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The first 90% of a project takes 90% of the time, the last 10% takes the other 90% of the time. (source)
5 hours later…
hums a song
1 hour later…
is this understanding correct that every thread has its own ThreadLocalMap object which stores the mapping from ThreadLocal to values. Every thread shares the same threadlocal object.
6 hours later…
@ZoestandswithUkraine If you dont mind me asking, isn't Python a strongly typed language too? But in python, 1/2(an integer divided by an integer) yields 0.5(which is a double) and not 0.0
Hmmmmmm could it be because python is also a dynamically typed language
I've made a number of project sin a number of different languages, and it does feel shockingly accurate
Though not necessarily at 90%, typically earlier
Because at some point, the code base gets big enough for there to be bugs - often lots of them, and fixing them does take time
Some times an obnoxious amount of time
Oh, never mind
Chat was dumb
It didn't display the ping :rolling_eyes:
Or the message from Tarun. The chat socket has really been taking a hit lately
@DelriusEuphoria I think the answers might be incorrectly referring to them as strong
The opposite of dynamically typed is statically typed, not strongly typed
So a language can be strong and dynamic, or weak and dynamic. JS is an example of a weak dynamic language, and does 1/2 = 0.5
I think the keyword here is dynamic vs. static, not dynamic vs. strong
I tried finding a better question to link to as well, but couldn't really find one
Ah its no problem, I get what you try to mean. Thanks!
1 hour later…
Has anyone used bootsfaces?
I have a data table but row grouping doesn't work :(
I tried
<b:dataTable row-group="2"
<b:dataTable rowGroup="1"

and no effect in both cases. Any idea?
Happy Friday, Java!
Unhappy java, Michael!
Dang it @Zoe!! Java makes you happy it's a feature not a bug!!
If we store reference to someobject in threadlocal, ITs still possible for multiple threads to breach thread safety, right? Because Threadlocal does not create deep copy of the object.
2 hours later…
@ZoestandswithUkraine has it? Works fine for me doe
It's been really flaky
Some times it cooperates, some times it doesn't
1 hour later…
@ZoestandswithUkraine oh lol hard luck ig :P
Pretty much, yeah :p
5 hours later…
@ZoestandswithUkraine @DelriusEuphoria
statically typed languages have compile-time type checking, aka the compiler yelling at you for sending a string to an if condition or doing a sum of non-numeric types or when you invoke a method that doesnt exist for that object's class

dynamically typed languages move those checks to the runtime aka, the runtime will throw an exception when you invoke a method that doesnt exist on the class (some languages allow you to have a meta method that gets invoked instead, for example Groovy)

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