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A: Instant Search with keyup vuejs and laravel

HaikoYou should add the debounce in your mounted() method: mounted() { this.getVueItems = _.debounce(this.getVueItems, 5000); // i'm using lodash here. }

in my .js file? in method? still not working
So if your Laravel setup works, you should change the staff.js at line 44 - 46 I think.
my setup works, but replacing code not working. if I add new data it works, but if refresh no data shown... please note I'm using vuejs 1.
So if your Laravel setup works, you should change the staff.js at line 44 - 46 I think. I always use the mounted method, but I see that you are using ready. At this this.getVueItems = _.debounce(this.getVueItems, 5000); above line 45, and remove line 53 setTimeout(this.getVueItems, 5000); That should make the debounce work. Besides that, I think you should ad some default value for page. Since you are triggering the getVueItems method on a keyup. Or change v-on:keyup="getVueItems" to v-on:keyup="getVueItems(1)". Hope that helps!
sorry, pressed enter too fast.
I followed it but still nothing change.. blank page with no data and no result for search...
Can you console.log a message in you getVueItems method? Does it trigger the method at all on an enter keyup?
ah, and you can use @keyup="getVueItems(1)" if you did set the debounce.
Yes I did do that
ah, yes. You do need to import lodash now that you're using that. Are you using an npm setup? Than you could just import it with window._ = require('lodash); Or otherwise you could use a lodash CDN.
So, <script src="…; above your other scripts
For clear this is my staff.js and this is my blade and my lodash and still not working.... no error in console... show only page 1 (my pagination not working now) and search still not working
Could you give me some more info? So, but now you at least don't get the error you got earlier from the screenshot right?
yes, I dont get error, but now it only show page 1 (there 2 pages in total, pagination button not working) and search still not working.
What we might start with is lowering the debounce from 5 seconds to ... lets say 500ms? Think it's not worth it to wait 5 sec
Okay, pagination work, now only instant search left..
Does it trigger the event on a keyup?
Nope... that's the problem nothing happened...
did you change v-on:keyup.enter to just @keyup ?
yes like this... and like both are not working...
So, maybe check whether you're using vue 1 or 2. If the keyup event is not triggering at all... that's a little problematic. You could try a @change event. Also check this page:
that guide for vue 2, I told you from the first time I used vuejs1
Ah sorry, yes I see now. Since stackoverflow is not autoupdating I have some trouble reading the messages sometimes. My bad.
It's ok, any solution for this (other than migrate to vue2)?
hmm... not sure why it's not working. One last possibility you might try is to set a watcher on your 'search' property. And then call the 'getVueItems'
Thanks for info...
So did it help? Are you on the right track?
Nope, still not working for me... and I dont know whats wrong
It's very strange that you don't get any event on the keyup. Perhaps you could try it on an new input field, see if you can get the v-on:keyup or v-on:change to work.

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