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The price one pays for pursuing any profession, or calling, is an intimate knowledge of its ugly side. -- James Baldwin (source)
hums a song
2 hours later…
ahhhh I hate java
what the HECK man springboot
why is this so wonky
2 hours later…
I have this task to fix fortify findings (basically a program to check security vulnerabilities)
theres this ticket which says overly broad catch
saying when I do catch(Exception e)
they are saying the 'Exception' is too general, can you be specific on your exception
but upon readingthe codes
theres no like exception I can think of ...
my question is, do you guys have like an 'under the table' exception ?
which you just say ok we will say this is the exception but not really
or have like a substitute exception without putting a general exception
4 hours later…
That's hard to answer without knowing what happens when the exception is thrown
and why the catch exists
for example, for logging purposes, I would catch Throwable
for specific exception recovery, I would try to get the specific exception
1 hour later…
@Wietlol No, that's why debuggers exist
4 hours later…
posted on April 24, 2021

archive - contact - sexy exciting merchandise - search - about ← previousApril 24th, 2021nextApril 24th, 2021: I'm not a physicist but I'm pretty sure this is physics canon. Don't quote me on that, but please, believe me on that.– Ryan

3 hours later…
Is this the place to ask Groovy questions? I appear to have managed to create an object which somehow causes either a silent crash or early termination of the script if you call toString on it, either implicitly or explicitly (casting also appears to cause the "crash"). This makes no sense, so I have to assume I'm doing something drastically wrong.
// based on stackoverflow.com/a/67182902/1015495
text = 'i am a ${interpolated} string'
interpolated = 'runtime'

engine = new groovy.text.SimpleTemplateEngine()
template = engine.createTemplate(text)

makeWithMap = template.make([interpolated : interpolated])
// these all work fine
println((String) makeWithMap)

try {
    makeWithBindingVariables = template.make(this.binding.variables)
    // this will produce output, but stop executing after:
Use a paste site
I hate chat mark down.
Everyone does. It's been stale since 2011
That should be copy/pastable, I got there eventually
5 hours later…
@MikeG although I am not entirely sure how you could catch or prevent the execution failure, I do see some things that you might find interesting
first of all, println is not System.out.println
it is a special function from the Script class to handle std output
it behaves mostly the same, but has some weird quirks
if you put def println = System.out::println at the top of your script (or at least above the crashing part), you will see the result you expect

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