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Experiments must be reproducible; they should all fail in the same way. (source)
Shutting down. See you later.
Hmm. Oak can't login for some reason.
It returns a 404 when he tries to create a web socket connection to the room.
8 hours later…
Is there any internal java class which supports Stack structure except Stack class?
@Titulum whatever works is the preferred solution
that's m'name, don't wear it out :P
@Zoe, they both work but the approach with only the ID feels a bit weird because now you have a Car object that does not have an owner but only a reference to a (maybe) existing owner
So use an object
If you were to implement this, what approach would you use?
Or would you just not store the Owner in the Car object, but assign it the other way around?
class Car { } class Person { List<Car> ownedCars; }
hmm I am kinda stuck with a design issue
assume that you have an interface, then have an abstract class that implements it
1. Interface
2. abstract class A
3. child class C1 - extends A
4. child class C2 - extends A
now, I have an implementation detail that uses C1, but there is a same behavior for C2. So I end up having two child classes that is essentially same
5. new child N1 - extends C1
6. new child N2 - extends C2
where N1 == N2
Java does not support multi-class inheritance
(fyi, there are other child classes that extends A or another classes that implements the interface)
so I don't know how to tackle it down properly
solved it
no oak
thats not good
/8ball something
Maybe he got quarantined? D:
we lost oak to corona
a moment of silence pls
What does the OakBot do?
the mighty oak is the ruler of this chat
"bot", the name says it
@Michael fix pl0x
Could someone tell why if this is a correct solution to provide default value while working with GSON stackoverflow.com/a/30219311/35917
I think this should not work because GSON does not use setter and getter methods to set/retrieve property.
@TimoMeijer Well, that's not typesafe, because Something<Dog> is-not-a Something<Animal>, so you shouldn't even want to do this. What's your concrete example? What is Something?
@KarelG If they are essentially the same, why do you have 2 classes? Also, C1 and C2 could inherit from another abstract class between them and A.
C1 and C2 are different
and it's a part of the strategy
so the list has instance of C1, C2, N1, N2
but solved it by moving it to a shared parent and a simple if check
"strategy" meaning Strategy Design Pattern?
`Something` is a record type, in this case a Kafka ConsumerRecord<K, V>, where the type parameters indicate the type of the key and the value.
In this case I am not interested in the key or value, just the headers and other, type-independent, data on the class. I do need to store ConsumerRecords containing different types in the same list, hence I generalized to List<ConsumerRecord<Object, Object>>. I do not want to offload doing that type coercion to the client using this library, so I want to expose an add and addAll method that accept any type of ConsumerRecord, so the signatures are `ad
Oh, reply doesnt automatically tag as well, @fredoverflow
@TimoMeijer, What meta-data will you use to differentiate between types of ConsumerRecords?
@Titulum none, as I do not plan on using the key/value types or values beyond the interface of Object
@TimoMeijer But how will you perform the type coercion then? Will you use instanceof?
@Titulum What do you mean? I need a coercion from List<ConsumerRecord<?, ?> to List<ConsumerRecord<Object, Object>>, which should be safe/work for any ?. As I do not need to go the other way, from Object to something more specific, I do not see how instanceof applies?
Then I misunderstood the question, my bad. You want to expose add and addAll methods that accept ConsumerRecord<?> and List<ConsumerRecord<?>. Now the issue is that, using generics, the compiler does not accept List<ConsumerRecord<?>>?
Exactly, the addAll on a List<ConsumerRecord<Object, Object>> does not accept a List<ConsumerRecord<?, ?>>, so it seems like I'll need to do some coercion/casting. But I'm not sure what the correct way to go about that is, or if it's safe to do so.
12 hours ago, by Michael
It returns a 404 when he tries to create a web socket connection to the room.
@Zoe ^
Try again
@TimoMeijer Why not make the list List<ConsumerRecord<?, ?>> instead of List<ConsumerRecord<Object, Object>>?
There's been some rollouts. Some other bots are struggling too
Side project is fun :)
@Titulum It does need to hold differently parametrized ConsumerRecord types.
And as the ? from the parameter and the ? on the variable represent a different capture, I'm not sure that'd work?
But I'm not 100% on how these advanced generics work, so feel free to enlighten me!
@TimoMeijer This seems to work:
? extends Object is probably better
@geisterfurz007 Actually they are the same, but it can make it more clear. Some IDEs will generate warnings
@geisterfurz007 Doesn't ? automatically mean extends object?
I like my code to be more explicit. To be honest I am actually not sure if there isn't a slight difference. I don't know what that might be, however. Let me look that up though
A: What's the difference between <?> and <? extends Object> in Java Generics?

ruakh<?> and <? extends Object> are synonymous, as you'd expect. There are a few cases with generics where extends Object is not actually redundant. For example, <T extends Object & Foo> will cause T to become Object under erasure, whereas with <T extends Foo> it will become Foo under erasure. (This ...

Ok, they are identical :D
Templates > generics
Was a template?
@Titulum neat, thanks! Although I'm not quite sure what ? represents in this context and why it behaves differently from Object
@geisterfurz007 C++ equivalent of generics
Is it possible to write <? extends Object> and <? super Object> in the same angle brackets while defining generics?
oh shush you
@Zoe Really?
Fairly large rollout (the ultra dark mode, in addition to dark mode). Wouldn't surprise me if it caused a period of instability
@Zoe That's reassuring. The JavaScript room bots seem to be working fine though.
Some bots have different reconnect protocols
Others just shut up about it and pretend everything is fine
Oak :'(
we should we well past the biggest rollout phase, so it should be fine now
Oh, and for all teh stars:
I know what for day yesterday was
already have a nice slack status for it now: sushi
Awwww, ultra dark mode would be cool though!
Maybe not that dark but a little darker
Around the colour of my humour
True, but if you add the temperature of your humor, you could just melt your computer for the same effect
@TimoMeijer You're welcome! <?> just means "anything" :)
The problem appears to be that it's not setting the appropriate cookies on login.
I wonder if the "dark mode" banner that appears after you login is interfering with the login process. It appears every time I login via an incognito window.
Hmm. Now I got a captcha. Maybe that is preventing Oak from logging in.
Shutting down. See you later.
dont leave us oak
OakBot by Michael | source code | JAR built on: 1 minutes ago | started up: A moment ago | responded to 14484 commands since Mar 9, 2017
Holy mother of Torvalds, finally.
Stupid Apache HTTP client library doesn't adhere to the standard cookie specs, apparently.
Well, it is Java... :P
hmm... that is odd
Wietbot is running, but it is not connected to any chatroom
3 hours later…
Can anyone help me setup Rapidoid? Hours of effort and research and I keep getting errors all over the place when I try to set it up, yet I can find no reference to these errors in any forums, GitHub Issues or GitHub Pull Requests, so I assume it's purely my lack of experience using Maven. I'm good at Bash, so the command line is not the problem. The majority of the errors I have been getting are:

[ERROR] No plugin found for prefix 'org.rapidoid' in the current project and in the plugin groups [org.apache.maven.plugins, org.codehaus.mojo] available from the repositories [local (/home/jack/
Hi, I was going to ask a question about foreach loop in Java. I am a C++ programmer, and I wonder if it is a bad practice (just like it is in C++) to write something like (considering I have a string named s1):
for (char c:s1.toCharArray()){ //some code here}
In C++ this would be a bad practice because in each iteration the function toCharArray would be called. So a code like this would be preferable:
char [] letters=s1.toCharArray();
for (char c:letters){//some code here}
Is that true for Java as well?
No, it does not appear to be a problem in Java because toCharArray is only executed one time: repl.it/@lolzerywowzery/MistyNextShoutcast
Perhaps you could help answer my question. I am basically woundering which commands do I execute in which directories to get the Rapidoid Hello-World example to run. Many thanks.
@JackGiffin Oh I see. Oh and just in that code, unrelated to what I asked, I don't see why "Times ran: 1" didnt get printed 4 times? The loop body should be executed 4 times, no? Thanks for answering my initial question though.
@JackGiffin If you are referring to me, I am afraid I never heard of Rapidoid let alone used it :/
@MuhamedCicak Let me explain why it is not being executed 4 times:
@JackGiffin Im sorry, I didnt see the semicolon xD
I thought the print statement is in the body of the foreach loop
No it is not. I know C++ too and the syntax is the same in both languages that you can have a null-statement denoted by an empty semicolon after a for-loop to denote no body for the for loop
@JackGiffin Yeah of course, it's a pretty natural thing to do in C++ too, I just did not see it :D But I wasn't sure for the thing I initially asked (how many times toCharArray would run in the example), so thanks for clearing that up.
@MuhamedCicak Do you have any thoughts on where I could post my question about running the Rapidoid Hello World? I tried StackOverflowMeta to ask for if it was on-topic for Stackoverflow, but a toxic moderator shut down the question 7 seconds after putting an hour into writing it. I tried MetaStackExchange to look for which community might accept my question, but the people there are pretty toxic and not-so-helpful too. I have no idea where to go
@JackGiffin Yeah the SO community is pretty not-welcoming honestly. That's why I usually benefit from SO chat rooms. But since you asked here already, I am not sure... Maybe you can find a few other chat rooms that might be related to Rapidoid and ask there?
Posting to the wrong chatroom can also result in some pretty toxic outcomes, and I could not find any chatrooms more related to my question than the Java chatroom.
@JackGiffin Yeah... Well I don't know, I can't give much of an advice other than try to google it and ask in the chat rooms as thats what I would do.
Thank you for the advice, but I have been googling it for hours to no avail. If it were as simple as reading blogs for several hours, I would not have come here for answers. Rather, I have no idea of what I am supposed to be looking for, so I have not had any success googling.
@MuhamedCicak I created a new discussion room specifically for my purposes: Git.*. See it here: chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/210825/git
It's only called once in both cases
same with Java
The implicit iterators are called several times, but it doesn't reconstruct the array. that's also unavoidable whether you lift out the variable or not
Can anyone help me setup Rapidoid? Hours of effort and research and I keep getting errors all over the place when I try to set it up, yet I can find no reference to these errors in any forums, GitHub Issues or GitHub Pull Requests, so I assume it's purely my lack of experience using Maven. I'm good at Bash, so the command line is not the problem. The majority of the errors I have been getting are:

[ERROR] No plugin found for prefix 'org.rapidoid' in the current project and in the plugin groups [org.apache.maven.plugins, org.codehaus.mojo] available from the repositories [local (/home/jack/
never used it
@Zoe Perhaps you could direct me to a blog/article on setting up advanced Maven projects? None of the ones I found helped me at all.
Never used maven either
gradle all the way c:
Same. Unfortunately, Rapidoid uses Maven instead of Gradle
So? If it's available in maven central, it doesn't matter if you use Maven, Gradle, or any of the other build systems that follow the Maven package repo conventions
Maven Central or similar*, actually.
How would I run gradle in the package? Is it as simple as gradlew make?
if you're trying to include it as a library, it should just be a regular implementation in build.gradle, provided you add the relevant repos (if any)
implementation "org.rapidoid:rapidoid-quick:5.5.5"
Could you direct me to an article or what to Google? Many thanks
really depends on what you're wondering about
All I really want is to be able to run the stinking Hello World example lol
If it's a pre-built one you cloned from GH or something, you won't be able to use Gradle. The gradle part assumes you're building your own stuff and have the relevant gradle scripts
Can anyone help me setup Rapidoid? Hours of effort and research and I keep getting errors all over the place when I try to set it up, yet I can find no reference to these errors in any forums, GitHub Issues or GitHub Pull Requests, so I assume it's purely my lack of experience using Maven. I'm good at Bash, so the command line is not the problem. The majority of the errors I have been getting are:

[ERROR] No plugin found for prefix 'org.rapidoid' in the current project and in the plugin groups [org.apache.maven.plugins, org.codehaus.mojo] available from the repositories [local (/home/jack/
4 hours later…
can any of you guys help on stored procedure?

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