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You guys should be asking Java questions like that :)
My own question.. why does Java allow type erasure?
@LewsTherin Sorry, man. I had to downvote one of your answers ;-(
@It'sYourFault @LewsTherin Howdy!
Hey in Android, if I want to use the default text for a TextView I would just use setText("") right?
or you can make ur own default text in string.xml file
anyone heard of the Ford Fulkerson algorithm?
nope what's that?
@Dogz1 You can also set the android:text attribute in your layout XML file.
thats what i did
so whenever i want to reference that i can use .setText("") right?
@KodeSeeker It sounds familar and I pulled up the wikipedia page about it. Why do you ask?
@Dogz1 I'm not sure what you are asking. Calling setText("") will replace whatever is in the TextView with an empty String, not reference anything.
oh ok..ty
Guys, i've been always wondered, are there any library or API that is similar to labs.adobe.com/technologies/cirrus in Java? JXTA is too difficult for me lol i need something straight forward like cirrus for P2P networking.
Can anyone identify a font from an image here?
Or not even in Java, are there any good p2p library in C# ?
@Code-Guru well Im trying to see whether I can modify a problem of mine to use it
@KodeSeeker mkay
@Code-Guru care to help ? :)
@user1079641 are you talking about mcapcha?
@KodeSeeker I don't have much time left. Feel free to post your question here in chat or on the main SO site. I'm sure someone will be willing to help.
@Code-Guru well here's the question
I have a set of stations-transmitters and receivers ,where the transmission between any pair of pair of transmitters and receivers can be represented by a square matrix. Of the form
0 2 3
1 0 4
3 3 0
Im trying to figure out a way to find the maximal amount of packets I can transmit in a given time slot
so an output for the above matrix could be something like
@TemporaryNickName, I found the font, but I was not talking about that. Anyways, thanks for the help.
hello , everyone!~
hi everyone , why cant I return only inside if statements in a method?
Can you give me a solution ?
Or tell me the reason
can you show your code?
@SongGuang I solved it, thanks
@georgemano all right
@KodeSeeker So what is your question?
@Code-Guru well could we use Ford Fulkerson to solve that problem?
Sorry didnt notice the ping
@Code-Guru: you still around?
@KodeSeeker Kind of. I'm tabbed over to the main site.
I have a queston, I need to access the member variables from another class. How can I access them from a different class? BTW: I don't want to create another instance of the class
@Code-Guru ah okay. Would be great if you could help :)
@KodeSeeker I've got a little bit of time, so I'm reading up on it.
@KodeSeeker In the matrix are the rows for transmitters or receivers?
One class has my init() method and I need to access that classes member variables from another class.
@RolandSams does that variable change its value?
@Code-Guru Great. Rows for transmitters and columns for receivers
yeh. That variable is a string to store the text of a JEditorPane
@RolandSams Please post some example code of what you are trying to do. Keep it as short as possible.
@KodeSeeker From what I understand of the max flow problem (which the Ford Fulkerson algorithm solves), it is not the same as what you are trying to do, so no, the FF algo won't work for you.
@Code-Guru well arent we trying to find the max flow here? In a sense the max flow from the transmitter to the receiver?
@KodeSeeker From the way I read the problem, you want to find the maximum total number of packets and each transmitter can send to any reciever which isn't being used by another transmitter, correct?
ok I think static variables may work TY
or the combination that results in max packets being sent in a particular time period
@KodeSeeker The problem is that you don't have a flow network with a single sink and a single source.
lol some real estate is keep sending me messages saying i haven't paid my rent
@Code-Guru Yes Im looking for the maximal arrangment, such that max number of packets are transmitted from the transmitters to the receivers
@KodeSeeker IMO, using FF is making the solution more complicated than necessary.
but i don't even rent any property and my name is not even mark
@Code-Guru well is there a more elegant yet simpler solution then\? Im more so looking for efficiency here :)
@KodeSeeker Which means you have multiple sinks and sources. FF requires a single sink and a single source
@Code-Guru true
@KodeSeeker I'd use a greedy algorithm: take the trans/rec pair which has the largest packet size; "cross off" the trans and rec; rinse, wash, repeat
@Code-Guru well the packet size is uniform :)
@KodeSeeker What do you mean?
@KodeSeeker oh sorry, that should say "number of packets"
@Code-Guru well you said 'largest' packet size
@KodeSeeker You know what I mean =p
@Code-Guru well what way wouldnt we have infinite number of cases? :)
Just asking is all .
6 mins ago, by Code-Guru
@KodeSeeker I'd use a greedy algorithm: take the trans/rec pair which has the largest packet size; "cross off" the trans and rec; rinse, wash, repeat
Change "largest packet size" to "most number of packets".
hmm exactly but wouldnt it have an infinite number of cases? For example for the input matrix
0 2 3
1 0 4
3 4 0
we could have T1-R2/R3, T2-R1/R4 and T3-R1/R2 right?
I hope Im making sense lol
@KodeSeeker My suggested algorithm was to start by choosing the trans/rec pair with the most number of packets. In your example, T2/R3 and T3/R2 tie. Now that I look at it closely, you need a way to break the tie.
@Code-Guru Well why is there a tie. I mean T2 could transmit to R3 and T3 to R2 w/o any problems
@KodeSeeker In the greedy algorithm that I described earlier, you need to choose one and then continue to the next choice. I guess if there is no conflict then you can choose both. But what if the matrix were such that T2/R1 and T2/R3 were tied. You need a way to resolve the conflict.
@Code-Guru That makes sense
@KodeSeeker After some further reading, I think you might be able to make use of the FF algo. You will need to first tranform your flow network into one with a single source and a single sink.
@Code-Guru well I was wondering how lol
@KodeSeeker I would try to add a sink s and source t. Then add edges (s, T_i) and (t, R_i), for each value of i, with "infinite" capacity.
wow lord of the ring movie looks still awesome in 2012
hello fellas
@TemporaryNickName I can't wait for the Hobbit!
@It'sYourFault Hey!
how's it going, hobbit-lover :-P
@TemporaryNickName I hope I can see it the day it comes out. I might have to wait until Saturday, though ;-(
@It'sYourFault Aren't you a hobbit lover, too? =p
@Code-Guru : I dont quite get that .. hmm
lol....nuh uh
pretty gud
i'm trying to get use to HTML5 and CSS =/
I saw the LOTR 1, 2, 3 though
were those movies too long or what?
anyone here good in either of those techonology?
@KodeSeeker I mean that you add two more vertices to your graph. You can add appropriate rows and columns to your matrix to do that.
i want it as long as possible
cause it's awesome! lol i've first seen it like when I was 12 or 13
at theatre
@It'sYourFault Define "too long"?
do you guys have a mnemonics to distringuish between length and length() ?
2 hrs is pretty long........for me, buddy :-P
@It'sYourFault What do you mean? length is a variable and length() is a method.
@KodeSeeker Then add entries to the matrix with very large values that connect the new "source" vertex to each transmitter and each receiver to the new "sink".
@Code-Guru I know that; I know that Array uses one, and String uses the other; but I keep mixing up which one uses which one
@Code-Guru well whats the use of doing that? We dont simplify the problem any more do we , by adding more rows/columns? Or am I missing something
you know they used to tell you next LOTR episode is going to come out next Christmas at the end of the movie if you watched them at theatre long long time ago
@KodeSeeker In fact, to create a true "adjacency matrix" for your flow network, you need to create one with more rows and columns anyway.
so, I need a way to attach the right one to the right class
i have to make full use of my time to learn English,sometimes I really dont know what are you talking about
@Code-Guru @KodeSeeker's question is filed under the data structures , right?
@all Hi
hey @Appu
How is it going today? @It'sYourFault
lol....a little good
how about yourself?
lol.. a little bad.
lol......alright; that's good
it means there's still a whole lotta good :)
Okay. Optimism.. :)
But boring. Have reached office just now and feeling lazy in the fresh morning itself.
@Code-Guru anything new in the Android world?
I felt lazy all day
maybe I need more slumber time :)
Yes. You need it I guess. Because you always give less time for sleep. ;)
or maybe I need some coffee; :)
@It'sYourFault New in the sense?
@It'sYourFault I haven't worked on my app for a couple of days. I'm kindda stuck with a couple of things. But I did find one answer on SO today. Just haven't had time to use it.
I don't think I woke up with my full brain capacity
@It'sYourFault data structures and algorithms, yes.
@Appu new as in any new stuff he's working on
@Code-Guru I thought the question looked similar to linear programming
especially because of the matrix
@It'sYourFault Other than the matrix, I don't think it's an LP problem.
Okay. I thought you were asking about android generally. @It'sYourFault
alrightie :)
@Code-Guru What's the issue in your app?
@Appu I've been writing an Android app and @It'sYourFault and I have talked about it quite a lot in the past.
@Code-Guru Okay. Great. You know what, I am working on Android too.
does anyone uses an Android4.0 phone here?
@Appu I want to add AutoCompleteTextViews which get their suggestions from my apps database. The problem is that the column where I SELECT the suggestions from has duplicates. Since CursorAdapater requires an "_id" column in the underlying cursor, I can't use the DISTINCT keyword in my query.
Okay. I understand your problem.
if you are searching by text, why would you want to use the distinct keyword?
I have never used autocompletetextview which gives suggestions from database, but from an array of strings. Let me think.
isn't the purpose of the db search to retrieve all rows with the word being searched?
Even when we apply this autocompletetextview initially we wouldn't find the words that are typed in the autocompletetextview by default, would we? @Code-Guru
@It'sYourFault No, not in this case. I want to help the user when they are entering the same value over and over. For example, the "Brand Name" column in my db will only have maybe 4 distinct values. If the user types "To" for example, I want my app to suggest "Topps". In my current implementation, this works, except "Topps" is repeated for each row that contains it.
@Appu I have an implementation that gives suggestions from the datatabase, but it repeats the same suggestion many times.
@It'sYourFault I guess I could normalize my database and create a lookup table...that might be the best solution.
okay; does sqlite have a limit clause? I know that sql server uses top ** and mysql uses **limit
@Code-Guru Yeah I understand, it's because there are duplicates in that column.
@It'sYourFault What's the "limit" clause do?
if you say limit 1, the select statement will only return 1 row
even though it matches more than 1
@Code-Guru But I have a doubt. How does the system know which data you want exactly when you give the clue which can result in multiple row's details? Unless you have some unique clue, how can it be possible?
he probably used the like keyword :)
@It'sYourFault and how it retrieves one or two specified rows, is it random? If so what if the user is searching for another row.
yup....it's random
usually, select statements produce random rows
unless the rows have an int primary key
or the clause order by column_name is used
@Code-Guru Are you there?
@It'sYourFault Okay.
I'm not sure about the performance hit though, but that's the basic way of retrieving strings
if you use where column_name = 'string_value' ; that's not good
@It'sYourFault My question was if he implements limit with 1, as he doesn't want the same string is shown two times. But what if the user wants the other row which was not picked up by the system.
well, it'll all depends on the clauses in his statement; but if they all match, and he needs only one, there isn't much he can do about it, unless he creates a more complicated statement :)
I can see so many people falling to this room from the sky. But no conversations. @It'sYourFault
lol......maybe they are hurt from the fall :-P
@Appu Good Morning
@NareshSharma Hey, GoodMorning
CodeGuru probably left because the library he's has closed for the night
@It'sYourFault library??
campus library
okay. But I thought to ask whether he had any idea about my issue, which has been troubling me. @It'sYourFault
@NareshSharma BTW how is your work going? app?
what's your issue?
It's regarding actionbarsherlock.
@Appu going smoothly :)
Usually the action bar is a facility that actually works only in 3.0+ versions. To make the use of actionbar even in pre honeycomb(3.0) versions, we can include one of the third party library project. So, I have chosen actionbarsherlock. But when I try to customize it, it's making even unwanted changes. :( @It'sYourFault
@NareshSharma Okay.
is he familiar with actionbarsherlock?
Don't know. That's why I thought to ask first whether he had worked on it.
It's time to have lunch,so hungry
@Washu Hey, you are done with your class.
@What are you having for lunch?
damn i ate too much
Lunch ?O.o
I just had dinner Lol
my dinner is in about 4hours
can't wait
@TemporaryNickName you said that you ate a lot ;) and again you can't wait for dinner for 4 more hours. o_O :P
i like eating =/
ok, no more food for today to avoid diabete
yeah,it's one o'clock in the afternoon here...........
But then again you shouldn't stay with empty stomach, as it causes other problems .@TemporaryNickName
It's 11.00 am over here.
guys, is diabete noun plural or singular?
diabete is not a word afaik
diabetic is :)
hi guys
why is that there is no CollectionBase in Java?
CollectionBase is in C#?
is there any way that I could use it in Java
I know that I could use AbstractCollection or AbstractList but the latter seems different
2 hours later…
hmm this is so quiet
breaking the peace
@TemporaryNickName what is your original name?
my real name?
i haven't chosen my legit name for SO yet
could u suggest some name that's javaish?
or phpish
why dont you opt for Friendfunction
or javafriend
i havent heard that function for quite a while now
wait it's not a function
i think it's a modifier isn't it?
i am very lazy
i cant type huge amount of char :P
Hello, Guys
hey, what's cracking nancy?
what means cracking?
i'm just saying how are you
I consider that as a nice Hello! :-)
Fine, thank you, my friend. :-)
and you?
what time is it your place?
pretty good
this is so interesting and amazing
uhh it's the java time!
Hello, You and the would:-)
kiddin, it's around 8 in the evening
WOW, here is sun down time....
what a different world
why sick?
im just saying it's cool
wow, that is just what I want to say. :-)
where are you from Nancy?
I'm not very good in English. But I have years of experience in java
hi al
you will hate me if I tell u
I'm from beijing
@Nancy chin chon
tomorrow will be my last day with this company
i have many friends from mainland in China at uni
now i feel kind of sad
what means uni?
anyone knw jconsole ?
don't worry, i've got an offer with a better company.... but leaving always not easy.
i hv 1 doubt
jconsole, i've never heard it before. what's that?
@Nancy :P
I'm having my MBA at College
monitoring tool for java app

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