Set a thread to do the work of handling data and ends when it handles the last piece of data, and your other thread waits or does something in the meantime
@Pooja.. We need some more explanation of the issue. You are saying two things. One you need to break when there is no data to read. And 2nd you are also saying you want to break after 2 seconds.
Mark my words, a day will come along when you'll discover the person you are talking to was born after 2000 and then you'll suddenly feel old, really old
Since apparently that's the kiss of death in a lot of rooms.. everybody turns 8 years old again and has to inform the teacher of a student who did something against the rules
@LewsTherin I think everyone's ears tuned in because people automatically make the assumption that in the context of Javascript, if you so much as mention Java, it is because you apparently think Java is the same thing as Javascript
I don't think anyone is that dense, so I don't see the point pointing it out unless someone genuinely doesn't know the difference and says so
@Washu We don't have any issues to read your explanation and somewhat interested to hear that kind of funny things, but it's for you to type such long explanation.. lol :P
In 2008 i fell in love and i mean it.. i met a girl and started dating her as soon as i could.. the problem is she is undecided she broke up with me several times in 3 years... i did everything for her bought her like 4 dogs and 3 cellphones... payed for trips... food cloths... i sacrificed everything but still she broke up with me several times without worrying or caring about me
in those 3 years we came back like 6 times... mostly because of me but after 1 month she would always break up... well after these 3 years i was done with it so when i was about to decide to just close the book she told me she wanted something serious and i was more than excited to try it. We were together for 1 year and 6 months... but in the last months i got bored. One just can not forget the past and more when someone breaks your heart in such a hard and cold way.
so i started being mean to her even when she was being really kind to me and she was really trying to be the best gf however for me wasn;t enough i was bored and tired. In the end when she needed me the most i broke up with her badly. i really hurt her but well she started ;). After 1 week of doing it i realized i didnt want that to happen and when i tried to get her back, well i found out she came back with her ex