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A: npm packages not available when installed locally

JohnnyQGlobal packages can be launched directly because they are saved in your PATH directory by default. If you saved a package locally you can see it on node_modules/.bin/ as you mentioned. So there are 2 ways to achieve what you want if you want to run an executable package if installed locally: Yo...

unfortunately id didn't work, see my edited answer
@PeterWilson try adding ./ before node_modules Example: ./node_modules/.bin/nodemon server.js you don't have to put ./ on your server.js script.
still command not found .. the main issue is to access the nodemon command itself not in the path of my script file
command not found
@PeterWilson Did you make sure you have nodemon installed locally? try npm ls --depth=0 and see if nodemon is listed. Otherwise you have to install it npm install --save-dev nodemon
yes its installed correctly and I tried your command and I found it
@PeterWilson any particular reason why you are using sudo when installing the package? try uninstalling nodemon and then installing the package again without sudo and see if it can be found.
I appreciate your effort, but unfortunately it didn't work too
Hi @PeterWilson. Could you send the error stack here or any screenshot? I'm pretty sure the commands I sent you was enough.
I know that your solution is the logical one but I don't know why it doesn't working
can you post the result of npm ls --depth=0?
Thanks. Lastly can you send the result of ls -l ./node_modules/.bin/?
I'm not really sure what's causing the trouble. But looks like its another problem altogether since you're configuration looks ok. I also noticed you still used sudo when running nodemon... try removing sudo but I doubt it will work. Again this looks like another issue.
when I remove sudo I got permission denied
thanks so much for your help
ah that's because you installed the package with sudo
yes but I think this will not make effect on the another problem
thanks again at least I learned some useful command for debugging
no problem hope you resolve your issue

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