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@Code-Guru will you be back in chat tonight?
@Code-Guru You're the best :)
@user1604490 I'm back now ;-)
@Code-Guru You are the best
@user1604490 If you are still around, post your current version of LabelButton3D.
I'm still alive and kickin' not to worry...lol...sure
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import jpr.lightweight.JPRButton3D;

public class LabelButton3D extends JPRButton3D {

public LabelButton3D(String label) {

public LabelButton3D(int wide, int high, int border_magnitude) {
super(wide, high, border_magnitude);

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import jpr.lightweight.JPRButton3D;

public class LabelButton3DTest extends GUIFrame {

LabelButton3D[] b;
String s;

public LabelButton3DTest() {
super("LabelButton3D Test");
setLayout(new FlowLayout());
b = new LabelButton3D[1];

b[0] = new LabelButton3D("Favorite Button");
b[0] = new LabelButton3D(75, 35, 1);


public static void main(String args[]) {
new LabelButton3DTest();


@Code-Guru I sincerely appreciate all of your help, you're awesome :)
@Code-Guru codes are posted above
@user1604490 thanks
What do these two lines do?
b[0] = new LabelButton3D("Favorite Button");
b[0] = new LabelButton3D(75, 35, 1);
Disclaimer: I'm asking to help you to understand what you are doing, not to claim that it is wrong.
Hello, World (again)!
@Doorknob test
@Code-Guru just at a curiousity, do you think this questino will be completely finished tonight?
@user1604490 I dunno.
@Code-Guru b[0] = new LabelButton3D("Favorite Button"); fills the specific location of the array with the Favorite Button label
@Code-Guru b[0] = new LabelButton3D(75, 35, 1); fills the specific location of the array with the button and specifies its size
So each line creates a button. This means that you created two different buttons and put them into the same "slot" in the array.
@Code-Guru Oh, okay, so now it would be time to combine them into one button instance?
One button has a label (which we haven't displayed yet). The other button is set to a specific size.
@user1604490 In a way. We need a constructor where we specify the size and the label.
@user1604490 Right now we can only give one or the other, but not both at the same time.
@Code-Guru Okay, (I think) that would be located within LabelButton3D?
@user1604490 The ctor itself is, yes. I suggest modifying LabelButton3D to have only one constructor for now which accepts parameters for the size and the label.
@Code-Guru Okay, I have been thinking about it since we spoke a few hours prior and was thinking that this would require the first line to simply say
public LabelButton3D() {
@Code-Guru (That appears to me to be the only way to get both into one constructor)
@Doorknob welcome back
hello @user1604490
@u_Cant_c_me Hello and Welcome]
@eduardoalmeida hello and welcome
@user1604490 Certainly not the only way.
@user1604490 What information does LabelButton3D need when it is created?
@Code-Guru It needs to hold a size and label (I think)...
@Code-Guru meaning String and int variables
@tonialmeida hello and welcome
@user1604490 exactly! So what should the ctor look like?
public LabelButton3D() {
String label;
int wide;
int high;
int border_magnitude;
@Code-Guru this way it hold all of the contents
@Code-Guru or
public LabelButton3D(String label, int wide, int high, int border_magnitude) {
super(wide, high, border_magnitude);
@Code-Guru I hope that's it
@Code-Guru in a more organized way in case that was confusing....lol

public LabelButton3D() {
String label;
int wide;
int high;
int border_magnitude;

- OR -
public LabelButton3D(String label, int wide, int high, int border_magnitude) {
super(wide, high, border_magnitude);
@user1604490 Remember we are talking only about the constructor right now. We haven't gotten to what class variables you might need...but that's next.
@user1604490 In other words, there is no "OR" because these are two separate issues.
@Code-Guru Oh, alright...I would say
public LabelButton3D(String label, int wide, int high, int border_magnitude) {
would be the best option (I think)
@user1604490 Your ctor looks correct. So since you already jumped ahead, let's talk about what member variables you need.
What information does LabelButton3D need to keep track of?
@Code-Guru LabelButton3D needs to keep track of the Label and the size of the button I think
@user1604490 Does LabelButton3D really need to keep track of the size?
@Code-Guru I guess not due to the super method (I had forgotten to take that into consideration). Sorry about that
@user1604490 Remember that you send the size to "super". This means that JPRButton3D deals with all the size issues. We can keep the size variables in LabelButton3D, but it doesn't seem necessary to me right now. (We can always change our mind later if we find a reason to keep track of the size.)
@user1604490 Heh, you anticipated what I was already typing ;-)
@user1604490 So for now, all we need is to keep track of the label.
@Code-Guru I'm getting a compile error when I remove int wide, int high, and int border_magnitude from the constructor
@Code-Guru the error appears in super
@user1604490 Why are you removing them from the ctor?
@Code-Guru Oh, I had misunderstood...I thought I had to remove them...I was mistaken
@user1604490 Okay, let me back up. Post your code for just LabelButton3D
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import jpr.lightweight.JPRButton3D;

public class LabelButton3D extends JPRButton3D {

public LabelButton3D(String label, int wide, int high, int border_magnitude) {
super (wide, high, border_magnitude);

@Code-Guru It's okay now w/o compile errors :)
@user1604490 Okay, my bad. You posted some class member variable declarations earlier, so I thought you had those in your code.
@user1604490 So let's approach this from another angle: what information does LabelButton3D need to keep track of?
@Code-Guru no problem ;)
@Code-Guru It appears to only need to keep track of a String variable
@Code-Guru as the remainder is contained within the super()
@user1604490 exactly. That was the whole point of our recent discussion.
@user1604490 So the next step is how do you keep track of the label?
@Code-Guru Okay, basically, how to get the button to display the label?
@sake Hello and Welcom
@user1604490 As an aside, when I move on to a new topic, it's because the code we have written so far is fine. Usually this means that we are ready to add more code and don't need to change what we have so far.
@user1604490 We aren't quite there yet. The first step is to store the String for the label so that we can display it whenever we need to.
@user1604490 So far, the label is sent to the ctor. Now we need to store it for later use.
@Code-Guru okay. This would occur in LabelButton3D?
@Code-Guru (I'm almost positive).
@user1604490 Yup. My original question was "what information does LabelButton3D need to keep track of?"
@user1604490 So how do we make LabelButton3D store the label so we can use it when we need to?
@Code-Guru LabelButton3D needs to keep track of a label (String)
@user1604490 Yes. How do you do that?
String label = new String ""; ? (I think)
@Code-Guru I think I remember that from a while back (I hope it's right)....lol
@user1604490 Where does that line go?
@user1604490 brb, need to reboot...might take a few mins
@Code-Guru after super(); (I think)
@Code-Guru No problem
@Code-Guru I am receiving an error with that line
@Code-Guru Code-Guru?
@user1604490 back...let's talk about your proposed addition. What's are you trying to do with it?
that just happened :D
@Code-Guru I am thinking of putting String label = new String""; to store the String variable in the constructor
@Code-Guru however it will not compile :(
@Doorknob congrats!
@user1604490 String label = ""?
@Doorknob You got upvoted or you did the upvoting?
@Code-Guru see image. I upvoted someone and made it 100 :D
@user1604490 So what is this line supposed to do?
@Doorknob That wasn't my initial interpretation...so I had to ask ;-)
Ok :P
@user1604490 Or rather what do you mean it to do?
@Code-Guru this line is supposed to store a String value
@user1604490 And what is the String value for?
@user1604490 just do String label = new String(value); then
@Code-Guru LabelButton3D
@user1604490 It's the label for the LabelButton, right? Do you really want to create a new blank String for the label?
@Code-Guru yes as it can store any value
@Code-Guru not blank as it should direct to a value, but not "Favorite Button" either
@Code-Guru it should store a value
@user1604490 Declaring a variable allows you to store any value you want in the first place. There is no reason to create an empty string to store in the variable.
@user1604490 In our test, we want the label value to be "Favorite Button". But we also want to be more flexible so that the label value is whatever is sent to the ctor.
@Code-Guru okay, true
@user1604490 So you have the right idea: you need to declare String label somewhere. On the other hand, creating an empty String is superfluous because the value for the label isn't necessarily blank; it comes into the ctor as a parameter.
@user1604490 So let's focus on just the declaration: String label;. Where should we declare this variable?
@Code-Guru public LabelButton3D(String label)
@Code-Guru ?
@Code-Guru meaning in the constructor (I think)
@Code-Guru it should actually be declared after super()
@Code-Guru I had made a mistake, it should actually be declared after super()
@user1604490 Remember that we are talking about adding code, not changing what we have so far.
@code-guru well writing String label = new String""; creates a compiler error
@user1604490 So if you declare String label; after the call to super(), you will now have two variables named label in the ctor. What I'm trying to get at is where will we need to use the value of label?
@user1604490 I almost never use the keyword new with String. There is rarely any reason to.
@Code-Guru in LabelButton3D
@user1604490 Anywhere in LabelButton3D, right? So where should the declaration go then?
@Code-Guru I understand, the reason I get the compiler error is because of declaring it again after the super(), I need to declare it before the constructor (I think)
@user1604490 xactly. So what does LabelButton3D look like with that change?

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import jpr.lightweight.JPRButton3D;

public class LabelButton3D extends JPRButton3D {

String label = "";

public LabelButton3D(String label , int wide, int high, int border_magnitude) {
  super (wide, high, border_magnitude);


@user1604490 good (This is code for now we are going to add more code and (most likely) not change the code we have so far)
@Code-Guru However, when I try to run LabelButton3DTest, I still get a blank label
@user1604490 Is there any reason to expect that the label isn't blank?
@user1604490 We still haven't done anything to display the label. What do we need to do next to continue towards that goal?
@Code-Guru that's true....we need to store the label value within the constructor
@Code-Guru (I think)
@user1604490 Sounds like a good step to me. How do you do that?
@Code-Guru I am somewhat unsure :(
@Code-Guru I am thinking about it
label = ""; (I think, not sure though)
@Code-Guru that does not seem right
@user1604490 Do you want the label to always be blank?
@Code-Guru No
@Code-Guru I think it should display "Favorite Button"
@user1604490 And where does "Favorite Button" come from?
@Code-Guru LabelButton3DTest
@Code-Guru b[0] to be exact
@user1604490 So you are referring to the line of code b[0] = new LabelButton3D(...), right?
@Code-Guru Yes
@user1604490 When that line runs, where does it send the value "Favorite Button"?
@Code-Guru to the String label (I think, I'm almost certain)
@user1604490 which one?
@Code-Guru public LabelButton3D(String label) ( I think)
@user1604490 Yes, it is sent to the label parameter in the ctor.
@user1604490 We have encountered a crucial issue: we have two variables named "label". At this point in your programming, I strongly suggest you avoid this. One way to do this is to add "m" to the beginning of all class member variables, so String label = ""; can be changed to String mLabel = "";. I strongly encourage you to do this to avoid confusion.
@Code-Guru Okay
@Code-Guru That's great to learn another "trick of the trade"...lol ;)
@user1604490 Eventually you will understand the difference and be able to use variables with the same name and be able to keep track of them.
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import jpr.lightweight.JPRButton3D;

public class LabelButton3D extends JPRButton3D {

String mLabel = "";

public LabelButton3D(String label , int wide, int high, int border_magnitude) {
  super (wide, high, border_magnitude);


@user1604490 When you are starting, using different names forces you to learn how to keep track of this.
@Code-Guru that definitely makes sense as it is much less confusing
@user1604490 Good. So back to our original conversation: "Favorite Button" is sent to label in the ctor. Now we want to store this in mLabel.
@Code-Guru so mLabel = label;
@Code-Guru I think that should be good
@user1604490 Sounds good. Where does that go
@Code-Guru I think after the super()
@Code-Guru (I'm almost certain since mLabel is declared above and then label is declared)
@user1604490 sounds good.
New Code:
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import jpr.lightweight.JPRButton3D;

public class LabelButton3D extends JPRButton3D {

String mLabel = "";

public LabelButton3D(String label , int wide, int high, int border_magnitude) {
  super (wide, high, border_magnitude);

  mLabel = label;


What next?
@Code-Guru I think I have to get the label to display in the LabelButton3DTest
@user1604490 Now we are finally to the point of actually displaying the label...any ideas how to do that?
@Code-Guru I am thinking....
@Code-Guru I think there is a valueOf method for String?
@user1604490 Hint: how do you display (or draw) anything in a window?
@Code-Guru System.out.println(label);
@user1604490 That will display the text in the console but not in a GUI window.
@user1604490 Think back to the gradient program. How did you do the custom drawing there?
@Code-Guru @Code-Guru okay. g.drawString(label); ?
@user1604490 That's (almost) the right line of code. Where does it go?
@Code-Guru after mLabel = label;
@Code-Guru I think as it must display in order
@user1604490 Do you have a variable named g available any where in your code?
@Code-Guru I see label.drawString(); ( I think)
@user1604490 The previous version is closer. What I'm getting at is I want you to think back to your previous programs. Where did the variable g come from? I mean where is it declared?
Okay. public void paint(Graphics g) {
@user1604490 Exactly.
:7126288 New Code
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import jpr.lightweight.JPRButton3D;

public class LabelButton3D extends JPRButton3D {

String mLabel = "";

public LabelButton3D(String label , int wide, int high, int border_magnitude) {
  super (wide, high, border_magnitude);

  mLabel = label;

  public void paint(Graphics g) {



@user1604490 We don't know exactly when the label needs to be drawn. In Java, we override the paint() method to do this drawing and then the OS can call that method any time it decides we should do our painting.
@Code-Guru I am still receiving a compiler error
@user1604490 Because we are extending JPRButton3D, we need to be sure to allow it to do its drawing, so add super(g); at the first of your paint() method.
@user1604490 Please don't make me ask what the compiler error is...that wastes a lot of your time as well as mine.
@Code-Guru So, I'll just let you know errors as I receive them
@user1604490 Good idea ;-)
@Code-Guru Call to super must be the first statement
@user1604490 So make it the first statement of the method.
hello again
I am writing an essay :(
@Code-Guru New Code
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import jpr.lightweight.JPRButton3D;

public class LabelButton3D extends JPRButton3D {

String mLabel = "";

public LabelButton3D(String label , int wide, int high, int border_magnitude) {
  super (wide, high, border_magnitude);

  mLabel = label;
  public void paint(Graphics g) {


@user1604490 Of course, if you can fix the compiler error, feel free to so. I just assume that when you tell me there's a compiler that you need help fixing it. I can't help you fix it without the actual error, though.
@Code-Guru Call to super must be first statement of constructor
no suitable constructor found for JPRButton3D(Graphics)
@user1604490 oops...it should be super.paint(g); That's my mistake.
@user1604490 super() refers to a constructor whereas super.paint() is the paint() method in the super class. We want the later.
@Code-Guru okay
@Code-Guru an additionally error
@Code-Guru no available method found for drawString()
@user1604490 Is that the full error?
@Code-Guru method Graphics.drawString(AttributedCharacterIterator, int, int) is not applicable
(actual and formal argument lists differ in length)
@Code-Guru method Graphics.drawString(String, int, int) is not applicable
(actual and formal argument lists differ in length)
@user1604490 So now you need to look at the docs for the Graphics class and find how those two methods work and choose which one you want.
@Code-Guru I'm thinking toString(), but still looking
@user1604490 Is that one of the two choices that the compiler error suggests?
@Code-Guru No
g.drawString("string to draw", xPositionOfString, yPositionOfString);
@Doorknob You gave it away=p
@Doorknob Thank you
@Code-Guru thanks
@user1604490 We already know we want drawString(), now we need to figure out the right parameters to give it.
@user1604490 So what do you think we can use for the last two parameters?
@Code-Guru still an error cannot find symbol variable XPositionOfString class LabelButton3D and cannot find symbol variable YPositionOfString class LabelButton3D
@user1604490 Do you know why you got that error message?
@Code-Guru since these methods are unknown
@Code-Guru I was looking over the past messages. I envy you for your superior teaching skills, I would probably get frustrated/give code in about 5 minutes XD
Code-Guru ROCKS
You do too Doorknob....lol
@Doorknob If/when I get frustrated with SO questions, I just stop trying to help...or sometimes become sarcastic.
@Code-Guru Lol :P
@user1604490 The error message doesn't say anything about methods...
@Code-Guru wrong word....Symbols
@Code-Guru my bad
@user1604490 Okay, so you are repeating what the error message says. But why do you get that error?
@Code-Guru Oh, okay I get that error since I have not specified the location of the string within LabelButton3D? (I think)
@user1604490 Indeed. Therefore, replace the last two arguments with where you want the string to be drawn.
@user1604490 not really
Look at the first part of the error message: 'cannot find symbol variable XPositionOfString'
This says the compiler doesn't know what the variable XPositionOfString is.
Therefore, replace the last two arguments with where you want the string to be drawn.
Remember you must declare every variable before you use it.
@user1604490 In this case, @Doorknob used those names as place holders. You need to put something more meaningful there.
@user1604490 What do the two int arguments mean?
@Code-Guru the two int arguments tell the dimension of the button....Oh, now i understand (hopefully)
@user1604490 Umm..where does the link I gave say anything about a button?
@user1604490 Well, the top box anyway.
@Code-Guru Okay, I am reading it....
abstract void drawString(String str, int x, int y)
Draws the text given by the specified string, using this graphics context's current font and color
@user1604490 Keep going
The next 4 lines are the important part in our discussion.
The baseline of the leftmost character is at position (x, y) in this graphics context's coordinate system.
str - the string to be drawn.
x - the x coordinate.
y - the y coordinate.
@user1604490 Actually the first line of that last message is the important part. It tells you what x and y stand for (which are the two int arguments.
@user1604490 Basically this is where you want to draw the String. For now, it would be easiest to use some hardcoded values. I'd probably figure these out by trial and error.
So something like this:
public void paint(Graphics g) {
g.drawString(mLabel, 50, 10);


(I hope)
@user1604490 Sounds good to me. You can tweak the x and y values as you see fit.
@user1604490 If you want to get really fancy, you could calculate the values based on the size of the button. I think that's more than the author is asking for, though.
g.drawString(mLabel, 10, 10); is better
@user1604490 So how's it work?
@Code-Guru almost perfect :) :) :) I just need to adjust the numbers better
for This: As an extra test, override
the isFocusTraversable() method so that your button class can be traversed
and make sure you paint some special graphic to make it obvious
when your button has focus.
@Code-Guru I think i just put the prior code adn add it in?
public void isFocusable() {
return true;
@Code-Guru Thank you so much you are the BEST and you too Doorknob awesome :):):)
@user1604490 that sounds reasonable to allow the button to gain focus. You will need to add some code to paint() in order to do the last part. For now, I'd test adding the isFocusable() method to see what happens.
public void isFocusable() {
return true;
This code will go right before my paint(Graphics g) method
@user1604490 before or after, doesn't matter. It's just another method inside the LabelButton3D class. The order doesn't matter to the compiler and is entirely a matter of taste.
New Code:

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import jpr.lightweight.JPRButton3D;

public class LabelButton3D extends JPRButton3D {

String mLabel = "";

public LabelButton3D(String label , int wide, int high, int border_magnitude) {
super (wide, high, border_magnitude);

mLabel = label;
public void isFocusable() {
return true;
public void paint(Graphics g) {
g.drawString(mLabel, 10, 10);


@user1604490 How's that work?

I am receiving two errors isFocusable() in LabelButton3D cannot override isFocusable() in Component return type void is not compatable with boolean
@user1604490 The error message has a hint for what you need to change.
and cannot return a value from method whose result type is void
@user1604490 And that gives another hint. One change will fix both errors.
within the () as it is "void" (I think)
@user1604490 Where is "void" in your code as it is now?
@Code-Guru public void isFocusable() { within the () (I think)
@Code-Guru the example in my book shows it as such:
public boolean isFocusTraversable() {
return true;
//override update()
public void update(Graphics g) {
@user1604490 What do you mean by "within the ()"?
@user1604490 That gives a good hint as well.
@Code-Guru I found the mistake
public boolean isFocusable() {
return true;
@user1604490 good ;-)
slippery fingers ;-(
@Code-Guru lol
@user1604490 So how does it work now?
@Code-Guru no compiler errors :)
@user1604490 that's good news.
@user1604490 Does it draw the label and can you change focus to the button?
@Code-Guru Nothing has changed from before
@user1604490 Do you know how to test your "isFocusable()" method?
@Code-Guru I only method I personally know is by using the second part of the question: make sure you paint some special graphic to make it obvious
when your button has focus and therefore using
public void update(Graphics g) {
@Code-Guru that would be the only one I know
@Code-Guru Would that work? (Hopefully)...lol
@user1604490 This is all about using the program, not writing the code. When you are using a program, how do you change focus between different parts of the window?
@Code-Guru Moving the location?
@Code-Guru I'm somewhat uncertain (ususally a scrollbar)
@user1604490 Try the Tab key. Perhaps I'm a power user and take this for granted. I use Tab a lot because it takes so much less time than grabbing the mouse each time I want to move to the next text field in a form, for example.
You will also want to use the space or enter key to see if the button actually has focus.
At least until you add some code to paint() to draw some image that indicates the button has focus.
@Code-Guru Basically, you mean run the program and press the Tab key?
@user1604490 yes
@user1604490 I'd probably push space first then tab the space then tab then space, etc. until I see the button get clicked.
@Code-Guru nothing is happening (it is running, however, nothing is in or out of focus)
@user1604490 There might not be enough code to tell whether or not it is working. From here there are several more things you can do to test your new LabelButton3D class: 1) Add more buttons to the window. Try different sizes and different label strings. 2) Add an ActionListener to your button (and to the new buttons). 3) Add the code to finish the problem. This should add a graphic of some kind to your button whenever it has focus.
@Code-Guru For the code, add:
public void update(Graphics g) {
@Code-Guru ? That's the only code which I have ever learned for after a isFocusable method
I almost sure it does however:
Does this code:
public void update(Graphics g) {
answer this:
make sure you paint some special graphic to make it obvious
when your button has focus?
@user1604490 Does that paint a "special graphic"?
@Code-Guru Well, a special graphic requires an import method... e.g.
@user1604490 That will load the image, yes
@user1604490 Assuming you want to use one named "flag.gif".
Actually, I still get 1 error with that line
@Code-Guru New Code:
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import jpr.lightweight.JPRButton3D;

public class LabelButton3D extends JPRButton3D {

String mLabel = "";
Image[] imgs =  Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage("flag.gif");

public LabelButton3D(String label , int wide, int high, int border_magnitude) {
  super (wide, high, border_magnitude);

  mLabel = label;
public boolean isFocusable() {
return true;
  public void paint(Graphics g) {
      g.drawString(mLabel, 10, 10);
@Code-Guru never mind, I fixed the error
@Code-Guru New Code:
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import jpr.lightweight.JPRButton3D;

public class LabelButton3D extends JPRButton3D {

String mLabel = "";
Image imgs = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage("flag.gif");

public LabelButton3D(String label , int wide, int high, int border_magnitude) {
super (wide, high, border_magnitude);

mLabel = label;
public boolean isFocusable() {
return true;
public void paint(Graphics g) {
g.drawString(mLabel, 10, 10);

public void update(Graphics g) {
@Code-Guru My code with the update graphics and isFocusable and Image is above
It compiles as well
@user1604490 Does it run and do what you want?
@Code-Guru Does this code answer the complete question? : Extend the JPRButton3D class to create a button that displays a label just like
the AWT Button class you’re so familiar with by now. As an extra test, override
the isFocusTraversable() method so that your button class can be traversed
and make sure you paint some special graphic to make it obvious(
when your button has focus.
(It appears to compile well)
@user1604490 What is the update() function for?
@user1604490 Does it do everything the question asks for?
@Code-Guru Well: It does extend the JPRButton3D class
It creates a button displaying a label just like AWT Button Class
It contains the isFocusable() method
and has the method to paint the special graphic (I think with the update method)
@Code-Guru actually Image imgs = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage("flag.gif"); allows it to paint the special graphic making the update method useless
@Code-Guru I think it is possibly complete! :)
@Code-Guru From looking at the code, does it appear to answer the entire question (I think it does)?....lol
@Code-Guru did you leave?
@user1604490 I don't think those are even related. For one thing, does your code actually paint the graphic at all?
@user1604490 nope, just slow =p
@user1604490 and I was just warned that i need to leave soon. The coffee shop is closing in 5.
Image imgs = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage("flag.gif"); loads the graphic. Where do you paint it?
@Code-Guru Okay...
I could paint it in the update method
@user1604490 What's this update() method about?
I think it would make more sense to paint it in the paint() method.
@Code-Guru does not seem to work
@user1604490 How do you test it?
@Code-Guru I have not tested the graphics part (Other than that everything is perfect)
@user1604490 bleh...I got to go. You seem to be very close to finish this question. I think it will take some more work and testing to ensure that it does what you want.
I'll catch you tomorrow.
@Code-Guru see you tomorrow
@Code-Guru Have a great night THANK YOU SO SO MUCH
@Code-Guru should I find the right method to paint it
@Code-Guru ?
@WesJohnson Can you help me with a simple problem?
5 hours later…
hey, anybody know from which package the CustomType class used in springframework when unserializing JSON is used. This is where I found the reference: stackoverflow.com/questions/7625783/…
I got the same error as the OP
and the only thing different I notice is that I don't have a constructor for my subclass, but as I don't know where to get CustomType, I am unable to create the constructor
just wait
le me check
there is already ans available
Hi guys
hello everyone..
I have a strange problem posted it here
Q: Custom font is not working with itextrenderer in java

testworkI have embedded my custom fonts in html with @font-face. This working with all browser but when I am trying to convert it to pdf through itextrender in java custom font is not working anymore its taking default fonts like Arial. css code: @font-face { font-family: Subaru-Medium; ...

can anybody help me with spring jdbc template?
can any one help me out
sup folks.
Oh! It sucks. Animated gif doesn't seem to work any more. Well but it did yesterday.
@ANIL i was trying to find the package from which CustomType class came. but now i am abandoning that, assuming it is the OP's own class and trying something else
3 hours later…
@Appu weird that it doesnt work now....
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