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Hello, Java!
hi @Code-Guru
How goes it?
Not many ppl here right now ;-(
I'm working on my coursework currently. Just came, no one was here ;p
how about u?
I just logged on. Gonna answer some Qs on SO and edit one of my older ones to try to get some help...
what are u struggling with?
Writing unit and functional tests for my Android app.
I thought I will be able to help u, but NOPE ;)
still need to learn a lot
heh, no problem. Thanks for asking.
I'm looking for good book with Java exercises. just to train my skills. like some small projects to do
don't u know anything?
Sorry for the delay in chatting. I'm tabbing around to several different windows/tabs.
I started learning Java with Core Java. I don't remember if it had exercises as such. There are a lot of great online sites with problems geared towards learning how to program. I really like projecteuler.net. The problems start out with very basic concepts and gradually get more difficult.
The Project Euler problems are all based on mathematics, but with a programming component. So you can learn both math and programming at the same time!
thanks a lot!
No prob
I like maths so I should be fine
just registered there
thanks one more time @Code-Guru. Going to sleep now. long day coming. see u next time
Hey guys, does someone knows a good library (server independent) to manage websockets through servlets ?
2 hours later…
if anybody comes in here, just @nathvi me
Hey, trying to create a chat server that doesn't broadcast but rather uses select who to chat with and there conversation is between them only, any pointers or ideas
srry, i have no clue
@nathvi Thanks
im really new to programming as a whole
don't think id be any help
im really new to programming as a whole
It's ok
All experienced devs started at some point
in fact, I'm having trouble with simple array manipulation
What problem?
idk if you can help me, but here's the question, I'll post my try at it
an int variable k ,
an int array currentMembers that has been declared and initialized,
an int variable memberID that has been initialized, and
an boolean variable isAMember ,
write code that assigns true to isAMember if the value of memberID can be found in currentMembers , and that assigns false to isAMember otherwise. Use only k , currentMembers , memberID , and isAMember .
for(k=0; k < currentMembers.length; k++) {

if (memberID == currentMembers[k]){
isAMember = true;}

else {
isAMember = true;
isAMember should not be set to true in the else block
should be like
isAMember = false;
ahh yes
Hope that helps.
I changed it, and it the program checker still says it's wrong
you also need to initialize the loop variable
something like
for(int k = 0; k < ....
What doe the checker states now?
int var k is already initialized
for currentMembers intitialized as [-568, 1001, 58, 999, 44, 78, 543,
120, 450, -234]
it works
if its initialized as [8, -456, 111, 42, 98, 100029]
then it's false
if its initialized as [8, -456, 111, 42, 98, 100029]
then it's false
789 is the member ID value for the second initialization
111 for the first
I think it will mostly depend with the memberid and if it exist in the array
Guys this must be a stupid question and the question is about WebSocket. In Java, I've always organised my code like

private Socket socket;
private DataInputStream is;
private OutputStream os;

public void initateConnection(){
socket = new Socket(ip, port);
is = new DataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(sock.getInputStream(), 16384));
os = socket.getOutputStream();

public void processAuthentication(){
//Send auth to server
//Read incoming auth from server and wait until it arrives
yeah, idk
anybody comes in here, just @nathvi me, I'm working on other stuff
1 message moved from JavaScript
hi er body
2 hours later…
@all Hi..
@SheSmile hi....
@ChakriChakradhar :D hello
you know about chat server implementation.
@ChakriChakradhar sorry, i don't have any idea about that.
ok no prob.
Q: Unable to merge xfdf file to pdf

PragnaniHi I am using this code to merge xfdf comments to the pdf file.. Program runs and creates a pdf file but the comments are not adding to the pdf file. I am using iText library... Here is What I have tried. XfdfReader xfdf = new XfdfReader("D:\\Temp\\8369.xfdf"); // We get a resourc...

7 hours later…
@Michael hey
How are you @Michael
@Washu good how are you
@Michael You were off suddenly on the other day while I had explained my issue :(
appu sorry
@Michael well now i'm bad...
My code just got fu@#@
Well not my code in java but the code i implemented for traceability
Let me explain you
They hired me mostly to finish developing an app that will help them in doing the traceability of the products that we export
However they had an awful cycle of manufacturing process
They always mixed quantities... never had any notes about each process, no info registered
So i implemented a code in order to split quantities of different costs,quantites, etc and i just stopped checking it for a week and well...
it is bad
gotta fix everything
washu you can do it
Yeah on it ;)
Hi, anyone here, knowing a tiny bit about encryption?
a little
I have a string "I love A. I hate B". If I split it by using string.split("\p{Punct}") I will get two strings where string1 will be "I love A" and string2 will be "I hate B". Please note that in place of "." I may also have any of the other punctuation characters. How can I recover the exact string as it was before the splitting operation with the correct punctuation character.
1 hour later…
@SaprativaBhattacharjee You can use the Pattern class
wait that won't work
saprativa just save the string...
you can't get the orig string if you just split
it's lost
how can i join android chat room ?

 Android Era with Kotlin and Java

Important: Read dos and don'ts here: androidera.github.io . Ma...
hi @Michael, I'm using the jackson api with object mapper (yesterday tip) for create my images json but continue return out of memory in my web service.

Do you have any idea for store images different of:
byte[] imageBytes = r.getBytes("image");
String imageBase64 = DatatypeConverter.printBase64Binary(imageBytes);
schlacter i said to use streaming
whats that? Streaming generate json file?
it's writing the JSON string to the stream as you are creating the JSON object
ok, let me see. thanks :)
@Michael, i'm crazy with jackson! hahaha :P
it's good, i'm using it for a project
it has all the features you could want: (1) JSON -> Java object mapping (2) access to raw JSON components (3) streaming
GSON only has (1)
simple-json only has (2)
douglas crawford's JSON library only has (2) (and it's not on Maven)
Cool. I'm afraid to solve the problem in web service and my mobile app broken with out of memory.
schlacter if your afraid to solve the problem then you can't fix it...
You're right.
3 hours later…
hi @everyone
@knowbody hi
@Michael bye :(
how are u @Washu?
how is job going?
@knowbody Yo!
Hi @Appu nice to hear from u ;)
my app works fine :)
Cya later. I have to be off now.

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