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12:00 AM
"The Street finds its own uses for technology." -- William Gibson (source)
3 hours later…
2:40 AM
Michael Angstadt completed part 1 of day 6! \o/
2 hours later…
5:10 AM
Unihedron completed parts 1 and 2 of day 10! \o/
Which edition of SonarQube you are using ? Community or Developer or EnterpriseSourav Atta 7 hours ago
@Mukul Welcome to the Java Chat, the room for Java enthusiasts! I'm Oak, one of the room's bots. If you want to ask a question, just ask it and someone will respond if they feel like it. But remember that this room is not a help desk or tutoring service! If you want to just hang out, then welcome aboard! Oh, and the room's full list of rules are posted here.
Can anyone please answer this
Which edition of SonarQube you are using ? Community or Developer or EnterpriseSourav Atta 7 hours ago
5:27 AM
Any good Java Slack channels you'd recommend?
@Matthew Welcome to the Java Chat, the room for Java enthusiasts! I'm Oak, one of the room's bots. If you want to ask a question, just ask it and someone will respond if they feel like it. But remember that this room is not a help desk or tutoring service! If you want to just hang out, then welcome aboard! Oh, and the room's full list of rules are posted here.
2 hours later…
7:10 AM
OrdinaryDraft completed part 1 of day 5! \o/
3 hours later…
9:55 AM
Madara Uchiha completed part 1 of day 10! \o/
10:10 AM
Madara Uchiha completed part 2 of day 10! \o/
1 hour later…
11:27 AM
solves P vs NP
1 hour later…
12:41 PM
Matthieu Honel completed parts 1 and 2 of day 10! \o/
1 hour later…
2:10 PM
posted on December 10, 2021

archive - contact - sexy exciting merchandise - search - about ← previousDecember 10th, 2021nextDecember 10th, 2021: Shouts out to everyone celebrating traditions this holiday season!!– Ryan

4 hours later…
5:56 PM
fredoverflow completed part 1 of day 10! \o/
6:11 PM
fredoverflow completed part 2 of day 10! \o/
2 hours later…
8:10 PM
uses java.io.File
8:38 PM
@Wietlol What did you copy exactly? I only did AoC 2020 and 2021 so far...
1 hour later…
9:59 PM
10:26 PM
Olivia (Zoe) completed part 1 of day 10! \o/
10:38 PM
@fredoverflow it is not exactly copying as much as something I just learned from you
your video of doing fizzbuzz was the first time I saw an unfolded infinite series using a repeatable fragment or pattern
basically, produce the smallest repeatable pattern and repeat it infinitely
for fizzbuzz, that'd be fizz(3) * buzz(5) = 15 elements in the fragment
fun fizzBuzz(): Sequence<String> =
	sequence {
		var offset = 0
		while (true)
			yield((offset + 1).toString())
			yield((offset + 2).toString())
			yield((offset + 4).toString())
			yield((offset + 7).toString())
			yield((offset + 8).toString())
			yield((offset + 11).toString())
			yield((offset + 13).toString())
			yield((offset + 14).toString())
			offset += 15
so, that is an infinite series of fizzbuzz elements
what I did for adventofcode.com/2015/day/14 is to parse all reindeers into a data class, representing their behavior
and then for each reindeer, produce an infinite series of their effective velocity per second
for example: Comet can fly 14 km/s for 10 seconds, but then must rest for 127 seconds.
fun velocitySequence(): Sequence<Int> =
	sequence {
		while (true)
			repeat(10) { yield(14) }
			repeat(127) { yield(0) }
for task 1, I need to find the furthest distance any reindeer has travelled after 2503 seconds
so, take all the sequences, produce a running fold to accumulate the total distance travelled over time, drop the first 2502 and take the first (aka 2503rd)
then take the max of the result
the approach is very similar to the fizzbuzz solution
@fredoverflow or @anyoneelse do you happen to know the operation that this function is performing? github.com/wietlol/AdventOfCode/blob/master/src/test/kotlin/me/…
	private fun <T> List<Sequence<T>>.weirdOperation(): Sequence<List<T>>
		val iterators = map { it.iterator() }
		return generateSequence { iterators.map { it.next() } }
(the only thing that it really is missing is the check to see if the iterators still have a next element, but I ignored it because I know the iterators are infinite anyway)
basically, if you have a table List<List<Cell>> where you have a list of rows where each row has a list of columnar cells
flip the direction so you have a list of columns where each column has a list of row cells
10:56 PM
Olivia (Zoe) completed part 2 of day 10! \o/
11:26 PM
anonymous user #277008 completed parts 1 and 2 of day 6! \o/

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