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Q: Has anybody [interpreted] the purpose of this tag?

Aaron ChristiansenThe interpreted tag has 33 questions and no wiki. It's a very ambiguous tag and the questions tagged with it vary greatly in topic. Questions include: Can you convert literal string to an interpreted string in PHP? How is machine language run? IIS doesn't interpret a php file How to use Subve...

I wonder if some questions are being mistaken for interpreted-language. Then I wonder if that tag is useful too.
@Makoto: There is no such thing as an interpreted-language or a compiled-language‌​. A language is a set of abstract mathematical rules and restrictions. It is a specification, a piece of paper. Interpretation and compilation are traits of an interpreter or compiler (duh!), not a language. Every language can be implemented by an interpreter and every language can be implemented by a compiler. Most languages have both compiled and interpreted implementations. Most modern high-performance implementations combine interpretation and compilation in the same …
… implementation. An interpreter can be automatically transformed into a compiler using the Futamura Projections. A program that packages an interpreter together with the code it interprets into a single file is indistinguishable from a compiler. A program that compiles pieces of code and immediately executes them is indistinguishable from an interpreter. If English were a typed language, the terms "interpreted language" and "compiled language" would be type errors. Considering that there is no such thing as an interpreted language, I question why we would need a tag for it?
@JörgWMittag But English (like other human languages) is NOT a typed language and is not merely a set of mathematical rules. So it is completely possible for the English terms "interpreted language" to mean "an abstract mathematical set of rules and restrictions which can be interpreted by an interpreter or compiled by a compiler, but in this case we're talking about the prior condition, so stop worrying about teaching fundamental programming concepts with tags".
... Nobody wants a tag named computer-language-interpreted-by-an-interpreter. Even if not everyone seeing the shorter tag interpreted-language would be cognizant of the deeper meaning, it does not necessarily destroy the usefulness or acceptableness of the tag.
@CPerkins: But then, the tag is meaningless, because all languages can be implemented by both an interpreter and a compiler. And most of them have both implementations. So, you can tag pretty much any language with both tags, and the tag provides no useful distinction. Take, C, for example. By your definition, it is an interpreted language. Or JavaScript, which is by your definition a compiled language. How does that help anybody?
@CPerkins: Also, that's not what the description of those tags says at the moment.
@JörgWMittag Incorrect. I did not "define" C as interpreted language. But if there is a C interpreter out there, then it could be discussed with the tag interpreted-language. The tag would be used discussion the condition of a language being interpreted regardless of whether it can also be compiled. If you really want to think too deep about tags, why have a tag for the C language when the mathematical set of rules defined by a C program can be re-written in another language. The particulars of C become obsolete to those who understand higher principles of mathematics and computer logic.
@JörgWMittag Is your assertion even correct? How can an eval exist in a complied language? (I mean, obviously the output binary could include a bundled interpreter, but that should demonstrate that the language must be interpreted and not merely compiled.)
@JörgWMittag Similarly, the C and C++ languages, as (abstractly mathematically) defined, permit functions to be called before they're defined. For this to be interpreted would require some sort of delayed interpreting scheme, since the call site can't continue to be executed until after the call has been completed. I suppose that's not impossible, but it certainly seems much cleaner to consider C/C++ to be "compiled".
(I am aware of various JITs for C++, but I believe that they only implement a subset of the language, and in particular I expect that, per the above logic, functions cannot be called until after they have been defined, not just declared.)
@KyleStrand Java can perform something similar to eval through the Java ASM library, which according to Wikipeia is a reference to the asm keyword in C. Is Java then compiled (it is compiled from Java code to Java Bytecode) or interpreted (program can be self-modified) if it has features of both?
@Draco18s I'm not sure I understand. If the ASM library works with bytecode, that seems very different from eval-ing Java source code, which is what I'm talking about.
Except that a clever programmer could WRITE an eval function. Assuming someone hasn't already.
@Draco18s You're missing the point. An eval function is an interpreter, regardless of who writes it.
@Draco18s fact, LISP was originally just a theoretical concept in a paper by John McCarthy, the core of which was a description of an eval function. It became a real language when someone had the crazy idea of transliterating McCarthy's mathematical definition of the function into machine code. And note that the core of the interactive interpreter session -- the REPL -- is the E, which stands for "eval".
@JörgWMittag If a language can only be interpreted (by which I mean no compilers are publicly available), or if it can only be compiled (by which I mean no interpreters are publicly available), then [interpreted-language] and [compiled-language] would be meaningless tags for it. If a language can be either interpreted or compiled (by which I mean at least one interpreter and at least one compiler are publicly available), then the tags become meaningful in situations where it matters whether the code is being interpreted or compiled.
Comments continue to overthink what a tag is for. A tag is applied to an individual question. Use of any tag (now specifically speaking of the interpreted-language tag) is not a declaration of the deeper meaning of what a language is, nor some kind of statement about the limits of whether it can be compiled or interpreted, etc. No matter how interesting the debate is, we do not have to come to any super-specific definition of an interpreted vs compiled language. As long as the question regards any aspect of a language that is interpreted, the tag can be used to indicate the context.
@KyleStrand How to implement eval in a purely compiled language? Make a compiler part of the language's runtime environment.
@Angew isn't that the definition of an interpreter?...
@Floris It's more like the definition of a JITter, I'd say. An interpreter doesn't have to involve machine code for the interpreted language.

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