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The best way to accelerate a Macintoy is at 9.8 meters per second per second. (source)
4 hours later…
Can anyone help me setup Rapidoid? Hours of effort and research and I keep getting errors all over the place when I try to set it up, yet I can find no reference to these errors in any forums, GitHub Issues or GitHub Pull Requests, so I assume it's purely my lack of experience using Maven. I'm good at Bash, so the command line is not the problem. The majority of the errors I have been getting are:

[ERROR] No plugin found for prefix 'org.rapidoid' in the current project and in the plugin groups [org.apache.maven.plugins, org.codehaus.mojo] available from the repositories [local (/home/jack/
4 hours later…
@user13079741 Please don't use chat as fastlane for your questions. Instead, wait a few days before asking here to give the people on the main site some time. If we want to answer questions there, we will look for them on our own.
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@JackGiffin Hopefully some people join the room and answer your question, good luck!
@Zoe Wow, I had no idea, because I recall I read somewhere it's a bad practice... (or maybe I just convinced myself it is) Thanks for informing me on this one!
No problem ^^
@Zoe Thank you for your helpful advice. I shall make sure to do that in the future.
@Hans1984 i see how it is
@CaptainSquirrel Welcome to the Java Chat, the room for Java enthusiasts! I'm Oak, one of the room's bots. If you want to ask a question, just ask it and someone will respond if they feel like it. But remember that this room is not a help desk or tutoring service! If you want to just hang out, then welcome aboard! Oh, and the room's full list of rules are posted here.
the squirrel is following me
Are we not good enough for you hans
/8ball will you protect me ?
@Hans1984 My reply is no
is that what it is
I see how it is
me heart is break
so i ordered myself "hitchhikers guide to galaxy" in english
this book is hilarious
@geisterfurz007 what 50k?
geis got saved by corona?
they have bigger things to worry about
so they said f.ck it
damn ghost cant even get corona so got double saved
but what 50k?
i have no idea what happened
Nov 18 '19 at 12:57, by geisterfurz007
I got a debt of 50k (which is the salary they paid me + the college fees over the last three and a half years). Per the contract that outlines that (which also contains them paying for my college, etc), I have to remain here for 5 years after I got my bachelor (and my current contract runs out) with each year removing the original debt by a fifth.
Mar 9 at 14:00, by geisterfurz007
Yooooo @Neil, random update: Guess who got a letter from his previous employer to pay back 50k to them! That's right: I got such a letter, another hill on the hilarious, vomit inducing rollercoaster ride that past 5 months have been. Wrote a friendly mail that I do not really feel like paying after all that happened and that by contract they should have given me the opportunity to take on a new contract which hasn't happened so I will not pay. If they insist I will have to have it checked against law.
Mar 23 at 14:15, by geisterfurz007
@Neil @KarelG I JUST RECEIVED THE BEST MAIL! They gave up! They don't insist on the 50k, I am a free man!
wow geis is saved by a pandemic ironic
Hey Guys
written a common cleint for API's
RestTemplate restTemplate;
using this restTemplate in many methods
how can i add
.add(0, new StringHttpMessageConverter(Charset.forName("UTF-8")));
In one place ,so that all methods has this value?
2 messages moved to Trash can
Any idea about my query?
say if i set something to template? as that is autowired , will it be class level?
if jaxbObject refers to java object to be marshalled to XML, What would be the name of the objects to be deserialized into Json.
posted on April 03, 2020

archive - contact - sexy exciting merchandise - search - about ← previousApril 3rd, 2020nextApril 3rd, 2020: Hey, I've got a mailing list for SECRET PALS! If you'd like to be a SECRET PAL, baby, now is your chance. I only send out a message like once a month!– Ryan

Penguins often slide on their tummies over ice and snow. This is called tobogganing. Researchers believe they do this for fun and as an efficient way to travel. (source)
@770grappenmaker Welcome to the Java Chat, the room for Java enthusiasts! I'm Oak, one of the room's bots. If you want to ask a question, just ask it and someone will respond if they feel like it. But remember that this room is not a help desk or tutoring service! If you want to just hang out, then welcome aboard! Oh, and the room's full list of rules are posted here.
Oh and I know my question is a bit off-topic
@770grappenmaker Please don't use chat as fastlane for your questions. Instead, wait a few days before asking here to give the people on the main site some time. If we want to answer questions there, we will look for them on our own.
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3 hours later…
3 hours later…
@geisterfurz007 yo yo yo o/ did you ever get into react?
i got a couple mobx questions
@JBis indeed I have! I'm coming over to the JS chat

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