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Hey guys
So, i was coding some stuff and i came across this http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11066015/how-to-manage-view-updates-from-controllers-in-a-java-swing-app/11066221#11066221
I really like this but i have one question, how would you go about if you wantes to add say, a JFileChooser?
1 hour later…
Hello, Java
@all GM
7 hours later…
Q: Why different persistence units with separated data sources query the same data source?

betoI'm developing a webapp which needs access to two different database servers (H2 and Oracle). The container is an Apache Tomee 1.5.1 and I'm using the Java EE stack with libraries provided in it (JSF, JPA, CDI, EJB, etc.). I'm trying to use two entity managers inside an XA transaction to extract...

Some help?
bounty offered :D
any one there?
hey guys
Im trying to move a window using Java and mouse event, is that possible?
@N3sh No, it is not, it's not possible to move a window using Java and a mouse event
I read about JNA
That was a joke -_-
use tags for that
[sarcasm][/sarcasm] or [joke]
much better than having to explain yourslef
I am already emulating the mouse signals for other purposes, now I am trying to move a window using AutoHotkey
which allows you to move a window by simply pressing ALT and dragging it
(similar to Unix)
but it won't work :(
even clicking on the title bar seems not working, so I was wondering whether J had some limitations on that
we know Java is quite crappy when it comes to System basic features
@BenjaminGruenbaum there is no answer
to that question
i have a standard JSP Application
how am i supposed to deploy in on google app engine
@N3sh I have no idea what problem you're having, or why you think it's an awesome idea to explain sarcasm. It's perfectly doable to move a window using Java and a mouse event on whichever OS you're using. I'm sure there are plenty of tutorials on that.
@BenjaminGruenbaum because, honestly, your 'joke' was pretty bad; so, I suggested to have a tag to let other people enter your funny world and understand what's going on in your mind and be ready for reading your following text as a 'joke' and not taking it seriously.
For the other one, I have managed to move it, but still quite weird behaviour
@N3sh <- is this someone asking for help, or trying to troll?
@Shea asking for help, but my first reply was a joke
I mean, the first reply I received to my 'serious' question, was a badly timed bald joke
hello Java
@N3sh don't take offense to it. people just get carried away sometimes. I think the best thing to do is just brush it off, and laugh with it. :P
but you don't need a lecture. :P
yeah, that's why I went for the 'sarcasm' tags, but he obviously didn't get it :)
your name seems Irish, are you?
sorry, you gotta tag me sometimes lol
I'm sure I've got a little Irish in me, but I'm mostly Cajun by blood, and born and raised in California
oh, I see :D
my mom had this kick with weird names
your nickname @Shea is a fairly common in Irish surnames
ahhh :D
I'm the only one in the world named "Shea Sollars", and if that wasn't enough, she gave me two middle names lol
2 middle names? nice!
Hey guys , I am new to java programming and started it from Bruce Eckel .. I already know C ,C++ and Python but would like to learn java with a viewpoint to start developing android apps asap .. Could anyone advice me on the path I should follow?
@KavishDwivedi start using Java.
@N3sh:yaa but bruce eckel is a fine reference to start with ? and I basically wanted to know something more about the development path to android apps
@N3sh now who's being sarcastic? jk lol ;P
ahah @Shea
@KavishDwivedi I am just saying that you should just use it; you said you know C, C++ and Python, which is a fairly good background for starting such an easy language as Java.
hmmm ... yes I am feeling the comfort due to knowing C++ well..
cool then ;)
@Shea got any experience with ANT scripts?
no, sorry :(
hi, whats your full name?
why would I tell you?
give me at least 7 reasons
(I like the number 7)
2 hours later…
1 hour later…
hi @Michael
hi @knowbody
how are u?
good how are you
getting fed up of my project lol
we had simple thing to do and I added much more features to it so is much complicated that it should be lol
knowbody you have to make it simple
it will be in the end
I just don't know many things from swing
so I spend time reading about it
I learn new things
you can use swing for GUIs
yeah I never used JTables
Maybe it am not using it correctly, but in the project I am working on, JTables are really slow.
I have it configured to resize based on the size of the window, and when I resize the window, it's so slow.
I think I am adding too many widgets to each table cell.
I need to compact them so they just consist of a single JLabel.
I'm using JTables to as a shopping list/basket
oh nice
The API is very awkward :(
so before u buy u put everything into a basket
and then if u ok with ur products u do check out
the products are stored in database
is ur project for uni or job?
for fun
I'll add u on github so I can follow u ;p
I've got u already lol
knowbody i added you too
ok thanks
I've got there the project I work on now, but is a lot of not needed classes
I am using a library called Microba, which is a date picker widget.
going to have a look at it
knowbody class names should always start with an uppercase
it's convension
I know
the one which my program is using are big letter
uppercase I mean
then why do you have database and db classes?
thats how I know which are unused
the main is: Master, PurchaseItem, CheckStock, UpdateStock, Keypad
going to sort this out today, cuz it looks crap on github
You don't have to close ResultSets if you close the Statement object.
Statement.close() also closes the ResultSet object, so you don't have to explicitly close the ResultSet object.
thanks ;)
I know in Java 7 u can put them in try catch and they will be closed automatically hmm?
It has to be a special try/catch block, but yes
You would have to do something like
try (Statement stmt = conn.createStatement(...)){
} catch (SQLException e){
Assuming that Statement implements the Closable interface
hmm which it does not.
It only works for classes that implement Closable
Actually, nevermind. It does in Java 7. And it's AutoCloseable, not Closeable
going back to programming be back in a while see ya
@Michael u still here?
I've got one class which searches the database and in this class I save the result into String name how to get this String from the other class?
Hello, I try to use Apache tomcat with Xampp (linux version Lampp). For this I want to can compile apache-tomcat.connector to obtain mod_jk.so. However, if I use ./configure --with-apxs2=/opt/lampp/bin/apxs I obtain "configure: error: Cannot find the WebServer". Where is the error? I use tomcat 1.2.37
hi @KodeSeeker
@Michael how are ya ?
@KodeSeeker good, thanks how are you
@Michael doing good. Trying to figure out how to work on my project .
what's the matter?
have you ever worked with chrome extensions?
ah okay , I was just trying to create an extension , thats all :)
kodeseeker sorry
@Michael ah nevermind ! :)
When you install an extension in Chrome, you don't have to restart your browser.
howdy folks
hi @ninja
@ShotgunNinja hi
@Michael nope
Hi , I Have a 2d array at the moment I want to store the position of all non zero values in an arraylist.. can anyone give me pointers on how i could do it?
along the lines of that
@KodeSeeker Yeah, except that'd never compile
Instead of using ArrayList<Integer, Integer>, which is outright wrong (assuming you're using java.util.ArrayList), you should use ArrayList<Pair<Integer, Integer>>, writing a simple Pair class if there isn't one available.
@kodeseeker thank you :)
I will try it now
@ShotgunNinja thank you for the correction !
gah easy to forget something so fundamental
Yeah, it's all good.
@ShotgunNinja have you worked with the google app engine?
@KodeSeeker Nope.
hmm okay
@shotgun thanks for the help, but i dont quite understand how to do the pair class?
@aboadam Oh. Just make another class, with two accessible members of templated types.
If you don't know how to do that, I can explain it further.
i'd be grateful if you could :)
Well, you see in my code, the line public class Pair<L,R> {?
That declares the Pair class with two generic type parameters.
The concept being demonstrated here is "generics".
When you use the Pair class, you specify what types are to be used in place of L and R.
In the example I've given, we use <Integer, Integer> in place of L and R, when defining and instantiating our Pair.
oh ok I understand.. thank you
The default size of ArrayList is 10.
would the arraylist return type be ArrayList<Integer,Integer> ?
@aboadam No. ArrayList<Pair<Integer, Integer>>.
ArrayList cannot be declared with two generic type arguments, since it only has one generic type parameter.
It's like calling a one-parameter method with two arguments: It just won't work.
What's happening in my example is that the one generic type given to ArrayList is Pair<Integer, Integer>.
Pair is designed to possess two type arguments; one for the "left-hand" value, one for the "right-hand" value.
It's actually identical (except for method names) to java.util.Map.Entry
Might be good to make the Pair class immutable too.
@Michael Oh come on, don't overcomplicate things just yet.
That doesn't overcomplicate, that makes it simpler.
Removes the setter methods.
Cuts code size in half (essentially).
@Michael Yeah, okay.
I always make bean classes immutable when I can.
@Michael Understood. I've put up another revision, making the Pair immutable.
Which was just deleting setL and setR.
Make the fields final too.
@Michael Fork you. Do it yourself. :P
You should also use List as the variable type instead of the instance class.
Im lost. I cant do the pair class, I tried doing it but got so many errors (I had to undo everything to get my program where it was). I think this stuff is way beyond my understanding.. :(
put it in its own file
I cant do that because its part of an assignment im doing and im supposed to all the coding within one class
abo make it inner
Hi all
hi @washu
@Michael how are you?
@Washu good how are you
with a big headache
hi @Washu
hey @was
Hi @knowbody @KodeSeeker
@Washu did you get a notification ? O.o . I didnt complete your nick there
now it is like that
@Washu I was reading somewhere that sex helps with headache and some studies from Priceton University proved that it increases the size of a brain lol
@knowbody but i had sex yesterday :/
Ok i will find someone for me today
@Washu how's java?
java fine
as always
not stressing u anymore?
nope :), i'm stresed cause of sun and bad financial decisions
@Michael have you ever used JDesktopPane and JInternalFrames?
@Washu no
@Michael do you know a good JDatechooser?
washu are you watching my commits
some of them...
i just used microba
It's nice, but it's not on Maven central, which is annoying.
but it hasn't been updated since 2008....
Yeah, but it works.
@Michael on which one have you used the microbar?
what's the microbar?
I mean Microba
@Michael going to use MigLayout
I was trying to use GridBag
but is a pain ...
@Michael bye
@ShotgunNinja where are you?
I want to build apache tomcat connector for lampp - xampp under linux). I try to execute ./config but appear error "cannot find the Web server" What you suggest?
@user1929959 checking....
Hello, Java
@user1929959 I suggest that you check that Apache is installed and that the httpd process is running.
@Code-Guru i just found that :(
@Washu ping
@Washu How's it going?
Sorry to steal your thunder =p
@Code-Guru with headache, and with a weird lump on my right leg
going to the doc tonite
@Code-Guru and researching about MigLayout
@Washu That doesn't sound fun ;-(
@Washu You can use that with Swing, right?
I finally figured out why I couldn't sign my Android app...
A: "The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect" when signing Android app

Code-GuruThe cause of the problem turns out to be very trivial and difficult to catch. I had quotes around the value of the key.store property in my ant.properties file. Apparently something in the build chain includes the quotes as part of the property's value. After removing the quotes, I compiled and s...

@Code-Guru why did you add the quotes?
Not sure...
probably because there are other similar situations where quotes are needed, if not required...
Hey erbody
was wondering if someone could tell me why this code outputs memory locations rather than the actual values?
public static void print_Array(String array[][]) {
    for(int i = 0; i<array.length; i++) {

@Nathvi who is the kid on your profile pic?
That's me
@Nathvi where is the alcohol and the chicks?
I wish I knew :v
@Washu, do you see anything wrong with my code?
@Nathvi Because array[i] is an array.
You need another loop for the second index in your 2D array.
@Nathvi you are in the beginner class rite?
@Code-Guru intindikichu mananchu?
@Nathvi Yep you need 2 loops :)
@Washu huh? =p
@Code-Guru means "you get it?" in quechua, old language here in peru
if you understand you say "mananchu"
@Nathvi did it work?
@Washu Isn't that the name of an Incan ruin?
srry, im on the phone
@Code-Guru that's Machu Picchu
@Washu ah...that's right...
works :)
@Nathvi cool
@Code-Guru You have to come to Peru ;)
@Washu Some day, I would love to!
I also have another newbi question. I know that ".length()" method is used on strings and "length" is used on arrays. Is there any meaningful concept behind this or is it just arbitrary syntax?
Can't afford it right now, though ;-(
@Nathvi [del]pretty much[/del] arbitrary
@Code-Guru, thx :)
I think it would be cool if on the chat when you type "@" you could use the arrow keys and enter to select the name
yah, that would be nice
@Nathvi nice idea
of course typing one or two more letters then tab works, too
O wow, i didn't know that. lol
makes it way quicker
I get annoyed when more there's more than one handle that starts with the same letter...
The same
I usually get the wrong name lol
@Doorknob kiddo when are you going to log?
aaaaand i haz another question
why do I get an out of bounds error with this code?

public static void get_Random_Char() {
String custom_Dic = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789";
String[] custom_Dic_Array = custom_Dic.split(".");
I know what the out of bounds means, I just don't know why I'm getting it...
which dosen't make sense, because my String array at element 0 should be "a"
los[count] == curr;user315052 6 mins ago
When he meant assignment...
@Code-Guru lol, i have seen that the other way always
@Nathvi ideone.com/n4of4w You're using every character (regex .) as a divider, so there can't be any non-zero-length strings.
:o @Eric :D
@Washu exactly
@Washu Oh hey, I didn't know you hung out here. :3
@user315052, that's funny - usually that typo occurs the other way. — Mark Ransom 6 mins ago
bb in like 20 mins
@Eric I hang out in Java/Mysql and others ;)
Well time to go home and watch some anime
@Eric, then why dose System.out.println(custom_Dic_Array[1]); give the same error?
"Index out of bounds exception"
@Nathvi Yes. custom_Dic_Array has no elements, so any accessor will give you an error.
@Washu Enjoy!
I thought (regex .) was the "wildcard" divider, (ie, it divides on any char?)
so it is the literal "." as a divider ?
Yes. So it's using a as a separator, and b, and c, and so on. So every character is a divider. Imagine your string as d + "a" + d + "b" + ...
Where d is the divider.
Er, sorry.
Where everything except d is the divider.
d will just end up being the empty string.
I get it
it just skips over everything because it sees everything as a divider
so then how do you put all the elements in the string into an array?
I guess the charAt(x) would work with a loop
char[] chars = "abcdef".toCharArray();
@Washu Am on spring break, will probably not chat for a while
@Eric, awesome :)
my genetic algorithm is coming together slowly :)
Sounds fun!

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