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DON'T use apple version of JSONSerialization class ... I didn't get this part
2 hours later…
ok, lets continue in chat :-).
which part of my answer is not clear? i am sorry for my english, it is not my mother language
JSONSerialization class that compiles on mac, which i can use if possible
double conditional downcasting is not necessary at all, if .jsonObject function returns Swift type only. like ... - 10 __NSCFNumber as? P nil from my example. does __NSCFNumber conform to P? NOT!! even though you didn't expect that. you did expect NSNumber as returning type. etc ...
It's not mine either ;)
Actually we are parsing Object which is returning from Azure Server
we have little control over there regarding which value it returns
And jsonObject not returning Swift Type
yes, and that is why it doesn't work, but works on linux.
so you need use something which is not dependent on apple's foundation underlying JSONSerialization.
True, Do you have any help regarding that ?
Forget Swift , jsonObject returns CFString and CFBool
if i type for (type2,val) in json {
i am using my own JSON object, you can write your's, or modify open sourced JSONSerialization. i suggest you the second approach, to preserve the present API. most probably in next version of Swift, JSON will be part of standard Swift library
I tried to modify open sourced JSONSerialization from Apple
but i have no clue regarding some private API it uses internally
lines like this one container._bridgeToSwift()
i can share my playground (not tested properly!!!) which you can run and play with. you can see there what i did (changed) there to be able to show how it should work with data from my example
Sure , That will be wonderful
ok, give me email where to send it
done. but be carefull, i modify it only 'as necessary' to show what happend with conditional downcasting.
Got it. Thanks , Will check and revert back to you ...
It works , for simple JSON, Is it advisable to use this in live project ? what's your opinion ?
it must be checked first .... i din't do it!! and double conditional downcasting is not necessery, i send you another email with an example.
Yes , I got both emails, Will check it overall and than decide. Thanks

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