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Q: How to reformat tweets, replacing single quotes with escaped quotes consistently

XenorosthCurrently, I have a method, which will be shown below, designed to remove all the single quotes and newline characters for tweets that were retrieved using the twitter API. The newline works every time, but for some reason, despite that, the replacing character only works half the time. This repl...

if you want to remove single quotes why you replaced = x.replaceAll("'", "\\\\'"); replacing it with this?
simply replace it with blank
I'm not trying to remove the single quotes. I'm trying to escape it so I can use it in a third party program called "weka" for data analysis. I need to replace the single quote with the escaped version, which is \'
Yes. it might be possible you miss some iteration. And what you talking about x.replace("\", "\\'");
It isn't missing iterations. It's literally just not replacing it as it should. Going in debug mode, it completely skips over it. Also, it seems that the shortcut character worked in the post. I didn't notice. It should be x.replace("'", "\\\\'");
can you give your real data string which skipping
I put it in the question. There's a link. Funnily enough, it hits all of them the 2nd time around if I call the method twice.
I'm here.
Well, in short
I just want the damned tweets to have no extra /n's
And no single quotes that aren't escaped
i have tried it my end and working fine
Whelp, it doesn't for me.
It randomly says "nope".
can you put your data in notepad++
It's already there
and there is option show all chars
Hm? Where?
and check any special chars
That wouldn't matter.
in menu bar
Because if it was a special character, it's not a single quote, no?
I've already tested that.
hmm yup.
So that can't be it
And that'd also not explain why it works on half the time the first time, then all the time the second.
Line 80 in this case.
2373, 0, 16, 0, 0, neutral, 'RT @thevickster_sa: Me to my taco You're the Juan for me.'
That didn't work
ya... I copied half string and tested
both You're the Juan for me.' contains in strng
What happened for you?
works fine
Because it works fine if I run it twice.
But then runs double 3/4's the time
Well. Uh.
The only explanation is the twitter program
But the reason that scarcely makes sense is because the other filter is working fine.
have you tried it in
Holy shit.
I think... I got it.
If it goes through one filter, the 2nd fucks it up
does both filter are doing some escaping or replacing
One removes the enters
The other switches the single quotes for their escaped version
If that works... then this is REALLY weird.
Holy shit. That was it.
means yes... I have tried changing sequence of both
So apparently you can't do the replace in the way that I did.
replaced = x.replaceAll("\\r\\n|\\r|\\n", " ").replaceAll("'", "\\\\'");
then try it in one line
I made a 2nd method. That worked.
writing he code which doing same kind of things will increase your LOC and its not good prog practice...
Line of code
Sadly, it's the only thing that's working right now.
It's a 200 line project anyway.
7 more won't be too much of a difference
have tried it in same line
Nah, let me do that
On one line didn't work.
Should I answer the question myself?
that really weird one... means I have use replaceAll plenty of time... but works fine for me
Yes you can
means If it works fine
off course it..
Try this.
Replace a with e, and ' with the shortcut.
I have used replaceAll for 500mb of file
' with the shortcut. ?
You used replace all and it worked with my method on that file?
Maybe if you were pulling it directly off twitter there'd be more issues
quite possible....
Oh well.
Thanks for the time regardless.
I'm gunna bounce now. See ya
welcome... and you dont need to check contains even

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