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I have hardly ever known a mathematician who was capable of reasoning. -- Plato (source)
dreams of electric sheep
Mike Angstadt completed parts 1 and 2 of day 4! \o/
2 hours later…
^^ A journalist picked up on my article
2 hours later…
Unihedron completed part 1 of day 5! \o/
anonymous user #386959 completed part 1 of day 5! \o/
Unihedron completed part 2 of day 5! \o/
anonymous user #386959 completed part 2 of day 5! \o/
What the heck is today's puzzle, jesus!
		System.out.println(053 == 43);// true
coming out as true how???
Read up on number literal prefixes and the octal system.
didn't get
Research what prefixes number literals in Java can have and what they mean. In that context you should also research the octal number system.
octal I know 0 to 7
yes 43 converted to 53
but now I need to check when the conversion takes place
I got here(java2s.com/Tutorial/Java/0040__Data-Type/…) that for octal representation use leading zero. but would like to know that while using octal with decimal with different operators like ==, + -, >= etc. which will be converted to which one. Similarly like binary numeric promotion.
can you please suggest the java doc for the same.
Computers don't use either decimal or octal. Computers use binary.
yes that is true
will it create 3 or 4 objects??
String sj = "Java";
my ans is 3
because sj.toString() will return the same object.
so total 3 will be created.
please make me correct.
The easiest way for you to verify whether you are correct or not would be to open eclipse and look into the code of String.
code of string means??
how can I check no. of objects created??
The source code.
For example, the code of concat is the following:
    public String concat(String str) {
        int otherLen = str.length();
        if (otherLen == 0) {
            return this;
        int len = value.length;
        char buf[] = Arrays.copyOf(value, len + otherLen);
        str.getChars(buf, len);
        return new String(buf, true);
so it is creating 1 object
It's quite clear that with an argument of "dd" that has a length != 0, new String is being called so it's creating a new object.
Do that for toLowerCase and toString as well and you will know whether you are correct or not.
ok toString() I checked it is not creating the new one
lemme check the toLowercase()
it is lengthy bro but I guess two ony
Don't guess! You want to complete that certificate thing. You will have to read through lengthy code in the future as well!
I will go definitely but this time can you please let me know
Read through the code. There are just three options (two only, but more on that in a second):
- "this" is returned. Means no new object is created.
- "new String()" is returned. Means a new object is created.
- "this" is modified in some way (won't be the case in String because it is immutable)
Look for one of those three things and you know your answer. It's not rocket science!
so the final answer is 3 ony bcz line 2nd and 3rd are going to create new objects
3rd line will create the new one while modifying the "this"
let me do some research as well
What a fantastic idea!
Neil Harmon completed part 1 of day 5! \o/
I am straight up to dumb for today.
how come?
> Type /aoc to see the leaderboard again (or go here: adventofcode.com/2019/leaderboard/private/view/256093)
yay I'm in third
I liked today's puzzle
You've weirdly created a new language of their specifications and then run the programs they give you in it
Neil Harmon completed part 2 of day 5! \o/
I don't know. I got completely lost in this mode thing and nothing really works anymore :D
It's not that I cannot figure it out, I am just painfully slow in doing so.
Annoying coworkers don't help
the wording is a little bad but the idea is rather straightforward
I know, that's the worst part about it!
if its parameter is 0, do what you've done thus far.. its value is the number at the position given by the parameter
I think I am just going to start over. My code is shit.
I had to start over, because I didn't retain the original code from the day 2 challenge
if its parameter mode is 1, then its value is the parameter
I ended up just having to make a function for retrieving the value
passing the parameter mode
then I could just call "getValue"
you can confuse yourself easily otherwise
everything else is just making sure the call gets the right parameters
did you understand the whole input and output thing?
can you please confirm me on this : //@Override
default void method() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
sorry for type
what am I supposed to confirm exactly?
click @ link
Actually I am doing R&D but would like to know the short answer
@chiragsoni 3
ok thanks
  String sj = "Java";
  System.out.println(sj == sj.toString());
this will show true, so yes, String.toString() just returns itself
ok then
concat and toLowercase will create two more right??
well, you're not saving the call to sj.concat("dd") nor sj.toLowerCase()
the compiler could optimize this by eliminating them entirely
I looked this question in one of the quizz there the ans was 4.
So I am bit confusing
oh yeah, true
but as per my knowledge only 3 will be created.
"dd" creates an instance
I didn't think about that
cached string objects in pool are instances as well
Ok let it be
Now look into this one.
interface One {
	default void method() {
		System.out.println("one ");

interface Two {
	default void method() {
		System.out.println("two ");
interface Three extends Two, One{

	default void method() {


@ interface Three no CTE is producing
but what I am thinking is
Ok first let me tell to you people that
If I don't override any method in Three then I am getting CTE
saying that duplicate method()
that is true I got to know
but my question is:
upon overriding also we have two same methods right??
One that is inherited
You don't magically inherit the code of the overridden interface as well.
You inherit the signature only.
and the second one for that we wrote new implementation
Wow today's AoC
It's not that difficult, just going to be long XD
After overriding it is giving no error means the compiler is considering that only one method named method() is there in the interface Three.
but how it is possible
@MadaraUchiha I am too dumb for it. You can do better for sure :D
even after overriding also two methods named method() are there in the interface Three right??
they why it is not throwing any CTE.??
There are no two methods named method. There is a single one!
One is inherited
and Another one is overridden right??
class Demo {
    public String toString() {
        return "Demo";
How many methods named toString() are there?
only one
that is overridden from the Object class
So why do you think there would be a magically inherited one from the interface in your example above?
but we are inheriting 2 interfaces One and Two
You are implementing them.
I am using extends keyword
Oh, whoops yeah my bad.
to inherit the properties of One and Two
Thing is though, you are not getting the implementation of a parent class if you are overriding it.
Same thing with toString. If you don't override it, you get the implementation from the parent class (Object in this case). If you do, that implementation is used.
Yes the your last sentence makes sense
@MadaraUchiha I found it fun
That is also the reason you are getting a compiler error when not overriding anything: The compiler doesn't know which one of the method() implementations to use as the default.
so the overridden method named method() in the interface Three will be considered as a whole new method in the Three.
someone should make a joke language on the basis of today's advent "language"
Ok good
defaults on interfaces can be used to great effect
The text of today was wrong for me.
It said that everything had to print 0, only then is it correct
But the first thing printed was a 3 followed by a bunch of 0's and the output but that was still the correct thing.
everything except the diagnosis code
It performs a series of tests supposedly
If you got a 3 somewhere, then you did something wrong
maybe it doesn't use it for creating the code though
But still got the correct output
For some reason
they give a few sample programs
Before you move onto the next part, you should probably double check
I find it odd that it is supposed to be all zeroes and then it isn't because the program they gave you is wrong
geisterfurz007 completed part 1 of day 5! \o/
I am so glad that I didn't follow the path that I initially took.
Because that would have fucked me up big time for part 2
you'd have just had to redo it is all
I try to anticipate the day 2 part as I write.. sometimes I get it right, but I'm also sometimes way off as well
like the one with the wires
I didn't design it with the intent of keeping track of how many "steps"
Turns out it wasn't a big deal, but still, I was forced to rethink some things
What happens for part 1 for your code with this input (system id 1)?

I am just curious if I messed up somewhere (and got lucky) or if there is actually something wrong with the input.
> Type /aoc to see the leaderboard again (or go here: adventofcode.com/2019/leaderboard/private/view/256093)
@geisterfurz007Stopthischaos all zeroes for me except the last result
I did try it with the additional op codes for day 2, but that shouldn't matter
It doesn't. I still get a three in the beginning.
Oh well ^^"
c'est la vie
I am noticing a trend here...
(part one is on my desktop at home and I still didn't make a git repo yet, I know, I know)
Image not found
you and your proxy are a little annoying Neil.
image with the aoc.js files with an alternating filesize between 2kb and 6kb
geisterfurz007 completed part 2 of day 5! \o/
yep, it really is
I'm not annoying though
no need to contest that..
dude who joined is tho :P
Just found a URL on our SAP portal that allows me to have a look into all sorts of files that I should not be able to look into...
Best directory I found was "privacy"
When your best attempt at security is to name the folder "privacy"..
Oh, nono! There is just stuff in there about privacy and data security and stuff like that.
I don't think there has ever been an attempt at security being made :)
Is that english? I am not even sure anymore
Yeah, just checked. It's just two word documents in there. Not really interesting.
yep, pretty sure that's english
@geisterfurz007Stopthischaos could be based on your access model that you could get access to
I am 99% sure that anyone in this place can open that.
could be a policy there
There is absolutely no reason I should be able to see the working hours of another department.
@geisterfurz007Stopthischaos at my old job, if you knew where to look, you could see the salaries of everyone in the office
I didn't personally want to try it, but the one who told me about it said that I really wouldn't want to know how much the upper management gets paid
No, you usually don't.
There is any relation b/w Object class and interface???
A relation between the Object class and interfaces in general?
we know that interface doesn't extends Object class right??
interface A{

this has anything to do with Object or not??
I feel like there is another question behind that. What you are asking makes pretty much no sense.
interface One {
	 default boolean equals(Object obj){


giving CTE saying that can't override object class' equals method using default
but I know that there is no RL b/w interface and Object
It makes no sense to provide a default method for something that already has a default method.
Every class inherits from Object, right?
but does interface inherit from Object or not
I heard somewhere that interface has nothing to do with Object
that is why I am confusing
Every class inherits from Object. Do we agree on that?
I am using class intentionally here and not interface!
Good, so we agree that every object has a boolean equals(Object o) method?
So we agree that there is absolutely no way a default boolean equals(Object o) method is ever going to have an effect because it already exists on every object and therefor will never require a default implementation given by an interface?
so what you mean is interface also inherits method from Object class
That is NOT what I said!
Selaron completed part 1 of day 5! \o/
What I said was that every class that this interface could ever be applied to inherits methods from Object.
what do you mean with CTE btw?
I see you using that term but ... it is not a regular abbreviation?
Compile Time Error
ok fine
please don't name it as CTE's again.
I was thinking at Common Table Expression which is used in db's
Selaron completed part 2 of day 5! \o/
2 hours later…
How are you (genuine question)?
I'm doing ok, about to put all my money on my house today
I'm meeting the bank this afternoon
What about you?
Surviving Whammageddon?
@Gemtastic Woah, exciting! Is it ok to demand pictures?
Pictures with and without money on it?
Well, I mean... It's just gonna be a picture of a muddy hill
The house will arrive week 7
Could have beaten people most of the week but it's getting better. Visiting my parents over the weekend and already heading to them this afternoon after work (I need a hug after this week ._.)
Love me some muddy hill pictures! :D
I.. will have to have your email then
      ( ._.) (._.) (._. )

my username at google's mail service

      ( °-°) (°-°) (°-° )
Since I don't wanna put the pictures online :P
Everyone is staring at it :D
Only the first word of my username* :D
or everything before "stop"
Thank youuu! I will have a look at it later, cannot access gmail at work ^^
Aight! :)
Hello guys :)
@Natiic Welcome to the Java Chat, the room for Java enthusiasts! I'm Oak, one of the room's bots. If you want to ask a question, just ask it and someone will respond if they feel like it. But remember that this room is not a help desk or tutoring service! If you want to just hang out, then welcome aboard! Oh, and the room's full list of rules are posted here.
Hey Natiic! Welcome :)
@Natiic heya
If you had a bad day, week or month or time in general, here is a cute, happy Quokka to tell you that everything is going to be ok soon :)

I am trying to select data from my oracle 11b db using a HQL-Query. The problem is I always get Exception ORA-24816: Expanded non LONG bind data supplied after actual LONG or LOB column. I red online that there is a kind of bug in Hibernate where you have to supply lob-parameters last when you inserting data into a table with a lob-column. Problem is while the table contains a clob field my query doesnt even address it. I only do bind a single parameter of type long which represents the primary key of the dataset. Does anyone know a solution or workaround to this problem? Hibernate ver
	Object[] o = new String[10];
it is possible bcz String extends Object
int[] ia = new char[10]; // CTE
@KarelG he did it again :')
we can convert char to int right??
does char extend int?
no but
no "but". Just no. So it doesn't work.
can convert char to int
int i = 'c';
There is a big difference between Object inheritance and automatic conversion of primitives.
I know that [] means object
It means array.
Further: Primitives always come with their own class. int has Integer, double has Double, boolean has Boolean, char has Character, etc. Look up if Character extends Integer.
No :Character extends Integer.
Show me where it says that ^
I am saying that Character extends Integer is not possible.
Actually I would like to know how the casting is happening with [] symbol
Object o = new String();
we understans
Good. Then accept that the behaviour you see in int i = 'c'; is behaviour of primitives. That behaviour of primitives does not apply to primitive arrays!
In case of
Object[] o = new String[];
how casting takes place??
There is no need for casting because each String is an Object.
Why casting? String is a descendant of the Object-Class. You can call it an Object but actual Array stays type String.
@geisterfurz007Stopthischaos Of course implicit casting is going on here.
And there is no implicit casting for primitives if that was going to be your next question.
In fact, there is no automatic casting at all for primitives.
but what I want to know that the casting that applies to Object o = new String();
is applies to Object[] o = new String[10];
well there is no casting really
If anybody knows internal working please let me know
It's for the compiler
otherwise I consider it as casting only.
compiler makes sure you're not shooting yourself in the foot
@Neil casting is the responsibility of compiler only
I think it is casting only I was just thinking bcz of the inception of the symbol []
I think it is casting only I was just thinking bcz of the inception of the symbol []
I think it is casting only I was just thinking bcz of the inception of the symbol []
I think it is casting only I was just thinking bcz of the inception of the symbol []
@chiragsoni is there a question here?
I m saying it is casting only even though it is array []
Please make me correct if I am wrong somewhere and that is why I asked that tell me internal working if somebody knows.
Ok No issue.
nice discussion anyway
it's an implicit cast
so long as you're downcasting
yes it is so
That doesn't change if it is T or T[]
you just can't, say, downcast a String[] to Object[] and then assign an object to Object[]
because you could potentially have a reference to a String[] with objects in it
yes bro I know String[] to Object[] can't be called as downcasting
If Java were a little smarter, it could probably allow this provided the String[] is no longer used (say, local variable which isn't persisted)
for further clarification on :"That doesn't change if it is T or T[]
@chiragsoni the Character class is a wrapper for char
and char is just a special int
is it just a special int or is it its own type?
I mean it's not like a subset of int or something, it's its own type
char is a number between 0 and 65535 (represented internally as \u0000 until \uFFFF )
so a "special" int type yes
that's why you can use math operators on it
by that logic, an orange is a special type of apple
with a peel that is orange and not red
and a different taste entirely
it's got a different range, purpose is a different scope entirely, and it's also only positive
I'd just call it a different type
@aioobe Oh dang, didn't realize that was you who wrote the answer! xD
How does it feel to be famous?
I have a script that returns 1,2,3,4 or 5. And if 1 is returned method A should be called with two parameters, if 2 returned, method B should be called. What is the best way to achieve this?
Either use a switch/case or restructure that script so that it doesn't behave that way :P
Have switch now but is ungly
store functions in an array or map
wietlol, is that possible in Java?
sure is
Do you have an example?
Map.<Integer, Function<String, String>>of(
	1, Function.identity(),
	2, (String x) -> x + " test"
depending on your input/output, your types would be different
you could also instead create an interface + class and use them as handlers
00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 22:00

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