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Q: Convert java to scala - overloaded static methods

Georg HeilerI have java code like compiles fine. import org.jaitools.numeric.Range; Range<Integer> r1 = Range.create(1, true, 4, true); Converted to Scala like val r1: org.jaitools.numeric.Range[Integer] = org.jaitools.numeric.Range.create(1, true, 4, true) compilation fails as java seems to go for thi...

I am not familiar with this specific package but this seems to be an issue of converting types. try to do Range.create(int2Int(1), true, int2Int(4), true);
Which method are you referring to with int2Int ?
Note that you are using Range[Integer] which refers to java.util.Integer, however in scala 1 and 4 are Int. scala predef includes a function int2Int to do the conversion. While this generally happens automatically, it can fail in certain situations. This could be one of them
In the scala gitter I was told to try org.jaitools.numeric.Range.create(Integer.valueOf(1), true, Integer.valueOf(4), true) i.e. to use manual boxing. This works fine.
It is similar logic. Another option which MIGHT work (but probably wont) is to use org.jaitools.numeric.Range[Int]
I tried your last suggestion already - could not get that to compile.
Basically what is happening is this:
Range is defined to work with java.util.Integer. When scala sees create(1,true,4,true) it tries to look for a matching constructor
The basic matching constructor would be (Int, Boolean, Int, Boolean) but there is no such constructor.
There is a constructor (Integer, Boolean, Integer, Boolean)
and another (Integer, int*)
so it tries to convert
Int has an implicit conversion to Integer
this is done through predef
for some reason (not sure why) this is not happening
so you need to do it yourself
thanks for the great explanation.
just one correction, this is java.lang.Integer, not java.util.Integer...
jap. Noticed that one ;)

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