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A: Vue - Cannot set property of undefined in promise

CobaltwayYour context is changing: because you are using the keyword function, this is inside its scope the anonymous function, not the vue instance. Use arrow function instead. loadData: function() { Vue.http.get('/notifications').then((response) => { console.log(; ...

Thanks for this. However, this seems to be only working for strings. I have an array returning, well object.. gives me Object, Object, Object whereas this.notifications =; console.log(this.notifications) gives Object {__ob__: Observer} ??
Observers are normal things in VueJS, they are attached to each property in data object, and that's one way how vuejs track changes and update them instantly @Phorce Suggestion use Vue Devtools chrome extension
@BelminBedak Is there a tutorial or something where I can achieve what I want to do? I can't seem to find anything on this
Question is what you want to achieve ? Are you sure that response for the notifications contains any data ? As suggested Vue Devtools would help you a lot, you can exacly see what each property in data model contains. @Phorce
@BelminBedak - I want to basically call the API and then get the data and display this in a list. contains 3 objects.. 0: Object { message: "Welcome to the application"} etc..
@Phorce well then the this.notifications =; should do the trick.
Hi Sorry
Let's see what's the issue
I tried your way this.notifications =; console.log(this.notifications)
just outputs Object {ob: Observer}
with nothing meaninful in it
hm, do you maybe use teamviewer ?
nope :( at work aha
Are you sure that your response return the parsed JSON ? Have you tried this.notifications =
Also have you installed Vuejs dev tool chrome extenstion ?
form the web page
does not return json
1 second, let me change that
done that, but still the same
if i console console.log( i do get
3 objects back
"Welcome to this application"
It's hard to say without seeing code in action, if you want you can share screen with me on skype, or something similar
think i've got it :D
set it to a variable
and then did this.notifications = var
well in fact that's weird but cool you got it working
thank you very much though :)

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