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hey man
System.out.println("Hello World!");
request.println("what's cracking");
Can anyone please help me with the problem I've detailed above?
have you try using thread?
i haven't tried piping before but i agree with fahmi on trying the code with thread
hmm.. threads?
will look into them
however.. is the solution possible without threads ?
2 hours later…
anyone still here?
@HrishikeshChoudhari Which program are you invoking?
oops cap
@ShiDoiSi @ShiDoiSi hello again :) I'm invoking the wkhtmltoimage.exe program.
And it will read from stdin?
I mean, you tried the "-" on the commandline?
You only need a thread to read from the process if it should be producing a lot of output, thus filling the pipe until it blocks.
it does work perfectly from the commandlinne
well i haven't implemented threading into my app
What worries me is that your original code went PAST the waitfor. That means the process terminated already, without waiting for any input.
Yeah I tried putting waitFor() after my input code. This is how the code is now:
ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(full_path, "--crop-w", width, "--crop-h", height, " - ", image_save_path);
//System.out.print(full_path+ "--crop-w"+ width+ "--crop-h"+ height+" "+ currentDirectory+"temp.html "+ image_save_path + " ");

Process process = pb.start();
OutputStream stdin = process.getOutputStream();
BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(stdin));

i have doubt in JPA
Maybe you should check its output -- can it actually write to image_save_path, for example?
yeah it can write to image_save_path
right now, i'm creating a temp.html file, and passing its path to the process.
this temp file approach works fine
however, file IO being expensive, i want to go the stdin way
Hm, can you try removing the whitespace in " - "?
What you did was the same as passing ' - ' on the commandline. It was hard to spot here on the web, though.
@ShiDoiSi i assumed that should be the natural whitespace between 2 arguments.. but ProcessBuilder did its own magic there :)
@ShiDoiSi Thanks :D
now.. onto discover how to kill the process
right after waitFor() ?
i've closed the writer object too
I think you actually don't need to do much after waitFor(), since the process is gone already.
destroy() is just necessary if the process is still running.
yeah the process still remains running even after process.destroy();
That shouldn't happen. Are you sure?
well yeah.. eclipse still shows the process running in its console..
@pkswatch hi
You need to include a jar file, that contains javax.comm package.
Try following link
This link will show various jar files having javax.comm package. You can check choose the jar of your own which having the exact class files used in your project.
@HrishikeshChoudhari By the way, I've added the corresponding answer to you SO question.
@ShiDoiSi Thanks. :) I'll mark it as accepted. I'm pretty sure the others will skin me alive, given that I missed over such a trivial thing.
However, this chat system did help me a lot.
I being the only guy entrusted with this app, and no one else in my shop is good with Java.
Glad it's of use to you!
3 hours later…
It is related to file upload at google appengine
Have been madly looking for the solution
This question is similar to stackoverflow.com/questions/11809170/…
1 hour later…
Is someone there ?
raghav, are you there?
Ah, hello.
Would you mind my asking, how much experience do you have with Java?
2 years
Regardless, what is your opinion on Java application development?
Question, I don't have a whole lot of experience with Java. If I use ApacheHTTPClient in Eclipse by linking to a external JAR, when I export my final jar will it include those files for me or will the client have to download them separately?
There should be a way to include it if it doesn't already, and besides, shouldn't you be able to test that by running the JAR?
@Incompl If one has strong basics in java, application development will be fun and interesting
@raghav Would it work just as well as any other common language, or do you find setbacks like UI that doesn't really feel native?
@Incompl well let me ask you a question, how much years of experience you have ?
@Alec I don't use ApacheHTTPClient, so if I wasn't able to help you, then it's probably best that you just post that as a question.
@raghav About 3 years, but mostly in small game development and Android.
@Incompl Alright, thank you for your input.
@Incompl okay. so are you new to Java ?
No, not really.
@Incompl how can i help you ?
Do you think Java would be an appropriate language for cross-platform application development, or would a different language be more suitable?
Taking into account functionality, speed, and UI capabilities.
@Incompl Nice question, No 1 feature of Java to be familiar is its portability, cross platform compatibility. Well UI capabilities wise to my knowledge i can say .Net is better in this aspect.
Are there implementations of .NET for OS X?
@Incompl You mean a .Net application to be portable to other OS, like Mac, linux etc right ?
Can it function well or even at all on other OS's? I've never used it before, but I've always thought it to be generally Windows-based.
@Incompl I have no idea on this, there might be for sure.
I definitely need the cross-platform aspect though, since I was hoping to use multiple operating systems as well as have mobile ports of the application.
Of course, with mobile, at some point I'm going to have to learn another language, but for the time being I'd like to keep the language variation minimal across operating systems.
@Incompl i think java is a better option
Alright, well thank you for your opinion. I'll research it a bit more and maybe get started soon.
3 hours later…
is there something like C++ auto in java?
or var in C#

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