.
Basically the same as synchronized blocks, but it only synchronizes field acces which could be usefull for primitivetype fields. It isnt used often though, usually an Atomic object (e.g. AtomicInteger, AtomicLong etc.) Is used instead.
Just for a basic tip, when you want to make sure an Object is synchronized. Use an 'Lock' object
A 'ReentrantLock' is a nice top-level Lock implementation supporting the differentiation between read and write operations. (Just make sure you us try-finally blocks to always unlock in case of an exception. It gave me a headache once ;p)

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