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How often I found where I should be going only by setting out for somewhere else. -- R. Buckminster Fuller (source)
3 hours later…
picks nose
2 hours later…
Oh, but yes ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Any meta bashing of someone or something that I missed over the weekend?
Last thing I saw was Cesar's response to the open letter
ok thank
1 hour later…
@geisterfurz007 something tells me you've broken out the popcorn
any one knows hibernate
I heard of him
Designates a ManyToOne or OneToOne relationship attribute that provides the mapping for an EmbeddedId primary key, an attribute within an EmbeddedId primary key, or a simple primary key of the parent entity. The value element specifies the attribute within a composite key to which the relationship attribute corresponds. If the entity's primary key is of the same Java type as the primary key of the entity referenced by the relationship, the value attribute is not specified.
1 message moved to friendly bin
Please use a paste site for long code snippets and stacktraces.
If the entity's primary key is of the same Java type as the primary key of the entity referenced by the relationship, the value attribute is not specified.?
can you explain me what is above sentence saying regarding mapsid?
u got it what is my question?
Are you asking what the purpose of MapsId is in general or just asking about the sentence about the value attribute?
I am asking about the sentence about the value attribute?
without value attribute I am getting the error for the program
which I posted in link
is attribute values mandatory?
if possible can you give me some example
With MapsId you are telling hibernate to create the mapping using the respective ids of the classes.
The problem with the example you posted is that you cannot map a DependentId to a long, so there has to be some way to tell hibernate what part of the EmbeddedId to use to create the mapping. The value attribute is just that; it tells hibernate: "Create the connection between Dependent and Employee using their ids, however because Dependent uses an id that has more than one field, please only use empid for the mapping"
If Dependent did not use an EmbeddedId but just a long variable, you would not use a value attribute because there is no need for it (hibernate will create the mapping with both long variables).
if possible can you please provide me an example?
That would be the modified version of the example you posted showing when you don't need a value attribute.
thanks a lot it is more explanation now
I have an XSD file with the following entry: <xs:include schemaLocation="../../CommonTypes/v8/CommonTypes-Schema.xsd"/>
Does anyone know how I would refer to this schema? I don't have a copy but I don't know if it's just a common schema.
@TheCoder What do you mean with "refer to"?
My schema has reference to dataTypes, e.g. String100Type, MonetaryType
I suspect those types are in this schema: <xs:include schemaLocation="../../CommonTypes/v8/CommonTypes-Schema.xsd"/>
And I don't have that separate schema
I have no clue about all this so it might just be me being stupid but what exactly is your question? Do you want to know where to get that schema?
Or do you mean what namespace to use?
I am wonder is commontypes a generic schema I can find on the internet or is a business-specific one
Hi wonder I'm dad
Hi dad, I'm .. dad
@d0n.key sucks for you
life is over now
@TheCoder This post seems to use something quite similar (just with version 7), so it could be that there is something that is available somewhere...
@Hans1984 Hi dad, I'm dead
dead is a lot better than dad
Hi, I'm cat
/8ball do you miss caprica too ?
@Hans1984 Without a doubt
The time has come.
already ?
OakBot has returned to its Master.
I could imagine that it is some Excel internal file or something but no clue where you'd find it.
on the "no clue where you'd find it"
Honestly just had to try if the command still exists
oh no...
@d0n.key the guy who voiced the koolaid guy also voiced Shaggy
yeah donkey, good to start with using OakBot by doing two commands that are not even contributing to this chat ...
^ lazy to type the actual name. Sorry 😕
@TheCoder you still around? I think I found it
gabriel.fca.org.uk/specifications/MER/DRG/CommonTypes/v8/… has the same path signature and does indeed contain String100Type and MonetaryType.
@KarelG imagine actually contributing to the chat
fca.org.uk/firms/gabriel/data-reference-guides Is where I got it from. You can scroll down a little and type "common" in the searchbox. The Version 8 one is the one referenced I assume.
@KarelG aight Karl, I used one command "o/" to see if I'm blacklisted, and one command "/twss" to see if my old commands still work.
@Hans1984 is it imaginary? :3
@geisterfurz007 Yes sir, that seems to be it. Let me have a look but in the meantime, thanks a million!
@TheCoder Glad I could help! This was fun to search for :D
@geisterfurz007 - worked a treat. Thanks again.
You're welcome :)
@geisterfurz007 I jumped the gun - Intellij has resolved the imported schema, but when I set up my validator, I get this: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; systemId: file:/C:/Users/me/dev/src/main/resources/CommonTypes-Schema.xsd; lineNumber: 32; columnNumber: 103; src-resolve: Cannot resolve the name 'String100Type' to a(n) 'type definition' component.
It's not recognising the imported schema, even though Intellij can
        File xsd = new File("C:\\Users\\me\\dev\\src\\main\\resources\\CommonTypes-Schema.xsd");
        System.setProperty("jdk.xml.maxOccurLimit", "1000000");
        SchemaFactory sf = SchemaFactory.newInstance(XMLConstants.W3C_XML_SCHEMA_NS_URI);
        Schema schema = sf.newSchema(new StreamSource(properties.getValidationSchema().getInputStream(), xsd.toURI().toString()));
        validator = schema.newValidator();
Google tells me I must set the systemId in StreamSource but doing that (above) hasn't helped.
/javadoc StreamSource
I got no clue about all that but wouldn't you want to use the xsd for validating or something? Or could it be that the schema is still not available to the xml file somehow (it was a relative path, I think)?
Did you try new StreamSource(new FileInputStream(xsd))?
stackoverflow.com/a/6815850/6707985 This looks like validating is rather straight-forward. I hope you can get it sorted out :)
posted on October 21, 2019

archive - contact - sexy exciting merchandise - search - about ← previousOctober 21st, 2019nextOctober 21st, 2019: I had a great time in Strathcona County last week! Thanks to everyone who came out to the talks!!– Ryan

rolls eyes
O short question: GlassFish Server can use Java 10 or higher version?
A: Can Glassfish 5 run with java 10 or is it only compatible with java 8?

Guillem CastroAt the moment GlassFish 5 is not compatible with JDK 9 nor 10. The support for JDK 9 will come with the next update as stated at end of https://blogs.oracle.com/theaquarium/java-ee-8-is-final-and-glassfish-50-is-released

Have you ever heard something from Itachi again?
Cancer is the leading cause of death in developed countries and the second leading cause of death in developing countries, after heart disease. Globally, heart disease is the number one killer. (source)
Where do car crashes sit?
@geisterfurz007 no
@geisterfurz007 at the bottom
sup geisboy
Got what feels like the most important meeting for me in an hour so I am just a little nervous :D
just turn into ghost mode and you will be fine
hey cf o/
@OakBot that sucks
@Hans1984 Type /help to see all my commands.
@ColdFire deactivate fart mode first
I was pinged, dafak
@geisterfurz007 why is this an important meeting?
furzi mode off and geister mode on
+1 neil
Because it kinda decides what I am able to do in my near future and whether I am able to pursue my dreams of becoming a pilot now or years later.
silent, but deadly ʘ_ʘ
And it might also be the start of a quite exhausting time where I learn a lot to prepare for potentially upcoming interviews and tests and stuff.
well you can't properly pass a test where you're not given the answer to
bring paper and pencil if you think that there'll be a lot to remember
and if not, it makes you look professional :P
The test won't consist of stuff in the meeting :')
But more like plane stuff, memory tasks, speed, logical thinking and that sorta things.
but they will be testing you?
or they're just giving you stuff to study?
No. The meeting is solely to discuss what staying at my current company would mean, whether I have to pay back anything, etc.
The testing and studying would all be to prepare for an interview at the European Flight Academy.
ohhhhh! for flight
@OakBot Does regular death count as death due to heart disease? Usually it's your heart that fails, init?
@d0n.key Type /help to see all my commands.
@geisterfurz007 wow nice finally geisplane
@geisterfurz007 Are you aiming to be a professional pilot at the end, or are you visiting the academy to advance in your hobby-space, or do you wanna work for them, or what's going on?
The EFA is the flight school of the Lufthansa Group, so the professional route.
so we can see geis flying our planes in future
I dont want to die this young
then get older really fast
because you gonna die
no i was referring to getting on a plane with geis as the pilot
well i dont use planes anyway
@geisterfurz007 That's alot of effort just to demolish some building
I know but eventually it will be worth it.
@geisterfurz007 was it not you that already have a flight license?
A private one, yes.
What does a pilot earn anually?
Und sind die verbeamtet oder privat?
non english alert
@geisterfurz007 If it's not enough to buy and maintain 2 Porsches, it's not enough.
Buy two porsches each year?
Every 10 years I guess
I guess that might be possible, yeah
would be a total of roughly 200k, or maybe 150k for the cheaper variant
150k that is cheap
But remember - you also need a house and spare money
geis would need at least 200k
With a first officer position, I guess you have around a senior developer position and as captain you are team lead or something. But I don't have numbers here to tell you for sure. I don't care about the numbers.
@ColdFire Macan starts at 55 or something, Cayman at 65 or something, spec them a little and they increase quickly.
on a Porsche pretty much everything is optional
I believe you can spec every car to be around twice as expensive as standard
A 911 starts at 120 or something and can go over 300
(Even though that'd be a different version)
No one in here cares anyway
Dammit I need to find someone who's interested in cars
My boss is literally the only person I see everyday that cares about cars
starter pilots does not earn a lot
they have to pay back their license studies as well
AFAIK it starts to be acceptable once you hit 10+ years of experience. Post that is just "money in the pocket".
You start at a copilot and get around 65k/year
Which is enough to live in comfort
Not enough to live in ecstasy
(source: a friend of mine studied at a private flight school, got commercial license and is now flying a Airbus A220)
But a pilot gets from 110k, which is pretty good to around 250k, which is very nice
Alright here goes nothing. Might or might not report later.
I think I won.
It wasn't a contest
That's what you think. But again: I got lucky as fuck once again :)
lucky at life
I feel like I cheated my way through life on so many occasions already. I am still waiting for the backlash
same. I'm still waiting for someone to tap me on the shoulder and say, "You there. You shouldn't be here. Only programmers are allowed in here."
I've just accepted that either I really am a programmer or they're really bad at detecting the actual programmers from the fake ones :P
@geisterfurz007 lmao your karma pot is getting full fast
beware geis
@Neil just a mouse
I am the mouse
My boss told me that if they didn't try to cut the staff cost, his decision probably would've been the different one...
so you are happy being fired?
wait, so they fired you?
They did not fire me
I am just not getting a new contract once I got my bachelor
AND (and that's the important bit) I don't have to pay my salary back.
So I won.
I am now just waiting to get that in writing... They won't get me with that one :)
1 hour later…
@geisterfurz007 Dang it geis! Stop getting fired!
@Michael Dangit it Mich! Stop misreading sentences!
@geisterfurz007 Dang it geis! This is the internet you're supposed to skim things incorrectly not read them!
Dang it!
@Michael he got ghosted
@ColdFire Dang it Cold! Stop using bad puns!
@geisterfurz007 Congratulations! ^^
Hey guys, any course/book about concurrency on Java? I already had a look at Java Concurrency in practice and some Pluralsight courses. Those don't cover mutexes/monitors/semaphores and stuff in java, but high level APIs
@TomásJuárez Welcome to the Java Chat, the room for Java enthusiasts! I'm Oak, one of the room's bots. If you want to ask a question, just ask it and someone will respond if they feel like it. But remember that this room is not a help desk or tutoring service! If you want to just hang out, then welcome aboard! Oh, and the room's full list of rules are posted here.
2 hours later…
@Michael ok he got busted then
1 hour later…

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