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A: gzip and webpack compression

Phillip WilliamsFrom what I gather, You bundle the files, run the compression to get the .gz version available, and you HTML should call the NON-gzip version. Does this show you what you want ? EDIT remove the .gz <...

Thanks Philip. That doesn't help me much. It basicly shows how to make .gz files with webpack. I do that to. I wanna know how to show them, render the content on the screen. I feel like something critical is missing. I keep seeing nginx but I am just developing locally now. I update my code to better represent what is going on. I have client and server bundle file. With client bundle I make .gz files. With server webpack I don't. I am calling this files inside ejs/html. I am using extract-text-wenpack-plugin on client to extract css. In server bundle I use html-webpack-plugin for html.
What is the HTML example the browser sees ? not the template on the server.
in the HTML remove the file extension .gz IE: bundle.2720b1a98103167676ac.js The Server decides to use the .gz or not depending if the browser support GZIP
Under Recponse Header I get: Content-Type:text/html; charset=utf-8 Under netwprk I see all files and I see that they are gziped size but there is nowher eunder any of them Content-Encoding: gzip. Also It hangs at the first files saing Resource interpreted as Stylesheet but transferred with MIME type application/octet-stream and there is an error Uncaught SyntaxError: Invalid or unexpected token for bundle and vendor file.
what is the full CURL header response ?
Sorry. Dont know how to check that. I pushed the project to github if you are willing to check it out. The important files are , src/server/prodServer and src/server/views/index.js
Hello !!!
Thank you very much for your time
in your HTML, the <script SRC="ABC.js" ></script> no .gz
I updated my answer, to stat that . You understand, the Server either send compressed or non-compressed, depending what the browser allows.
It is <script src="<%- webpack.vendor %>"></script>
<script src="<%- webpack.bundle %>"></script>
They way I configured it I bassicly put bundle.sdlkfjsdjkfs043.js.gz inside my script file
do not say bundle.sdlkfjsdjkfs043.js.gz say: bundle.sdlkfjsdjkfs043.js
Ouu I get it, but then I just get the normal bundle file shown
webpack makes 2 bundle files for me. bundle.js and bundle.js.gz
the same thing for vendor and css files
Right. the Webserver decides which to send. depending on the request
t what does the response header show was actually sent ? IE look at the file size!!
the browser decodes the .gz version for you if that is what was sent
let me check
So... You were able to look at the response header, it show the GZIP version and the Content-length of the .gz file
but you SEE the decoded version. as it should be
yaeh, when i put .gi inside html I see the decoded version with the smaller file size. Now when I removed .gz I see the normal file size was downloaded,.
Is there any indication that gzip is working
View the response header
Nothing there about gzip.
Is the server set up to process GZIP ?
Do you have Curl ?
This is server
I tried many things but it didn't work.
I even tried with compression middleware instead of using gzip files from webpack.
Do you have "curl"
No curl. Sorry , I am not familiar of what it is.
server: linux ?
I assume yes
Flavor ? Ubuntu, centos, ....
I am on windows
ok, just a sec, let me find how you can get curl for windows.
can you download and install ?
q: your web server. it is windows too ?
I just downloaded it. I will install it now. Yeah probably. I am using node server while developing and then deploing to Heroku.
when i try to install it it says The program can't start because libcurl-4.dll is missing
I try to download some other version
just a sec
That was with this version curl_winssl_cross_x64/
you might try the win32 version
i will try it
i did it
I have curl Folder curl Manual ssl and cert script manual under my start menu
which one you install ?
nevermind. mine is instlled too
from the second link you send me x64 version
alright, you will need the path to the bin/curl program
at some point, you will ad teh path to the bin directory to the PATH , but Im'm not going to do that right now
ok. I will do that latter
a command for CURL will look something like
C:\Users\jhon doe\AppData\Local\Apps\cURL\bin\curl -I -H "Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate,sdch" http://localhost:8803/static/css/app.36d8b7a1d322a4b6cd3dcb054c72ff4c.css
Ok. Where do I run it?
you aware of it I assume ?
taht was my example. you replace the correct PATH and FILE for your system
Same URL you use in the Web browser for the file
I guess this would be it
C:\Program Files\cURL\bin\curl -I -H "Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate,sdch" localhost:3001/bundle.2720b1a98103167676ac.js
is that where your curl BIN is located ?
go ahead
BTW, what Browser do you use ?
i get program is not recognised as external and internal command
might have been easier with Inspect Element and Network
Open Browser, press CTRL-I
nothing is happening but i guess you are aiming at console under network tab. I go there
Well, you could put in the URL for the webpage I'm guessing localhost:3001
I paste it in url? I get document not found
How do you open the site ? do that normally
i just visit localhost:3001. It is open and node server is runing.
and you have Developer tool open ?
yae, under network tab
click on the js or css file
you get options for Header Preview response cookies timming
Click on header
i did
under Response Headers ... ? Content-length?
sorry, i send you a picture of vendor. I am on bundle now. Sam thing just Request URL is different
the browser did not ask for accecpt-encodding this is where running CURL allows you to send the request. adn see the response
But it does not look like you had the path to it correct.
That woul be this path. When I click on the folder in corner it shows me this path
C:\Program Files\cURL\bin\curl
not me... mine shows a little different
but I'm win7
what is yours showing
yeah, I got nothing under there
this is the folder I click on to get there
I have that. The folder takes me to the one I send you a picture of
I just ran it on my system. I CD to that folder, and CURL'd Google
`C:\Users\jhon doe\AppData\Local\Apps\cURL\bin>curl -I -H "Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate,sdch"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2017 01:53:41 GMT
Expires: -1
Cache-Control: private, max-age=0
Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
P3P: CP="This is not a P3P policy! See for more info."
Content-Encoding: gzip
Server: gws
X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
Set-Cookie: NID=106=YRgSXPu6HQ4q-ddqTqCIyiJ2AEUQwY8LqtrSTjGePAGLgBU9iAVtuY57DzgNek7DVmrALD7VbBpaZRxnEU3V-77dSY1J3YivXJIhQ1nUHF
(see full text)
Hmm... going to try and get it to show as STRAIGHT text
I will try to install curl Files Only file from that link. The first time I use, with administrator priviliges. Maybe it is that
cd C:\Users\jhon doe\AppData\Local\Apps\cURL\bin

curl -I -H "Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate,sdch"

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2017 01:53:41 GMT
Expires: -1
Cache-Control: private, max-age=0
Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
P3P: CP="This is not a P3P policy! See for more info."
Content-Encoding: gzip
Server: gws
X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
Set-Cookie: NID=106=YRgSXPu6HQ4q-ddqTqCIyiJ2AEUQwY8LqtrSTjGePAGLgBU9iAVtuY57DzgNek7DVmrALD7VbBpaZRxnEU3V-77dSY1J3YivXJIhQ1
(see full text)
So it shows: Content-Encoding: gzip for Google. should show that for your server
No, everything is the same. Is this command rignt?
I'll let ya go. Hope you understand where the folder is . and how to test with curl.
C:\Program Files\cURL\bin\curl -I -H "Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate,sdch" localhost:3001/bundle.2720b1a98103167676ac.js
only if that is where curl.exe is located
cd to that directory
C:\Program Files\cURL\bin\
in CMD box
Yes. Thank you so very much for your time and patiente. So when I succed i will see gzip under encoding. This will be a good way to test it
ok.. Hope I got you going in the right direction now. enjoy
I will play with it. I hope I will succed. If I encounter problem again I will comment on question in stacj overflow
so change to that directory , then the command more like my shorter one for google
so you can :
curl -I -H "Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate,sdch" http://localhost:3001/

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