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00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

@Code-Guru I attempted to write a LabelButton3D, however I was unsuccessful in acheiving output...I just got Netbeans working again now, so I will be trying again
@Code-Guru should I first write a LabelButton3D class prior to the LabelButton3DTest?
@user1604490 Since we talked about the JPRButton3D class, I think you should write the corresponding LabelButton3DTest class as well. You will need this in order to check that your LabelButton3D class works.
@user1604490 When you do start writing LabelButton3D, you want to be able to write as little code as possible to start so that you can compile and run it to make sure it works.
@user1604490 In fact, I'd suggest starting with something like
class LabelButton3D extends JPRButton3D {

and nothing else. If you have this much and LabelButton3DTest, you can try to compile and run it.
@user1604490 And you can make small changes each time you compile and run. Without a LabelButton3DTest, compiling and running small changes is more difficult.
@Code-Guru thank you very much...I will work on that soon :)
@user1604490 good luck
@Code-Guru Thank you very much... I will be out for a bit (not leaving the chat though)....I will talk to you in about 45 mins hopefully
@Code-Guru I am slightly stuck
@Code-Guru (unfortunately);
@Code-Guru I followed JPRButton3DTest and am still having some problems
@user1604490 You shouldn't wait for me to ask what problems you are having. Please post them to recieve a more timely answer.
@Code-Guru okay, not a problem
@Code-Guru currently, I have created LabelButton3DTest and LabelButton3D classes
@Code-Guru The LabelButton3D class is fine as it only contains
public class LabelButton3D extends JPRButton3D {
@Code-Guru However, I have created the LabelButton3DTest class and I am not receiving output
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import jpr.lightweight.JPRButton3D;

public class LabelButton3DTest extends JPRButton3D {

    LabelButton3D[] b;

    public LabelButton3DTest() {
        setLayout(new FlowLayout());
       b = new LabelButton3D[1];

       b[0] = new LabelButton3D();

       public static void main(String args[]) {
           new LabelButton3DTest();


@Code-Guru this code is just supposed to create 1 LabelButton3D
Start at the top of LabelButton3DTest and compare it against JPRButton3D test. What are the differences in the first few lines of code?
@Code-Guru the first distinction appears to be that super() contains text within the brackets
@user1604490 Is there any difference before that?
@Code-Guru the only differences are that this class is LabelButton3DTest versus JPRButton3D and LabelButton3DTest does not extend GUIFrame or implement ActionListener
@Code-Guru I could put JPRButton3D below if needed
@user1604490 So you are saying LabelButton3DTest is a JPRButton3D whereas JPRButton3DTest is a GUI Frame. This seems like a significant difference to me.
@Code-Guru Oh, okay, so extends means "is"
@user1604490 Specifically, calling setVisible() in LabelButton3DTest causes a button to be visible, but calling setVisible() in JPRButton3DTest causes a whole FRAME (i.e. a window) to be visible.
@user1604490 Yes, when using inheritence with 'extends' it's helpful to think of it as meaning "is a".
@Code-Guru thank you very much for that info., I did not know that
@user1604490 Note that it doesn't make any sense to make a button visible without a window (or a frame as it is called in Java),
@user1604490 So the moral of the story is that LabelButton3DTest should extend GUIFrame.
@Code-Guru So it extends GUIFrame and JPRButton3D?
@user1604490 This is because it is a frame which contains a button. It's not just a button itself.
@user1604490 You can only extend one class.
@Code-Guru okay :)
@user1604490 Anything else?
@Code-Guru the next difference is add b[i]
@Code-Guru this will allow me to display the button in the frame I think
@user1604490 Yes, you need to add the button to the frame.
@user1604490 but before you do that...
@user1604490 did you compile and run other change that we discussed?
@Code-Guru You know, it's funny, I cannot get this darn Netbeans to compile anything....lol
@Code-Guru It only runs
@user1604490 If it runs, then that means it is already compiled.
@user1604490 The most recent version of NetBeans compiles your code when you save it.
@Code-Guru okay...lol...I was wondering what was wrong
@user1604490 So what happened when you ran the code after changing the class which LabelButton3D extends?
@Code-Guru now I get a Frame with a button :)
@user1604490 good...that means you made even more changes. Remember to run your program each time you make a change before moving on to the next item to work on.
@user1604490 With that said, what's next?
@Code-Guru okay, so no more compiling, it will just go straight to running?
@Code-Guru for my first program of the GradientColor, I was still using TextPad, so this Netbeans stuff is new for me....lol
@Code-Guru, next would be the ActionListener? (I think)
@user1604490 Well, technically the program is still compiled, NetBeans just does it automatically when you save. And if there are compiler errors, NetBeans will tell you when you try to run, or you can look at the "Issues" tab at the bottom any time you want.
@Code-Guru actually no, I made a mistake, the label must be added first :(
@user1604490 What do you want to happen when the user clicks the button?
@user1604490 Either one...
@user1604490 If it were me, I'd add the label to the button next
@user1604490 So any ideas about how to do that?
@Code-Guru I think that's the whole first part except for the label:
Extend the JPRButton3D class to create a button that displays a label just like
the AWT Button class you’re so familiar with by now
@Code-Guru I'm probably not reading it right, though :(
@user1604490 Okay, so your LabelButton3D class already extends JPRButton3D, right? So most likely this is where we need to deal with the label stuff.
@Code-Guru As a beginner, I get so nervous with this....
@user1604490 Take a deep breath. ;-)
@Code-Guru yes
public class LabelButton3D extends JPRButton3D {
@user1604490 p.s. I need to log off in about 10 mins. I'll help as much as I can before then, but I'll most likely disappear from chat without any further warning.
@user1604490 so I apologize in advance if I leave you hanging ;-(
@Code-Guru okay, no problem
@user1604490 Now how will you tell an instance of LabelButton3D what label it should show?
@Code-Guru I'm somewhat unsure
@Code-Guru I think I have to put it within the () of the LabelButton3D
@user1604490 Do you mean in b[0] = new LabelButton3D()?
@Code-Guru yes
@Code-Guru thank you for all of your help in case you leave, I appreciate it
@Code-Guru will you be here tomorrow night?
@user1604490 That seems like the right place to me. In other words, you need a constructor which accepts the value of the label.
@user1604490 No problem, and most likely I will be on tomorrow night. Not sure exactly what time, though.
@Code-Guru what is your e-mail and I can give you mine somehow privately
@user1604490 I prefer not to give out my email here. Feel free to @ me any time in chat, whether or not I'm logged on.
@user1604490 I check this website more often than my email.
@Code-Guru b[0] = new LabelButton3D() displays an error when I add in a label
@user1604490 How do you fix the error?
@Code-Guru additionally, I tried to change the size since it is a miniature button and it would not allow that either :(
@user1604490 Don't worry about the size for now. Let's get the label working. You need to fix the error (which gives a clue as how to fix it).
@Code-Guru okay
@user1604490 Find the error message...it should say something about a missing constructor. That means you need to add a constructor to LabelButton3D that accepts the String label as a parameter.
@Code-Guru yes
@user1604490 I need to go now, so give it a try. I'll check back with you tomorrow to see how you are doing.
@user1604490 gl
@Drogba hello and welcome
@Ianthe hello and welcome
@shoebahmedmogal hello and welcome
@user1604490 hey there
@Ianthe can you help me with a question?
@user1604490 I can
sure, i'll do what I can :)
what is it about?
@doorknob thank you
@user1604490 you're welcome :)
@user1604490 Is it about the button thingy?
from last time I talked to you
@doorknob no
I am learning Java on my own using a text. I have read chapter 12 and this is the challenge question from the end of the chapter....
Add functionality to the MinePatrol game so that you can specify different
numbers of rows, columns, and/or mines each time you run it, either by
accepting command-line arguments or by providing some menu options
@user1604490 What are you stuck on? Do you have it as a question on stack overflow?
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.applet.Applet;
import java.net.URL;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;

public class MinePatrol extends GUIFrame
implements MineFieldListener, ActionListener {
protected MineField minefield;
protected Button resetButton;
protected Label flagCountLabel;

public MinePatrol() {
minefield = new MineField(10, 10, 10);
add(minefield, BorderLayout.CENTER);
MediaTracker mt = new MediaTracker(this);
@doorknob I have not written a question on this yet
Ok so what is the problem?
And what is GUIFrame?
Also, please paste your code into pastebin.com and send a link to the paste so it's easier to read
wait... that's not the code you just posted
@doorknob that's the GUIFrame
@doorknob I'll also put in MinePatrol.java
@user1604490 post the code you just sent in chat on pastebin so I can see it
what is the problem?
@doorknob I have added this code to the MinePatrol.java to allow the user to input how many rows they want
public static void main(String args[]) {
    new MinePatrol();
    int rows, cols, mines;
    BufferedReader reader;
    reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
    System.out.print("How many rows do you want?");
    try {
        rows = reader.readLine();
    catch(IOException ioe) {
        System.out.println("I/O Exception Occured");
1. use ioe.printStackTrace();
these lines are creating problems:

rows = reader.readLine();
2. rows doesn't have a setRows method
okay, so I need to create a setRows method?
Fixed code: rows = Integer.parseInt(reader.readLine()); setRows(rows);
You should learn more about Java before attempting this; if you don't know that a) integers don't have methods and b) you must parse a String when setting it to an int, that's a sign you need to learn more about Java first
I do know them, I had the line integer.parseInt next
does the setRows() method need to be created?
rows = reader.readLine() you don't seem to be parsing it
well... do you have a setRows method? If you don't then of course you have to create it
hello @sabgenton
greetings @KDEx
@all Hi
hi @Appu !
@Doorknob Heya! where have you been on the other day? You were off suddenly.
@Doorknob Again gone. :P
@Appu sorry, I have to leave abruptly a lot
Like now :( bye
8 hours later…
Hi all..
2 hours later…
@Babu hi ;)
@Washu Hi I need help in passing my messages into another class....
@Washu here is the link for my question stackoverflow.com/questions/14255872/…
people are complaining your low accept rate
@didxga Hi am new here in stackoverflow... so i dont know what an acceptance rate means.... please guide... only this site saves me from programming henches....
@Code-Guru I can't quite create the label unfortunately, having some difficulty....I am very enthusiastic to complete this question (the one from last night with LabelButton3D and LabelButton3DTest) as I just realized it is the last thing I have to finish in this book and the book will be completed...lol)
Is it a criteria that everyone should have a higher acceptance rate... ?
@sambapenugonda Hello and Welcome
@Babu Hello and Welcome
@user1604490 Hi....
@user1604490 I need help in solving this issue.... can you please suggest a solution..:)stackoverflow.com/questions/14261506/…
@Babu an acceptance rate is when you accept an answer in the question you posted
@Babu sure, however I'm a beginner
@user1604490 same pinch.. :P
@Babu, what is your question exactly? what is the problem?
@Washu Hello and Welcome
@Babu you have asked 2 questions and havent accepted an answer that's why people are complaning. I suggest you either accept a good answer or put a comment that non of them are working.
@user1604490 hey
@user1604490 I have a threadpool running in a class, now the other class has to look for new data from this pool,fetch it, process it and return back...
Q: How pass these new messages to another class

BabuNow basically I have created three classes. public void run() { int seqId = 0; while(true) { List<KamMessage> list = null; try { list = fullPoll(seqId); } catch (Exception e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } if (!list.isEmpty()) { ...

@Washu aHa...now I got it... thank you... all is well :)
hello everyone, is anyone here familiar with java-Rest architecture?
@Babu I have not learned that aspect yet, sorry about that
@jellyfication Hello and Welcome
@BabyGorilla Hello and Welcome
@user1604490 hey there ;)
@TemporaryNickName What's up ;)?
@user1604490 Its ok... :) i had posted...getting responses... see you mate....
Java is tough....lol
Can anyone be of assistance with my question?
I am a beginner Java programmer who is learning on my own using a text...I have reached the end of the book and have the final practice problems (challenges) to complete and I am having a problem with one
If anyone can be of assitance I will post my code, the code the problem is based on, and finally the question
@Kai Hello and Welcome
@Babu glad you find an answer :)
@Washu Can you assit me? This is somewhat complex though...

I am a beginner Java programmer who is learning on my own using a text...I have reached the end of the book and have the final practice problems (challenges) to complete and I am having a problem with one
If you can be of assitance I will post my code, the code the problem is based on, and finally the question
@user1604490 i don't know man :(. Remember the other day i tried but i couldn't figure out the answer. I'm sorry...
@Washu not a problem....lol
@Code-Guru I can't quite create the label unfortunately, having some difficulty....I am very enthusiastic to complete this question (the one from last night with LabelButton3D and LabelButton3DTest) as I just realized it is the last thing I have to finish in this book and the book will be completed...lol)
@user1604490 don't worry when he logs he will help you
@Washu thank you .. :)
@arvindsavale Hello and Welcome
@all @Washu Hi!!!
@TemporaryNickName @BabyGorilla Hi guys! I guess it's been long time. What happened?
@Appu yo ;) the power came back xD
@Appu how are you?
I lost my power. very tired.
Work pressure.
BTW How is my picture?
@Appu haha funny xD i remember that episode
@Appu well is nearly the weekend go out with some friends i bet you will relax ;P
Yeah. I will. We have four days holidays. @Washu
4 days? Why @Appu?
We have a famous festival over here. That is why. @Washu
@Washu Cya later. Bye.
@Appu ok bye take care and have a fun weekend. Sorry i'm not answering fast updating some files :). Cya!
Hello, Java!
@Code-Guru hey :)
@Washu How goes it?
@Code-Guru hungry ._. 20 minutes until lunch
@Code-Guru hello and welcom
@Code-Guru *Welcome
@Code-Guru I can't quite create the label unfortunately, having some difficulty....I am very enthusiastic to complete this question (the one from last night with LabelButton3D and LabelButton3DTest) as I just realized it is the last thing I have to finish in this book and the book will be completed...lol)
@user1604490 Hello again
@Code-Guru How is your day going? :)
@user1604490 Did you at least figure out a way to get rid of the error you encountered when you added the label to b[0] = new LabelButton3D()?
@Washu I'm kind of hungry...not sure what sounds good, though, and it's not even close to lunch time.
@user1604490 cold. It's very snowy here in Boise.
Yes, I think I have to add a setActionCommand
@Code-Guru However I'm not sure that would work unfortunately
@user1604490 That doesn't seem necessary to me.
@user1604490 You should bookmark this site: docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api
It's the official documnetation for standard Java classes. If you want to be a good Java programmer you must become familiar with using this.
@Code-Guru thank you, that seems great ;)
@Code-Guru I can't understand why I can display a button and frame but I can't get a label....
@user1604490 So to make sure we are on the same page, please post your code for LabelButton3DTest and LabelButton3D.
@Code-Guru Thank you
@user1604490 That's because it takes some work to do so.

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import jpr.lightweight.JPRButton3D;

public class LabelButton3DTest extends GUIFrame {

    LabelButton3D[] b;

    public LabelButton3DTest() {
        super("LabelButton3D Test");
        setLayout(new FlowLayout());
       b = new LabelButton3D[1];

       b[0] = new LabelButton3D();



       public static void main(String args[]) {
           new LabelButton3DTest();


Now LabelButton3D
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import jpr.lightweight.JPRButton3D;

public class LabelButton3D extends JPRButton3D {
@user1604490 Looks good. Now change the b[0] = new LabelButton3D() to send the label to the LabelButton3D constructor. This should cause an error. Do you have any ideas what to do next to fix the error? (Also post how you change this line, so I know what you are doing.)
@Code-Guru That line does create the error
I tried b[0] = new LabelButton3D[1];
@user1604490 Please explain why you changed that line in that particular way.
@Code-Guru I was thinking that I had to specify that the first and only value b[0] was equivalent to the array LabelButton3D[1]
@Code-Guru to connect
b = new LabelButton3D[1];
with b[0] = new LabelButton3D();
@Code-Guru I always get nervous when I get stuck to this extent, unfortunately
@user1604490 umm...back up for a second. What is the type of the variable b?
@user1604490 Don't panic! Did you bring your towel?
@Code-Guru b is an array? (I think, hopefully)
@user1604490 Exactly! So new LabelButton3D[1] creates an array. In particular, the []s tell you that you are dealing with an array.
@user1604490 Now what is the type of b[0]?
@Code-Guru I think an element within the array
@Code-Guru meaning a specific location within the array
@user1604490 And what is the type of the elements in the array?
@user1604490 In other words, what kinds of things are stored in the array named b?
@Code-Guru I can't quite figure that part out for some reason...if I type ints into new LabelButton3D(100, 100) it does not work and if I type Strings into new LabelButton3D("Button"); it does not work
@Code-Guru that part has me lost
@Code-Guru it's supposed to be Strings though
@user1604490 By "does not work", I assume that you mean both of those give a compiler error. That's fine. No matter what you do at this point, you will get compiler errors. We are working toward making this code the way we want and then adding more code to fix the errors
@user1604490 What is the declaration for b?
@Code-Guru yes, it does crate a compiler error
@Code-Guru an element within an array
@user1604490 I think we might be having difficulty communicating because of the terminology here. Let me clarify what I'm getting at: The line LabelButton3D[] b = ... is called the variable declaration. This line "declares" the variable b. In other words, it tells the compiler what b stands for.
@user1604490 A declaration is always contains two elements: <type> <name>
@Code-Guru okay, so than the type would be an array....I'll have to remember that...I just added a star to the variable declaration message
@user1604490 Yes, b is an array. To be more exact, it's an array of what kinds of things?
@Code-Guru buttons?
@Code-Guru (I think)
@user1604490 exactly. Or more precisely, LabelButton3Ds.
@Code-Guru okay, that makes sense
@user1604490 So when we do b[0] = new LabelButton3D() we are creating a new LabelButton3D object to place into the first element of the array.
@user1604490 Note that we use ()s here, not []s. This is because []s are only used for arrays, not regular objects.
@Code-Guru that part I understand, thankfully...
@Code-Guru lol
@user1604490 With that, what do you think is the correct change to this line to tell LabelButton3D what label it should display?
@Code-Guru Well, it appears that I would remove the new keyword?
@Code-Guru no that doesn't compile
@Code-Guru hmmm....still thinking about that....lol
@Code-Guru for some reason, this part has gotten me lost
@user1604490 You certainly need the new keyword. We still want to create a LabelButton3D object which requires using new.
@Code-Guru I understand that b[0] is the location within the array and = new LabelButton3D() is setting a new LabelButton3D object into b[0]...that's clear
@user1604490 So new LabelButton3D() creates the actual button. We want to give some information to this new button. What do we add in order to do this?
@Code-Guru which to me makes it appear that it should be new LabelButton3D("Button") as that is the object we want created
@Code-Guru We need to add a String as a label is a String type
@Code-Guru I'm so sorry I'm having this trouble :(
@user1604490 Please don't apologize. There's no need.
@user1604490 That seems like a good solution. I assume you use "Button" as an example since it can be anything you want.
@Code-Guru yes
@user1604490 So when you make that change, you get a compiler error. What does it say?
@Code-Guru Constructor LabelButton3D in class LabelButton3D cannot be applied to given types
@Code-Guru required: no arguments
found: String
reason: actual and formal arguments differ in length
@user1604490 So the error says something about the constructor (ctor for short)
@user1604490 Basically it is telling us that the ctor we are trying to use doesn't exist. Since we know this is the ctor we want, we need to make it now.
@Code-Guru okay, that is clearer now
@user1604490 So what does this ctor look like? It doesn't have to do anything yet. We just need to declare it for now.
@Code-Guru This constructor would be something like public LabelButton3D(String) {
I think
@Code-Guru I forgot to tell you that the button I created is the size of a dot and therefore needs to be made larger to see the Label....sorry about forgetting that :(
goes anyone here work with jsf ????
@AnisBouchenafa I've looked at it briefly, but haven't done anything serious with it.
@Anis I do not know it at all, sorry about that
@user1604490 We'll worry about that when we actually display the label.
@user1604490 What happens when you add that to the LabelButton3D class?
im good in java but i have never touched the j2ee
@Code-Guru I get an error as it says "identifier expected"
so ,to work with jsf you need to know about j2ee ,ejb ,anotation ,persistance ......
@AnisBouchenafa My understanding is that JSF is part of JEE and can use EJB and the other technologies you mention. I don't think any of them are required to start using JSF. You will probably learn them as you go along.
@AnisBouchenafa At least that's what I would expect if I were to start into it more.
@user1604490 An "identifier" is a name, so the compiler is telling you that you left out a name where it expected to find one. Can you see where you need to add this?
thnx @codeGuru but im working in an it company so you have to describe for them the choice of technology
@Code-Guru public LabelButton3D("Button five") {
@user1604490 Your earlier version was almost right. You only need to add a small detail.
@Code-Guru I'm still getting an error "Illegal start of type"
@Code-Guru I'm thinking about the small detail now
@Code-Guru I think a variable name
@user1604490 bingo
@Code-Guru public LabelButton3D(String s) {
@user1604490 I suggest a more descriptive name than just s.
@Code-Guru String label?
public LabelButton3D(String label) {
@user1604490 That seems appropriate
@user1604490 So what next?
now I tried b[0] = new LabelButton3D("Favorite Button");
@Code-Guru and no compile error :)
@Code-Guru You're the best :)
@user1604490 So far so good.
@user1604490 What's next?
@Code-Guru I think that I have to enlarge the Button? (hopefully)
@user1604490 I don't think we should worry about the size yet. There seems to me to be a more important detail to take care of first.
@Code-Guru I'm thinking....
@Code-Guru It definitely has to do with adding something to the LabelButton3D as the constructor is empty
@user1604490 What is our primary goal atm?
@Code-Guru to display the label? (it seems to me)
@user1604490 Seems to me, too.
@user1604490 So far, we've only told LabelButton3D what label to display, but we haven't actually displayed it yet.
@Code-Guru I thought that was because the button object was too small ( I think I misunderstood)
@Code-Guru I guess there is another reason
@user1604490 Ahh...I see where you are coming from. Let's make it bigger then and see what happens.
@user1604490 I need to go for now. I'll be back on later. Let me know when you figure out how to make the button bigger.
@Code-Guru I added a new public LabelButton3D constructor
public LabelButton3D(int wide, int high) {
this is similar to the one used in JPRButton3D
@Code-Guru I'll be back in a bit
@user1604490 Sounds good. You also need another parameter for the label.
@user1604490 I'm back for a little bit longer.
@Code-Guru dude how old are you?
@Washu Old enough =p
@Washu Why do you ask
@Code-Guru cause right now i dont understand woman/girls
They lie too much
@Washu Doesn't everyone?
@Washu and good luck with that.
brb, rebooting
@Code-Guru no not everyone.... ;(
@Code-Guru hello again
brb in a few
@Code-Guru brb in a few
@user1604490 Okay, I'm back again for a moment. I'll be tabbing back and forth and perhaps rebooting. Feel free to ask any questions. I'll get to them when I have a few moments.
@Code-Guru ;(
00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

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