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A motion to adjourn is always in order. (source)
5 hours later…
dreams of electric sheep
1 hour later…
@satyesht Welcome to the Java Chat, the room for Java enthusiasts! I'm Oak, one of the room's bots. If you want to ask a question, just ask it and someone will respond if they feel like it. But remember that this room is not a help desk or tutoring service! If you want to just hang out, then welcome aboard! Oh, and the room's full list of rules are posted here.
2 hours later…
@Michael thank god!
@Zoe That probably sounds like a put down in any other context, but factorio really is better in a lot of ways, I agree
if you enjoy Satisfactory, then Factorio is a must. Hell, they started this genre of games, if you want to call it that
far less emphasis on exploration, but more complicated recipes
@Neil im still waiting for one very particular feature for one very particular mod until I start playing factorio again
it would be the key feature to make a very interesting modular system
and I would use it on an AAI/Angel/Bob/Py map
which is what?
let me guess, it involves factory auto-construction
Logistic Carco Wagons
basically, you have a train with wagons where logistic bots can use those wagons as provider or requester chests
instead of having to use inserters and provider/requester chests next to the station
well now you just have the extra step of unloading it
I don't see this as such a big thing
the wagon knows which items it provides and which items it requests per station
heck, part of the game is using parts to create a working system
I want to be able to change that configuration via the circuit network (which now is only possible to change manually)
How do you use JSON on Windows? The only examples I see of how to set up a server all are on mac
the reason I want them is because the train knows what items it needs
instead of the station having to understand what items to give to the train
@Nathan777 JSON is just a format, like xml
How do you reference it?
with the url needed for ajax
what exactly are you trying to do?
you generally send or receive json to the server, but that's independent of operating system
the server has to be able to parse json and create it, and there are many ways of doing this
@Wietlol do you play satisfactory?
I have a html page, and I have a restcontroller, and I'm just trying to get data from the html form to the restcontroller in java.
and your question about the json is for the java back end?
or do you use java on the front end as well?
Java on the back end
what framework do you use?
I have been testing the methods using Postman, but that doesn't help if I'm trying to use an html to add data.
Spring Boot
postman should be a fine stub for your front end
if you use postman to send a request with a json body, will the server nicely handle that request?
@Wietlol that's what he wants to know! ;)
I still dont know if that is his question
Yes, but how do I get the vars from the html form to a json body
^ because that is an entirely different question
I know how to use postman to enter json format and do a post, get, etc.
use FormData to easily convert data from a form to a json to send to the server
if you have to send some data and not all, you'll need a customized solution
So, where they put "http://foo.com/submitform.php" on this page, what do I put there instead?
> .php
I'm not using php though
[Visible confusion]
@Nathan777 URI to your backend
so, the java class and method?
oh wait, that is from the example
@Nathan777 the same url as you used in postman
Ahh, something makes a little bit more sense now
@Nathan777 there's a little being automatically handled for you backend, but not that much. It just calls the appropriate servlet so that you can prepare a proper response backend side
and, customized solution, what do you mean by that?
I mean, if your form has text inputs a, b, and c, and you only want to send a and b, you need to do something particular to make that work..
Oh, okay, but I can do that directly with the javascript code though, right?
otherwise, if you want to send a, b, and c, and all three are in your form, then FormData works without complications
yeah, we were talking about clientside when I said that
@Neil is this FormData sending the stuff as form-data or as raw text?
that I know how to do, I thought you maybe meant I'd need to do something different with the post request.
Niel.exe has stopped responding...
He probably is tired of newbs like me.
@Wietlol It can't send stuff as form-data
what are you talking about?
> The FormData object lets you compile a set of key/value pairs to send using XMLHttpRequest. It is primarily intended for use in sending form data, but can be used independently from forms in order to transmit keyed data. The transmitted data is in the same format that the form's submit() method would use to send the data if the form's encoding type were set to multipart/form-data.
@Wietlol gee, it is almost as if you knew the answer already
I did a confuse
since I think he wants to send the json without form-data but you still linked to that resource
I'm checking to see if it works with how I created it. I'm not sure I used the event listener in javascript correctly.
I just got unable to run a node.js program error in STS
Apparently, I got more stuff to install
@Wietlol where did you get the idea that he was asking to send json without form-data?
> Yes, but how do I get the vars from the html form to a json body
Unable to run Node.js program. Verify you have a configured Node.js runtime environment in your system and try again.
I assume it by default
unless noted otherwise, I would assume it to be application/json instead of multipart/form-data
also, considering he had json in postman, where postman has a special form for form-data
@Wietlol ah, ok, it was your assumption. gotcha
I just meant that all I've used was Postman up until this time, and no html or javascript, and wanted to know how I'd do the same thing on the front end
which right now I cannot do because for some reason there is a node.js error that I cannot figure out.
I figured that part out. I'm still dead confused though. Why can't they make this easy?
I'm not sure this is what I really needed for formdata. I am more interested in specifically using ajax and jquery. This isn't working with what I created.
you could use postman to generate the source code
I think there should be a few options for JS with it
@Wietlol THat totally was it. Thanks!
I was supposed to be using the stringify methods
I don't really even know javascript much except for how it related to object oriented programming.
JS is perfectly object oriented tho
I mean I know the concepts behind javascript, but I can't really tell you how to get a certain output regarding the syntax of javascript.
I generally have been looking it up as I was doing it.
I've found functions are like methods, for loops are the same, and there aren't classes or instance variables that I've noticed yet.
I just passed the OCA Java SE 8 exam, so my mind is fully java integrated still pretty much.
Java and JavaScript have two very fundamentally different ways of working
Learning JavaScript really bent my brain, which is a good thing to me.
Then I moved to Ruby which felt like I had had a stroke
But thanks to Ruby I had an easier time picking up Python
@Neil exploration still matters though
no exploration, no resources
And I need my 235 and 238 >.>
Python is so wonderful sometimes
And Hi @Zoe o.O
Did things change or did you just get too bored
Things changed. If they keep up, I'm here for good ^^"
@Zoe what does those numbers mean?
@KarelG uranium 235 and uranium 238. Nuclear power stuff
@Zoe arent those resources infinite in vanilla?
StGB § 238 is about Stalking
No resources are infinite unless you flip a switch
hmm... I guess I havent played vanilla for too long
But uranium as a resource is practically infinite
oil is infinite iirc
Is that Satisfactory again?
yeah, but the output decreases over time
close enough
Like, you can start at 700%, but it drops over time
ye, I know, but still
Which means output is slower, so you need more
with the mod setup I use, all resources can be infinite resources
except trees and rocks
you don't need mods for that
true, but I also have different ores
I kind of fell in love with angel's mods
... never mind xd
Vanilla is nice, but I like more complexity of recipes
which require a more capable system than just a belt bus
perhaps I should try to make a modular belt base...
it will be horrific tho
perhaps if I can put containers on belts
Use trains xd
I do
my current setup is a modular train base
How many? :GWChadThinkEyes:
how many trains?
iDunno... 200 perhaps
that's a bit more than me xd
keeping in mind that the trains are not waiting for wagons to fill up
but I haven't gotten too far into the post-game run
they deliver empty wagons to the factory and then go back to the train parking lot
or they take a full wagon from a factory and bring it to the storage warehouse before going back to the parking lot
or they go to the storage warehouse to pick up items and bring those to the factory
that last step is something I have had several designs for...
but there is one that would be the masterpiece of all
but I need a small additional feature to one mod
/8ball did you catch corona yet ?
@Hans1984 My reply is no
its mostly based on the Logistic Cargo Wagon mod and one of the train coupling mods
making a bidirectional locomotive (two locomotives) as "worker" trains
and two logistic cargo wagons as... well... cargo wagons
workers would move the wagons where they are needed
it is also based on supply and demand using a few massive warehouses for resources (which can hold up to billions of resources)
if a particular resource hits the "limit" (as defined in some constant combinator), the factories supplying that resource will stop working
as the player, I must provide enough factories of each resource to keep up with the consumption and add more factories for more output things (more science, more production of structures, more energy, etc)
I'm aiming for the lazy bastard achievement
turned up richness and size of the ore
is that one only possible without mods?
I start with 13M iron, 11M copper and coal, and 4.6M stone :joy:
I have no idea
Probably not
I mean, as long as you don't make more than 111 items, it should be fine
I do remember me using the creative mod to try certain builds, but I always gained the achievement of having trains in the first x minutes and all those things
I would assume there is also not really any feeling of achievement if you get the Lazy bastard with the creative mod tho
I could go for it but I dont really want to spend that time on it
I just cranked up resources and reduced enemies
I don't really mind the lack of stone so much
but I do at least want huge iron to start
copper is fairly important later but I can always explore for it
also coal is not that important to start (so long as you have some)
posted on March 02, 2020

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I don't normally either, but I need to reduce the need to build stuff
second try, and I got 109/111
I can't build craft more manually now
@Zoe 10ohno1
I can't craft anything else and it's so horribly slow xd
but you can choose to create more assemblers
and the speed will skyrocket
I wish satisfactory worked like factorio in that if you have the components to make something, it'll make those first
my hint for new players is to try to use assemblers to make everything of which you need a lot of
though I suppose they wanted manual construction to be long and tedious
Factorio also didnt have this initially
but also, the enemies in factorio looked like blue humans back then
they redid the sprites for the aliens
they look really decent
as decent as sprite-based graphics can go at least
ye, now they are quite beautiful
I still dont know why the game is still in 0.x versions
iirc, they did publish their roadmap
hmm... release date planned 25th september this year
maybe it's a running joke
it's not early access or anything is it?
hmm, seems they are focussing on modding/scripting, map editor and tutorials
@Wietlol I know
the devs want a quality product
I have the toolchain up for all the basic stuff
the game is already available in the steam store tho
4 constructors can make inserters, miners, belts... Everything I need
as if it was already released
@Neil they're redoing a lot of graphics
pumps are next
offshore pumps*
they didn't have to redo the graphics, but I'm glad they are
oh ye, also graphics
I always forget that stuff since I often play the modded maps
do they still use the green/red/blue circuit thingies?
green red blue is still a thing, yeah
ever play the maze map?
pretty ingenius really
there's a maze that opens up one cell at a time, and they're not really big enough to build a base in
the reward for killing aliens is land that you can build to the south of the maze which is an ocean basically
so you can expand your base basically
new way to play
I have not yet
so far, I have played islands, water only, land only and land/water combination
that's a fun one too
I played one where you're given limited space and all resources are given to you from an infinite supply
the trick was to be able to launch a rocket even under confined space
I think it would have been possible though I never managed to do it
you would have to remove and rebuilt stuff
I have seen a vid where they do that in an extremely small space
on a 9x14 space
but they dont manually rebuild the base over and over again
I think they automated that
probably just some sequence of what to do
an AI built in the circuit network would require 10 times that space
sup 0/
ohail \o
Hi guys can someone with a gold badge fix this banner please: stackoverflow.com/questions/14452613/issues-with-nextline
2 hours later…
How does one start with estimating how much heap one should allocate for your application? I understand that it can't be done after going to production and measuring the load
I instate an arraylist with a ArrayList<Buttons>(size*size), but when print the size later get 0
anyone understand why?
@Dsafds The integer you pass into the constructor sets the initial size of the internal array. It does not effect the value that is returned from the "size" method.
Got it @Michael ! Thanks
@dsagsd You're welcome.
Does anyone have any idea what is the fastest way to instantiate an integer array that is constantly used in a recursive function, but the code is such that the array is only created once and always starts from [0,0,0]?
1 hour later…
@DarshitPatel why do you need to do that?
@PrashinJeevaganth new int[3] ?
1 hour later…

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