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3 hours later…
@Michael sounds exactly like what an electron would say...
1 hour later…
yay more familiar faces other than Zoe and Michael :D
congrats @geisterfurz007 for your win over your ex? company :D
that was some time ago
I know :D
now you see how often I check the right side :P
the amount of gray hair on my head has increased significantly since I started my current task... I got tons of spagetti code, classes with a few thousand lines of code that interact with each other and I need to bring in some order... hurray :D
well "order in" as in change everything on how the simultation works. Before everything was calculated independently and now everything needs to be calculated following a time line
I've been there before
@motaa Thanks! ex indeed, I abandoned that sinking ship. Given the job market now, it was a bad decision in hindsight but I might just have something lined up; through 3 interview steps already, meeting the CEO some day next week probably for an in-person chat :)
@geisterfurz007 awsome mate! I was about to change my job... was about to have a job interview late march in luxembourg... due to corona we postponed everything to an unknown date. So I prolonged my contract in germany in april
bad times looking for a job... especially when you just graduated...
first job is just generally accepted as the shit job
you get experience that can fling you to a better job
@Neil, maybe you can give me a hint whether I'm on a potentially right track here... I have objects that follow a timeline and they change state which can have sub states --> hierarchical state machine. Depending on state that object needs to interact with another object managing a common resource --> mediator pattern?
let me give you an example
strategy pattern maybe
make each state be associated with an implementation of an interface you can call which transforms it at each state
then you can arbitrarily skip states or whatever
depends on how detailed that needs to be..
at some point in time a person wants to start an activity eg.: go to the gym. the machine has passed all prior states and now is in state "evaluating_transportation_means" and decides to take a car sharing offer
you could have a map indicating what state comes after which, and then create a series of states that will get you to some destination state X
@motaa yeah, semi-dead chat :')
@motaa that's a rather specific state :)
in terms of your program, does that have any meaning?
or it's just a state you want to set it to?
if you need to do something at each stage, then I would recommend what I mentioned earlier, strategy pattern
and I don't mean "update state in database"
because at that point in time is it not clear yet if that person is going to take a car sharing offer or in case there is none it might take the bicycle
because that's something that all states can do
if from one state, it branches off to several different possible states, that's fine so long as you don't need to decide which one
@Gemtastic HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Have a great one! Can you already celebrate it in your new house?
or if you do, you need some mnemonic for deciding that
It is? owo
@Gemtastic how dare you spend your birthday having a life away from this chat!
Nothing like a good old round of LinkedIn stalking @Zoe :')
Right then. Happy birthday @Gemtastic!
@Neil good point
the important thing is whoever is managing that state can handle that transition from where it came from
if that's not obvious or easy, you could consider passing the start and end state (because one implementation may work for multiple end states)
I cannot stalk Neil on LinkedIn, feelsbad
yay, stalkless
I mean, I can see where you roughly live and what company you work at but I cannot message you or connect with you :c
nvm I can
Das Youtube, I am suspicious
yeah, I'm not on Linkedin :')
the reason I was thinking about mediator consits in managing that common resource eg.: the car/bike sharing spot being the mediator and when 2 objects try to get a car at the same time the first one is in luck and can proceed to the next state an the other one has to keep looking and in worst case --> walk :D
would work the same when I model a household where 2 persons share one car
well for that you'd just have to synchronize the actual part of checking if a bike is available and then reserving that spot
then in your state change handling class, you'd check if a spot is available, then attempt to reserve it in that case
you should prepare for the eventual possibility that it won't be available when you actually try to reserve it, but that should happen rarely
being synchronized, you can be sure there won't be conflicts
@Neil yes in that case that person will look for another transportation means
if all fail, well then its gonna be a walk or abandon the gym for that day :D
just allow the possibility of an exception being thrown which will veto the change of state
when you transition states, check for that exception and in that case you don't change state
ah good idea
also let each state transition handler deal with performing rollback logic as necessary
1 hour later…
Knock knock!
Race condition :)
Who's there?
“Knock, knock.”
“Who’s there?”
very long pause….
Knock knock!
Who's multithethreadree?d jaba
Two strings walk into a bar and sit down. The bartender says, “So what’ll it be?”

The first string says, “I think I’ll have a beer quag fulk boorg jdk^CjfdLk jk3s d#f67howe%^U r89nvy~~owmc63^Dz x.xvcu”

“Please excuse my friend,” the second string says, “He isn’t null-terminated.”
Quill just got the great idea to just render my toolbar inside of its hidden tooltip container for absolutely no reason
Does anyone know where I can find a complex Spring MVC project? Some kind of sample project where I can take a look at the code and learn new things? An example with Groovy or Thymeleaf with complex template nesting would be great. The question about complex template nesting is because I don't understand how a controller in the real world should call up a whole site with sooo much information on it
@GunthervonGoetzenSanchez here's an example with spring + groovy: github.com/jlstrater/groovy-spring-boot-restdocs-example
though if you ask me, you should prefer kotlin to groovy
not because groovy is a bad language, just that it is a little outdated
they're fairly similar at that
Thanks a lot! I thought groovy was jus a template engine @Neil
doesn't spring boot come with spring mvc as a template? :D
though it might be pretty simple
Which template engine would you use in your own projects? I am doing a website where people who play baseball can make their own schedules for friendly game and also players can send messages to each other. Some kind of chat
you want to stay with java?
I had used JSF in a past project but I don't like how tightly front- and backend tie in with each other in a setup like that.
never ever again :D
so no JSF
Yes a would like to learn Java. I think Spring ist an amazing framework, what would you take?
as far as I know, you can run any template engine running on top of JSR223
chapter 23.6
Which one would you take?
tbh. for starters stick with thymleaf
if you want to learn java, stick with sth. that is in java :D
instead of mixing java and javascript
if someone thinks differently, bring your arguments :P
I have the same argument against template engines as I have against JSF :') But yeah, for learning Java, using Java makes sense I guess
@geisterfurz007 if you dont use template engine? what do you use instead? plain JSPs?
@motaa thanks
A plain website with JS making requests to get the displayed data
you got a sample for that?
Oof! I don't think I have an open source one from myself at hand but I will have a look around; maybe I can find some code samples I can share
https://gist.github.com/geisterfurz007/77d17967060db3cbe1a02263b4cbfa76 is the fastest I can get you (and the code isn't neccessarily good; that's from an abandoned project I started 1.5 years back).
But the gist (pun intended) is that you have two distinct parts to your website; frontend and backend and you seperate them. The frontend in this case is a React Webapp that should display a list of currently running workshops people can join. To be able to display this list, it needs to get the currently running workshops from the backend so it does a web request with axios to the backend. The
(sorry for the wall :'))
In the case of a templated page you take a different route. Instead of having two standalone projects, you kinda mush them together. So instead of the client having to make a webrequest to get the data to display it (like in my case with the React App), you already create the full website on the backend before sending it off to the user.
ba dum tss
Hi everyone, I need some help. My situation is: the user needs to fill up a form and attach a .zip file to it(my frontend is in react.js). I need to write an endpoint that I can call and can save that file to my pc so that I can use it later. For the http stuffs I'm using javax.ws.rs . How can I do it?
@asdasd Welcome to the Java Chat, the room for Java enthusiasts! I'm Oak, one of the room's bots. If you want to ask a question, just ask it and someone will respond if they feel like it. But remember that this room is not a help desk or tutoring service! If you want to just hang out, then welcome aboard! Oh, and the room's full list of rules are posted here.
@asdasd The file has to be sent through formdata. An older post on Mykong should give you a good idea for that: mkyong.com/webservices/jax-rs/file-upload-example-in-resteasy I am quite sure that I had seen a more recent version of it but I couldn't find it this fast.
@johnsmith Welcome to the Java Chat, the room for Java enthusiasts! I'm Oak, one of the room's bots. If you want to ask a question, just ask it and someone will respond if they feel like it. But remember that this room is not a help desk or tutoring service! If you want to just hang out, then welcome aboard! Oh, and the room's full list of rules are posted here.
Is it possible to detect someone's phone number and have it auto-filled? So users don't have to fill it out themselves...
nvm, I think I found it
Q: Programmatically obtain the phone number of the Android phone

jkapHow can I programmatically get the phone number of the device that is running my android app?

@johnsmith this is not an Android room
@Zoe My apologies
@Neil Shhh
@Michael are you positive?
Positive? Of course not.
so a photon walks into a hotel, and the clerk asks to take his bag. The photon smiles and says, "No thank you, I'm traveling light."
I'm a sucker for your periodic table chemistry jokes
What did the angry electron say when it was repelled?
Let me atom!
Thank you Google. xD
slow clap
You know why you can't trust an atom? Because they make everything up!
Why does hydrogen have it better on their own? Because they're positive if they divorce their only electron
that's dark
release in production tomorrow, gotta wake up at 7 tomorrow, wish me luck
Not as dark as it will be after the photon causing it has been absorbed
technically true
Hello, can you take a look at this question please?
@HussainOmer Welcome to the Java Chat, the room for Java enthusiasts! I'm Oak, one of the room's bots. If you want to ask a question, just ask it and someone will respond if they feel like it. But remember that this room is not a help desk or tutoring service! If you want to just hang out, then welcome aboard! Oh, and the room's full list of rules are posted here.
Q: How to output a hypen after every character using nested for loops only?

Hussain OmerI just have one small issue with outputting a hyphen after every character (including the three dots shown in the code below) Sample input 2 (option #) disappear (phrase) Expected output: d-i-s-a-p-p-e-a-r-.-.-. d-i-s-a-p-p-e-a-.-.-. d-i-s-a-p-p-e-.-.-. d-i-s-a-p-p-.-.-. d-i-s-a-p-....

@HussainOmer if you have a phrase with 10 letters, how many hyphens do you need to print out?
Guess who has to buy a new computer tomorrow
@Hans1984 me, is it me?
unfortunatly it is
sorry for the bad news
no jokes aside
my pc finally gave in
after i brought him back 100 times when i thought he was done
but after almost 11 years the day has come
sad day :(
im online with my 8 year old backup laptop
which i can use for basicallyb for
well..not a lot
@Hans1984 at least you had a backup
look on the brightside, you get a new pc
might as well take advantage of that
make sure it has a ssd drive
yes have to look at the brightside
still its a lot of money#
yes i already looked at some from a store nearby
on their website
there are some with a ssd aswell as a hdd
i think i ll take one of those
today a guy called I wa sapplying to for a homeoffice job asking if i read his email already
so i had to tell him my pc is not working
what a great first impression
anyway i call him again tomorrow at 11am
I probably would go with one with ssd and hdd too
it's totally worth it to boot your computer in 4 seconds or less :)
yeah they are like 300 ssd and a 1tb hdd
that should do it
I ll go 1k€ max
found some between 700-1200
we ll see
tower pcs no laptops
did the squirrels behave while I was away?
oh that's me !
Anyone here having experience with JPA/Hibernate ? My program is single threaded, i create a new session+transaction with .saveOrUpdate... and im still getting the "Optimistic Lock Exception"... any idea why that might happen ? :/
2 hours later…
Interesting. There's a library called Manifold that basically turns all checked exceptions into unchecked exceptions. All you have to do is add a dependency to your project and add a command-line parameter to your javac command. jaxenter.com/…
dang it @Mic? Do you even throw, bro?
Dang it @Zoe! I am trying to be on topic for once!!
Yeah, dang it @Zoe!
Yeah, dang it @Zoe!
Hello, I'm not here to ask a question.
@MochiJump Welcome to the Java Chat, the room for Java enthusiasts! I'm Oak, one of the room's bots. If you want to ask a question, just ask it and someone will respond if they feel like it. But remember that this room is not a help desk or tutoring service! If you want to just hang out, then welcome aboard! Oh, and the room's full list of rules are posted here.
lol was wondering if the bot would pop that ask a question line
it does it the first time someone enters the room.

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